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Full text of "Louisville daily Democrat (Louisville, Ky. : 1843): 1852-11-15"

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V > H tie CBcckli't on »i tfce piint.p.l •-tlies ul tnr 
V Ki»i, >oiUi, fcnH Siu h, «l t*.' rule*. 

'SW e «ic ^ eti I'' f‘f 

E.*i T«-ot.c».-e<. , «iiu Pi*i. »r.* Buk ot lcu(.e.>ce at 


:^ orthp«af rvraer of Fifth aiifl JetferaanMre « ta . 

I ' tl it ru(met ^rs w juU] retu ri. their acRnooleJgmentb I 
' to tlie pub.ic roi :oe lihei.l p«'ruus<ge hitherto ex j 
iendcii theiri xliI ti:spe«.i(uit; auliui a couiinuance uf I 
thtMiine . ! 

Iheir Bar i« and will alwara be tupplled with the j 

2. NUfllBKK 104 . 

POMt'EIAN OR WAX PAINTING.'! Carriage*! Carriages! 

n I ii K . u- a II .€ « iHi'ii j . , ^ 


KAlJ.liOAl). it^ ii.iii'vag ia.L.u. ., J. ,ai‘ I s "i •> PAINTING. 

.-.AT...- , '» I ;e Is at a.i il nssif thaia I.l talu.hle IP.. 1 O *i n I.iK.uu.ii.e »«.o'.i. i- 

IjKrlJS? 'p'”t<*h e. i irka i. IJI fri> e«l ihil e vei y perr-on wi-i ' *. i t. m’»’-ni» . I 'u 'I t c «.i ix.-i.s oi ku.* 

I • u ail in then pr*-*8i to aavc toe luraof t .eir chiidie. j La’e i. »'.hv • A vf^vrily.} I,afp n ► .'t "■ ra. t* . I n t|' iM |»* :'e. a:.d Ue pauiit .e:.cia ly, 

I "*"** — . T V*T — viiJ tt.«t .-'veiy i>er!.on -»iil iiiJravur to proniLic then’ ' . *-1.;. ... '"*• r-siCLtu: :i.:r >. uicii 

iWOPBsaedgcitrainse.fh way daily (-umlATi ex o*n heuiiii at aii »:>i r.fii e ■ i l*ei it n y duty to *.il i LA 1 ll.AiU 6i M C b L it aN i t;., “** »** f 

cepUu; lil t WOrtMS.attoiUii.gto theo|.i|..j a KUIAU h* COM.\ila.>iu.N M aK«-H.4 NTH '*^‘*^**~ 

wulbBgoveriiedoy tr*uxr..ati.n*.whiLliii eig'iinmi. u.e muli ce-eb. tie • » aie ibr pni.itiy ' L* ai.l *tcLta -oi ir.asportxiioii li ea *ia Fenmyira * T , <■«« a xi-.y o:r,.,r pio- es*- Ui- 

utesf.sierrtulouisvv.c time. Leave lUa Louuvilie . ,.uscic;i a Ui -;o tiujvnt» uf .tuea.estn -vhii h thii.iten I oia taiiil an 1 Kailio*.!, .;.d .Sc* Voik and tCiH K«.< *' 'VV 

T. M’»' -NI» . 
Latp n ra. t* 

all I tvoveiDmM't bt-x A l.(,3 

.ISA « 1 Uhi-fr*F«. .nA I ItiaMIs^: 

— er HAii. LKVlJIM'tVS 

I .tL.t .AMAKCrACIoxTaMlitJpiiAi are. , 


Mci» .• |•.^ f.trrr.can ac foatd at ail tiinrs oi e «u •h< 
U'geat »nd bcatruartmenu of Vtaitrcaaesaod Pur jiaa 
li.g(roi v.eiisooat. Ik the Weat. 

I lie cest itK V aUV, vVl.MB.s, ac.. can be bad ready 
ootl.ed, and are cuptcialty recunnuended fur niCdiLluai 

1 cepUui as lolo^. u.ul lurlU^^^ t WOrtMS, attoidii.g to the 0|.i|.. j A KblAU 0* Cyil .\i la.>iu.N MaKI-H.^NT 

wul be goveuied oy t r*uii... 1 1 .n .whiLli ii eig It mill. I ,ti 1,1 ibe iuuli ce.etn iiei » l>y-»‘.i*ri-‘. »ie 'br priin.tiy i- an.t t;tcLU 'oi ir*aspur;xtiuij li ea via PenuayH 

utesf.sierttuloui 8 V..c time. Leave Ilia Louuvilie ..uscicM a Ui -;o tiujvnt, uf .uwa.eytn -vhi. h tbii.iteii oia taiiil an 1 Kailioad, .;.d >e* Vo=k and Cih K. 

Jepolai 6 o c.ock. A M .aiij . i k.ock. t . vi.,Mo,ipi.,u ,,ij,lull,„re iisbia. If w>n b i« an apimue coiitiou.:- road, uorthuust corner bacoud aua Wainut UiCM 

lor payaergeri at II b », U ha uou’a. La ly clianteiib e iuro ore k lo of lend to another. Baj Mnciuii..ti. 

grange, dcrich.j. Bmiii'noo, Kieasurevii e, and Kagdidj hreaih, Vain in lue MoioaLh. Piclln^ ei i(,a pio e. fis/ercaeya.— O. Leech & C.a.fLaech’a iioei. H. On 

jeptii ai o o fcioLA. A m . •II.. - # I..IA.R. r . aiid « lulls are lisbia. If ton li i« an apiume coiitiou.:- road, uorthuust corner bacoud aua Wainut UiC'la 

lor payaergera at II b », U ha' uou’a. La ly clianteebe iitrooie k looL lend to another. Baj uinciuuati. ' ’ 

granpe.dcrich.j. hiuin'noo, Pieasurevll e, and Kagd^^ hreaih, fain in lue MoioaLh. Piclln^ ei iha pio e. fis/ercaeya.— O. Leech & C.a.fLaech'i lioei, H. Graf 

airive at Pianafori at 9.1U A. M. tod 6.4U i . J. Pas. Hai..n-«a and pel neca ol the 8 lly Urf C'uogb. b ui* dr Ci. ( Uni lu imej. Porayth <k U..., aiiu B .k4r <h p.., 
ensers will i,baii^Ee cars Aio^^^ to Ltyinilon. Peaei, Pulae Iri o^ifar-rrme.nbAr th»t all ih»i« ,io„oje ayih, ntKhurg, P.r^yin* tiaAer, Wiiee i..i; dUi -h.i 

Pasrenj-raby tiie fU .m|D , traio h etkityi at l.apraiig' WO« MS, and y-u ahvnl I tm-.C' a- P'7 the retnady— .dilhert, Ol.f on, AUn.aon <h Co.,P .•». ha.oetdt lx. 
Heiarmog, leave Prai.kivri on arrival m Tin RF VK V rk"^ WOR\T <;VPTTn d. L Adara.y Ja to Ste-vart * bun. au« .a i.ocn^i:* 

‘ I !:.’.: f . ; “■ l * ' i.®. s vck & ukai bYRup . ^ Loa . 3v ,. ie . mVi7 . IT ; 

, bpriiie datiresaci; 

Cattoii do; 

Betting dn; 

Shuck do ; 

( u’’leo Halt co; 

Ltrtw do; 

UOSei do; 


Teptsor CV.icr*.latii,d;i 


ilO t*iil3X(; 

CottOE do; 

Uo's do; 

Curitd lltir Fiilowvt 
Bola'ere. a.iideacriptlor.i ‘ 
&jP'.oui:o Bam; 
SlLileCot Ma'.Lrer.'.ee, 

l.iK.iic.ll.e “«.o'il*eyf«vl- I ‘ .*?*'*■'** 

iu i; ii.i'i.i.i t c LI ix.-i.s oi Luv* I ooD .rlala etrect, tnira door above ibe Gait Hoom 
lav ;'e. a;.d Ue paiuiL .e;.cta ly. ! LoL I'.VlSLr., KV , 

•-i-a. be r. aicccul !L:r>. uvedi Ac, Bvei va.a to mi t a hto LjMoir.s.a aad lha 

new sij e lI y .h.m g. uat b« iMa aow La band a 

which, lor .LnaVi'v, far t.\. i w i-.v« y«eiMi«iarua atoc* at CAaaiAoka. .^ qq ^ 
Lce ;* any oic^r pro- e»k. U <- i ai -iiBgn: partuf— 

- style, or Paiiiiin, I.'. Wax. uJ Pauiily idacbe.i French Calaea, 

log a ulvaei III isn to prilv'a ai>' Cl.renca do; Coup.xt 

piixtiix A area’ a»v«-.:«^e ol B >clia.* ay do; Htri.ucacai 

***’ i," ® ***‘'010.3 ivi.ed, ia« Hr J .’eh ir.xib’e 8u 'T*eei 

1. he eol. ri.t»,i; .h,w...briabt 6 »eit Kockawaya, Tri.iu:f Q; 

‘f*o *1!! • ’ • *■ * •*'* bH4i.e. wi’b lope; 

of P nil pen be ..ten way bn led » .e,.* do; Ot « Uh icpei 

e tivlus and waith.a ler oiary D mtorF Phaeioati Tro.tine buiaie*. Ac.' 

.• yt> . , ;hle > f lo.pat'dbg a ulvaei ni isi. to's ai>' 
eiini ban tha' ... o.i pixtii a A area’ a»v«-.;«^e ol 
t. e V*. at Pati.i ..z is, Um; h n it beLootrs svi.ed, lac 
A t is ia..y o; wasoen, .n . he t»,i; -k ,w •.• br'abt 
nilccii fc'. 'boi. lli*l iXintcd. Ikiaa-ye i*taaa.nic 
aa cat u en lu lue vlly of P it way bailed 
in I .e lava ol M').*nl Ve tivlu., and WAich,a.ier oiary 
ceii'u 'lea, w as luund to pre.ecl L<«.nis u .ajioianed hy 

French CalaM, 

iroob-e 8u ; y'*eei 
Tri '. l«;g - Q ; 
bn 4 j.e 3 '«rh tope; 

Uo uuh .tit tepe; 

Tro.ting buikie*. Ac. uadi LX.a..sive err*. i;emcut4 w 

Carpet , Iloaw . ttad Voia ■ LLli . ta.i J ’ aeto.'y TAKB TOtB TICIE . 

OP .* JaYMES I . LEMON , 63 Fourth street , 

JOHN SINCLAIR , j b . I ■ a - opehi. ? a tea . ii'ul sio- K .d W.\Ti Hh . S , in j 

Nil <19 Jfd’.ci a.r««t, *t K* M # .-n end rtfth. * i!u. lirg •.do.rnta es. i hcse »re choke WalLhev, i ^ 
nyrf a t .IS r a .. .I- ... . . .l. *; a a-v wc I W.iith lae altunlionof .hose in want, ihsy ' P 

factdte Caip.ty, ■'•o kirn an 1 K’l'inug Vain, «od ihat lI-Oiu. , punv i Pi 

hew.Ube.t .11 och'.r Vmtiican .na le aiti. les ol ti.c ‘l! i 

hi.dii..oialolfiuede.*.uldLrabiniy. lie ..fT-re ihrsc V aRCT: OP rLEGANT ATJn i 1 

ftr to Uij p4.»i c A*. bvti3lc4xie at reiaiifViiJ gtvcb (h£ ox v/wji iJx X j 

Arm t ittii iijdjijp 4u tti> * *oity Cftta < 4>i:.p - 

tie chfi|.iieyK o' h.f pricei. Weaving Ya.Us, too. >ii 1' .T 0 11 I tJ -h il 1) tj El E UiktllJ. U 11 £r wmiA. re;, e<cea, blue, yr. low. Mack, if., 

(Jud th* Jb‘ng lo weave Cei I rts o.,) if alniys on hi’i-, ’ _ „ 

ei! i order* w.ii b* tuo't pui.ct.. ’all)' .1 irii eo to. tie w.l : W H 0 L E S A L E AND RETAIL, 

•ril a< |j V ay any laciory wr.'tt .rioe Alleenriiie*. Auj _ _ . 

holy can couriuce biiitelf oflb. I'c’h '■) c I II e un JQ^Trff iVT STPoR’ES 

O.IdtllV JOhV sIM |,At'^ • W ’WJ-fcd.W AVA. A W g’^ fclkJ, 

■ h\ I V K da wcrr.iTiT ii" , o"<’»»'TK liask or Kx.s'TUCKr, 


'-f *.i .‘l bi-.ct -IU i.s- rimer t o nib ai:d elrciiu 

" '*,* uorr. r.A gnniva.ii. Pa.ien;:r« are ptfncuU. I M-.-queaied to p'octirs tick plaints ei-.l U.arriai have :.iadc ihlui weik and d«ii| no- 636, Coa«an or .latti. aso ruiaD aTuxxia. 

JAMES I LEMON eta in all case* b* ore laaiig seat* iu the ceia. Thf; lateil the Toni'C pi-M-eriiesul my VVorni Syiopare suen ItOUlSVlLLB, KY. 

' iniiy he bad at the i.cke; olBuea lu ite depot* at L-1U13 hat It vita i» witucut ea yq 'sl m the citai gus ol nie.)i’ 'V AI.EAI'E. El "lIGOW A: i' . 

.%'0. C3 lolirtti iblrvel. AOUi«Ville. vnieaud Prai.klorl M.r«.in g.vl. gti,i,* «1 ai.e. gU l. .* f ^ * .'iT , . , 1 

(reient till ly leave LiuiavMe iri the morning et 6:10, makrs *l an li Glllbic heme-iy for tnov: fff.c’.ed with . ^ t” yi ALoAi h, LU HiaOA .\ < 0 , wuu’d rt 

VVatcllOS RHQ. iJ©T<y6lr\r^ reicb PrinkfonatS:?') o’clock, P.M, Ketjinlnc.'rAvt OitrrraiA. I he aston’.aii ne cuie* prr o.ujcd ov i.M* ! ***i 5 maik’.’t in t.;e;i 

H "" Praiifc’ jit at b;40 A. Jd. add arrive at LuuisV.Je a'. 0 Syikp, phV'Icun* bave Caiird.i* the beat ev deuce .fl^i^Bliae of .hoduei.i, t.i ib .’ir 'ar.;e ii d wel. a'aorieo 

kl|y..ia.i reiui..e. U..1 the Bosi. I ..o now o’tlo. k, P. di. Ol It# • U jstlc. t flltacy over a*i olberr. ’ ' ‘'»to k o‘ moods, prepared !or the C-i'ii.«s ieiMO 

cp iin^afn-'i c -tuck ol Watcbta and Jewe.ry, u(6dif S. MHflBKRT, Bupt " emotacl iq;vcr;iQi,:s new in !ne way o' C siking, Par- 

fiub.'ac llv. ry ihing tnit i» new In our Tbe.-e ^ i mfin riianu H’flDTT n.r, an i heinn* Moves, l.*r wo d rn-. toai. Also tine 

;.o,3«;en :< lec’eii I ■ [.er- on fruni large a ocks. .i:l OT.T \/ K T?T]?* V* I iT ! 1 11 il; 1 ll U M UilVl. enameled end plain vumie Uraes*..J vUntle Hi.cey 

r. wsi.ioi fcou.eihingbr-.u Ifu art ir-vitej t .tail at WAJA V CA. i iiS, , x la u ,7r Hollow ware, Ucj, '.'/as-ju B ;xj., f.:, K it. . 

J.VMhN I LKMOS'i;. Tt U A E) E» ij C* A *1 T T f \ rv C n ^l!. i s ‘n T *V^*' bad Iron*. ,vc VVcalio keep afull supnly of For lah’ 

DllAP £ jHS Ai^O 1 A 1 L 0 R Si ' *5 ingUaous , su b tj Tin Ht & tc , Wire , i .^ ypez , tl w 4 

A K K TAnR t»'*C0lu Ta< ^U CO'Inl Ai fA^lt C t| ill tb6 ilt^Oitincs |Hi, riOC’lAlld Pi** L^ld \ ti'!’*!' r < 

va-orvao, Ul w ° ® MAIN STREET, i and .io.iiecIi, . ffcC’ nUhe 

.* JA. 7 VIES L aaEMON, 63 Fourth »treet, LuoiaviLLt. Kr. ulu. uin '*« •'« uron -uch teim* 

y N . .a- ,.ra.n, 1 t- ,,1 WCTiHUa 1.. .T3„r. .-.v .rrT.3s,T. ‘ (*7!^ CanilOt be OtUCI Wild Itiao X'. C-jlah r to ' II Wfl i ! ivor u 

plaints ai-.l U.arri <b i have made ihcui weik and deoiil 
iateil the Taiii'C pi..|.eriiesol my VVorni Syiupare such, 
hat Itvt.a l» w’.tiicut earq'sUii the citai gus ol nie.)i’ 
Ml ra, in g:vii.g tmia ana siiei'gtb l-» the Sk.inch, Which 
inihrs *l an li.GIllbie hemedy for inove rff.c’.ed with 
OitrarsiA. I he aston'.aii ne dries prr o.'ijjcd ov i.M* 


tl'arehi'ase of liie Ea;le Foiiiiiirv, 

MO- 636, cott«an or .leyti* ano ruiao aTuxxia. ,treet. butwteu Ja^kiO 
LOmsviLLB, KY. 

' VAELACH , Er ridOOtV Jc H r ., Proprietor .. sj . g . ,.,.' erM ' t !^ 
y ^n w a VVALLA* K, LI I'HiiOA’ .1. <TO , wuu'd re rti'il siiect, befaecu 
' idvitc dcaiersni tbiemaik'.’t ict.;e;i ce;vc nro i p’ a;*cu . ;.i 

I .^,*lice of .hd'iiiei.y.t.j ib .’ir ur.;e lid wei. a-auned 

*' ■^»td ko‘ moods, prepared !ur the c-i'iipsieiM n §!< j<»a n 
I emotacl ."dveritai.:;; new in (ne way o' C .ukinq. Par- aVAWW%-ia C 
lor, an I heinn* Moves, l.*r wo din. tuai. Also line -y , w r a 

enameled and plain vtautie Ura'e.s*i.J vUntle Hi.ce.y I ) \| A 

Hiillyw ware, Udi lr.nn, '.’/as-ju U;xji, Xfy K iti A-e* a.TAX» 

bad Irjii* vvcilio ktep afull suroly of Fcr ’.ah’ I’’ te‘-ei«u.<aL.. 

».r Ut3 oi the It »s tul V oa cueap a* lae ! of the 3e,t .uaiHi'aCuircr* FA U, ac a)i' be toca. Ai 
olIpBnt.ce. rf.i, . .k‘'^n*aa to oia 3i..Ck aaory wee«,ia.a« lo or. at ax- 

Pci* ns cCMrcm; of *et.n; .Ma itTl. for ti.l» mirSvi. a* . kutinLii .1 t'lbuaior *t).o 

ay c .l ;i.gat the re-ide.’.te a: Mr. .e. C. Hang, oa Gray . ae l duraat ity ».td rtan or Wet U* win .,.ako it la 

-treet. batwteu Ja-kioca.d HauC a k. 

F. 7.>LK.MAK, 

G’lec street, b'*tT'‘ce Pres on an 1 iackion. 

M. E. mr-jer'’ I ft wit.i Ais-yiii. .f«ii» “b -‘wOT. «>r. 
rr.t.d aiiect, bei'aeeu .vi.iaat a.ia J.Ca *o«, w.-l re- j 
ce’.vc lira I p' a;*cu .1.1. “<-19 u i ; 

JBocl^s and Shoe's.; 

L). 2*1 A itSiliVi.l , I 


’* JaYMES L LEMON , 63 Fourth street , 

I ^ I I v open.. ? a tea .ii'ul sio- K .'I W.\Ti Hh.S, in 

o.lUdly JOhb sijt r.Al'f 

6 K q A a V kc dr wti 


IGGISiTS *Nl» A k> n T H k r A r I V K I le .'f- a I .r . a.r.ol h.y o** n .arxc4 
GGISTM AM) APOTHKCaRIEB ..t S(.,ci Ld rimert o rub and elffijiu 

4i TMK OUD &Ta«o OF 8i.M’L J U iT I’ RK , i:f e iiti* f* ten syif'f* Fiid paiteTrib, to 

our 9 or^ a Tti *»c i n’u i\\ purr, «n J w n vUiii 

P'ove olt 'rwi t .. 'vij; n-r 1 'keti hi^a end ti.e ii,d"ey r.‘- 
faa ;e 1 . W • w ■•. d re ;u..i.i,en.i ourrst»!iii'h>iuni p&r- 
tlcu arU la ft .ii pst3icii..t, and rtrinver. vi^'ii. g 
t’le . '.yj and, wi,*,i.ig nave fa.uilT rec ip’.* or DoyiM 
b clan’s prcaCr p ;vc* csre'ii ly and accuia’.ely fi.ied.we 
in edit') at.e., 1 t 1 t".it p.rtaf tr.e oasincs* pcro.ially, 
and diir ot tie C'lu a-iii oe in lue cun ern at all time , 
bo'.o day and uigut Inina way cast-, .le'scan Iw r.s.u 

I U a s Pl.-.i.'-y I uf'*:.! Hair,, Vsrnlih, .kc . , <kc., fet 
s.le at luiiu'ied piivc*. ocl 

j A. I LOOui 

! V eyanxM vvisuGiv mi.ind A .‘ qi > 


I 6. Tuiao araerr, hscr Main, i.oui4vili.x, kt. 

ret htt nr :scnp.">ns wi.l ,i»t be prepared by ln.*X|tr ;- 1 f J s ."i aiway* o 1 band, and tnh*ej to order, Venetiaii 
eucsd 'toys, w ii. we a- e iorry t'j say 1< Im. ofu-.i 'bt ' Hiii.d'* of every style, from tbi •'-l.capest to the finesl 

eucsd '•oys, w >!. ii. we a- e iorry t'j say !< Im. ofu-.i 'br ' *--*■ •’‘■nd'* of every style, from tbi •'-l.capest to the finest 
Ci^e Aitbeve.i r M & . cu.i'..’:n he- been .n i. e b .’jl 1 qj--it>, i.:.l atfis them all wer prlcei tbza suy oibei 
ne'ia fur me ia»t t w jc*y-Cve vca. f . and ;he iunior f ir ir e ' ‘‘ a.-utact cao do. kfui for the very 11 err! pal. 
iaat ten year- lu ’he .•.■rm r e- „ 3 'i -bment cl S.hor. b d, '«*i!a*e for in ’ 1.%, ;2 yen* received, ns respectiuil) so 
Veai Vine, Aid wii . >a’n’i Y nawifl", per-onc tan teij • id. sfoutmat.icc of t; e .r.,ae. 

I Luoisvillb, Kr. 

'i OUR F\LL MNU WINlfifi SUPPLY, for 

< I ^ *' ** extea. ve an I e cgvut, at d 

1; ; will be maao up to order w.ih ota'-ue.* and di_. 
i : ,jL^;)r.tcb. 

i From the Opera «f the "Twe Snltui’a } *’ 

. ! TratuUitd on A/ tfr<«. 

j 1 dreamed that n.-i lavoiiiiS gianur < i.-,! 

I Uii a ueli.die. SCI* at i'.rrsl.ic, 

AuJ I cou il n 'Iteti Why the Itu’.hiiig bslia 
Had re.u^ed to beCuiiie my bride. 

But a Sing e glance at mr livai’srecf 
Tol I me there lay tb; .trciigm o! th? gamer 
An I 1 sai I, if the i-ilor'a iu tow u wno Can do it, 

! I’ll have one ev.sctly the a< 

Then 1 dresme i tait 1 .searche.l the town all o*tr 
Forlhe ;ie;ullict wou'u wtii her noart, 

Till 1 fouii I inv'W’li Vlas 'i;ig in iron ol ui; atora 
Wn’^rc c!u(h.n;; is by art. 

An I then I remeiipie-'cd that th.s v.a* the place 
Where tne Cvat <*l n,y lival w .., 

.And, eoteiiiig in, rigiit ori.iie my f cn 
Lay a t>ro>d ciutb < a iciiy the;. 

The coat ws.s sc„t hciue, and 11 ,e l a. i.'ir I *ped — 

1 rarne, and 1 si.v, a id i wun; 

Fut siif smiliualv said, wuen I asked h?r to we.d, 
•‘Whit.iii elec-tot lOit yj-c ui-.e 
Three days <t *in tn.t — 1 tihap* it waa ri-ore— 

I irduce.l ner to nsr iieuie. 

And 1 sti'l suy ii;> coiiii at the very airae store. 

And Ehe loves ni?; ss ev-r th ' 'Siue 1 

OLIVKR dc KlPFl.v “maVaa'ehl— I 
or?2 H.-i.tA'f.vrii »i' I V ’s’i. ” 

I J . C . BECKliii ^ 


i / vPFBH.S bl* 4i vices ns B.oker to parcliaae upou 
order and sell— 

CoTr .n, Po'.<K. Lai*I), RaCcm; 

Hnwe, Baooiso, amo BaL!. Kopx; 

r r.. •V'**' 1'J‘'*- vc wcalio ktep afLlI .ur-dy of Far ’.ah’ o, .... . m, r t. eta ^-v.a 

' fe»t the ^f•^iem; it trowslo an aiimiat in icfir.ue ingUouds, su b tj Fin Fiate. vvi'e i .’.pe- H o. - I ’ Kii ern B.mii* ai.d M.< e*, which b. | 

;<ata,r..-coi.. T.irocoiir.iaid issue illntheliiie.tines im, Bneut aui P15 Letd. A.'a Zinc .^..eitrr . ^ nxs *c’. ai • aim ...;, .v ui ca e .ro.u .nc , tc t ■ 

no -lomECt.,. ffcc’ nt the t'J « 4 'Jbc St Shiet Iron Kivetsan 1 I'ininrnM Matn ‘ T.>uis’ ’‘‘■f'F’f" ‘f* iv.*'*'*' r.u- *. •. H s lotfc is n.r n in- ) 

Which oe are offenus upor* 'uchtcim* ai r «i d *;yl , a.m ce Hhumi 

impe,.it,. 3 t t i T,..* .VavM li.^ g U.iii loan ea ly Cannot be o'.uei wiie than x-.c jtah c to- il wa , < ivor c ! “ lua. )..• n- j-am <. lo . net • »'irer and aefteap*/ ; 

rave. 4.1 or r r to o. s ruy Ihi' Wo. ni a very enetkalic with ibe.r p'.ni.ta.e H ivi.ig luncilor faciliUcsfi.r n.a’ii I •"- 7 “''* lu tne VI c.u. I.u aicik 

-eatcent must he rfjr*a-'’. ** 1 ‘ V""’ ">efef“re, be ufaciurinirani Uuv.u* ourtKidi om cou -.v^cf- . 

fo|i.:rio I i.e 0- r 8if my Liver P:i.i,S'. aat> reia ive I areihusena-ietio^scfi |.4Ar,^ oeik vi’n v ir^?L' G’r.,*L Pa’! 8 poU, fllen’s Calf Brcgits; 

lu’oreil have ncvei Ueni amjvrii t » fail in Lining the mast 
dbsUnt’e R.erf T.VPK tVnfi.M. 


And you L II. ot t'c hs.e>.; lo ihi. a .i-e*'. Rn- 

IN BOO Tm fcnfJmii A.\L> iiHuGANS 

A V tv 'iifi 

urMi*^- you to »r-j your outj. ItUMilTore V/i iv> Vqv.«ia •v**. u, -J» J,./ « V j a . 
o«. Of ue many ihu’dsardi who hive see., iu wuade.lul .M UVBK.l lit I'. i)o?Vr in Ucur.>hi!!?rrn ’ 1 

Ua.J .f. HoBtssiCrf-Sii: OratitjdA »o Ton.the in ^ ,wJ?«Vnir ? b ‘'/ f' ' *''*®‘* **;<« *->« 
vaulor.if Ahi;a'y v*liAi):emedi;inc,proaiplsthishim- .^{^.lenl col* sling mrltr ”’■* * 

hie ie’.*iiTibr.v :i. its lavor. as bein.r a sale, ?•«!« vet waA. n 'w caT^ f nA • >l . «- ' 

powcrfuliy iffictusl re iirJy for Wor.ii,. Havingkaj , ‘do kL 1 1. ^ r 

mil. h cs, . rien vi-i knoAine tbn effacta of various pr . 3cvs''*flo Ooof .lot V- 2 rs'! fiMfGal 

pars’.u.i'S, PI? wif*,wb »wn well shilled in minisienr.? uq k,« a,,! Li ’.a ’’fiab, *. Wr. o 

tucliil.iien ill d.3liess.|..ii.i.ui.Led it the best siiebaA Y^jlhs- “nc ^ooUi’ '‘tees' ^ 

aver uae'd, and would use nu bluer whilb your* couid-b. Mens’ tslf Saaes', ‘ Bus”ns Ja, 

A dsufht»r. If curs becems seriously ,'l eased. Hic Youths’*raP sbcei Kear.oled do, 

pVa' m m*.rv' W '’“Havmi^ob’Iinl?** '“"'n * Children’s Lf ’.hn’ee, Rneme'ed do! 
tne timi ‘he i.sJ Taheii h'ai: a buU'e.OI^jy it «m k*sk*^'D oi? er-!*®* '‘.Vr-.'i.M * Oocgre iiGan 

cave an rlf.’Cti .nate motlis'. l.-' sea tiia ihiprovrmeiit ill ha.q^* ^ i*. *’ v"! * “f ***^ ^*"*'*1 

he ch..4,*be hci.:gab.utnve or wx year* oil. "u" Boysuo do; Jo do do, 

passed a*, immense qu.hli y of W.vius, i.ersicKly coun Tne n.jb lc .re re-oecMu i' mv.'ie 1 .0 e,., ,u 



t: 0 | 



di ; 





' 2 h - k 





1 alt 



h p 

Co 4 





'( hick 


7 hick 


Ywu.Us’ 1;*.: 



’ L-if 


D > 


is CAA 





I'.. Ilk 






'a K,% 1 

4 * 0 ; 

Vti.i ’i C* 4 f 


Mem caif bobc.’*, 
D'b ,^0 Kip di; 
3 cys' do Caif .10, 
Do do Kin do; 
Youths’ •inc Boots; 
Meas’ Calf Saaes; 
Boys’ do do; 
Youths’ I'alf sbcei. 
Children’s Cilf ’ihnee; 
Servant's do do; 
Buckskin Gai .era; 
Boys' uo do; 

Lame*’ Lis-’i’S m.’i'ets, an culcrs; 

>«i-S4;'<’ 00 do, no do; 

C’ail 'ia I’s do do, do do; 

Ladie„’ lloi'ucco do, .io do; 

Lad'-es* ailk and tVarstC'* I f'l* ‘f® ilaif Gaite a, 

G-’.itots acd tiulf GaI Le ius’ .M osC’CCO Bo.tee,, d^uiit xml singla aole; 
l.-:rs| Missa..* .Io d.*, Uu d.b do. 

La !iC-’ Fteaca Mo, Boo- Ci.*. iieu’s do uo, lO do do, 

teesi 1 1)0 .to d-j, fai'vy tbloia* 

Buasins da; La- ie*’ do Bjasiiis, dcubir and single au:e, 

Roanoled do, Dj Kid ,0, iij no .lo; 

K d do; 1 Bb I'o S. I,,, still Ties, Fr. ao.l En/. 

Rname'etl do; f B-''' ® l arge virlLiy ur.i hiie.;; spentled, a-i ot' the 

Lidli* fine Ooegre :i Gan ! *ad m.iai *,.pi.,vid • :y-s to.w. aa. st.a. 
iersiad half Uaiiers: | U. .*1 i.v.?ti.a'wl., *64 -la, us! 

M.i.cs Jo do do 1 BstwaeiF iria ..i t Hi t 1. south v 

<yc„ Aic . ,dt< ., 4 c. 

The pub'lc are re*pec:iu I, lov.iel 10 cell and ers ta 

t-nar.ce now brightJir i.hri splrim ntmiH’rt.And iu a ! .Ti 

»«or'. lime a li.’ely child, tbre*ie..tJ wi;h deCiine and *''u!n*im P'^''**’*’*'* ^ 

on huvi.'.g tiicir demand* pri/peily a tended to. 
ae3d3 11 

O L I E K t£ K I K F i N 
M8R-K4Nr TAILORS. 179 Mate :.TBaqT, 
{S%zce$t9r$ te Stamper KiffitLt) 479 Main ft 

* IT trs rrueivitigd.dr oursuppiyof G *oda. wbicti. 

VV E-ldeJ to I’luse ptcvibOilT . eccived , I ' lak'-s our ; will 

Ai.u' caodo. Ti.a. kfui for the very 11 err! pal. 1 Sioac, (.'oe* rs, a .nu MuLai! 44 s. I 

.i>a*e for 111 ’ I IN, :j yen* receive J, ns reapectiuHj to i His ct!i.;.es are the same a* lUAja in esnern cifio'., 

■ ■ i'o**‘*^"*'***‘'*'° ^ Nf.iue. , and business conducted an there. He refera to every 1 

U:.t Biui* pa:c;.»J and trimmed in superior style » I nusinfif maa in Lomavlils He has bfen in acilvel' 
reduce l y ricrs 0^*2 04 w husirev* in (uls city twcnly.-ix yem, and is «(q lai- tc.l 1 

— . wilh evoryb »U? . i.e theie'dru expjcl* to ba e upl lye ■, j 

LI V EE X AND SAXiE STAELE. • and uili give svieiacUun 10 those wlita waum he niay ■ 

\ T..4* .1, ..*1 . I ' ri*p *af.‘ lOIIS. oc 56 rttm 

I dca'.h, now gave in hen'tb. Ttiauk* to a kind 
/ Prur;d« lice, w hose bbrstrs attending yi.ur Ryrup, re 
stored Hie cl.lid. With c i' P.Jei.cs I tecohimcnd it to 
a,t patents whose chit ir* n »re suff-ring with Worms. 

J\S B BOV.BV, Mi..i'terof:heOb=pel, 
Late Pastai of the riuuliatupion Baptist Church. 

C.t U nO.f ! -Ren;ember, ,hen, psrenfa and all others, 
that IIUBHNsaCK'.S woKM a VHC F m the Only me J 
icii e 1 .) u*e that will eradicate worms with ceitainty, 

on 1 wtl ii.jt disi-'ree with the moit delicate rtnmach 

tie careful you get i.ia genuine article, and see that the 
iii;r.atute,"J >. HOBiffi.S \CK, ’’Uou every bottle. 

to Uf L . HVL - tHyKT . 

UicADV-^k %OE < l.«> E'&il.Nu 


U. .4 1 .V.* ti .* L 1. , *64 -li.ust., 

^e 9 Brtwae i F ■ irta ..i t Kri i, ■•juih voe. 

iAT2i ^ 

W!:niC3;;ie aiiii Keiail Deaiefi ia 

YV sTC’il K.’H, iiiocwa, Jewelry, HSive* 
^Vmi'c, Kwitey OaodA, ir.u va wcc.'iuialtera; 
vaMi:iu'f*'*‘’*‘'i'4l<*> 19.1. Hn Xof tc aide 01 jlai'ket it.. 

r\UR Wholea'ale Clutmu* W ateVo-om;. on the dorth I .^vS'lc'' Ke^xtr’'* = i 

wcai corner of Xtui tiaU P»fth at Fi<t4« r»o^F r _ * ’”* ^* I 

for the icspcction of lac »a*jrcau.i:e pab|:C» cm*uiu\bc ' j ^jiaRTe loctlUbeittecUoB ofthe I 

Defe’UitaorUXg tnU by fai i^e 

.zcaa» 4oii |enrrfc:i ^ , I'iOu ific ; »re now tf* 


Ti.B ui.oei aignetl hav cr pim based the Liv . 

mimiu uvEi PIUS. 

^LA^'ryStc'il' Of Mt.: - HK v'Nfclif d. KKO.,or 
*• ' ^ Fif;h .’feet b*. tu ren 41 iiu aii.l viaikct xticcta, 
i*ii;eihe*. 3 5ith*o!d suiid. Having in- 

•torttuH only very exLeti-tve,)*ut vory coiii.neie We 
deein it 'Heiesitosprcifyeveiy ariicie we nave ■ n Hand, 

- re -xed the failhties ni ih'S eaubufbiaent fot the ar. 
comroin’Ai'O'i of lue public generally, with Hornes, Bug 

butwoiid si'Dply iiy tnai our stock e -i braces Frc.. .L ' S'es. and On riages, they hope to receive a liberal shaie » 
an) fcag'ish Ciuih* and CassiT.ertt d.iutde , •ingie, an < 1 of (istfouat* ;. | 

haif.a.i:e 1, Fre ice aa 1 lia fish U il. tugs. Salics. Silks: ■ TSi'y ’.'ilCoristapUv Keep for sa’e Horses for saddleoi j 
Mir* -ides : 0 rap t)‘ri.e: and anew aril :ie fur “inn uer ■‘.arne*’. a.l*o B’JCvles, vc.. end are prepaiedat a'ttimcr ' 

ntJAUffif -OT rv-vrn w /•*-* i . P'’'tolfie -yNte, 1 i« nurt lUoietodGeise man the [ |o (At 6i*yer, an 1 p.-ave ai ihs aam; t-:!i- nut niff-hict: f- 

CrkliEtl.Tin, t LO X D & CO., »crving44 a ft terei lu punfy the b u-od, or in war b of Ready. Made clclbing oe^d nut an mcregm. 

(soccassuBS OP Bjaii.siN baOum & ccBB y i giving the pfopc f B4C'*tion 10 the bilA *o that any wrong I to a disf.n* market '| 

Peat* (C t II* ■!■** n A <*u a 30. ixt'oo o( the fffiU* tbe otherimpnrtan! partsoi I Our entire »ii.Lk has been niinufictured here uuler i| 

rwoisa iv iic i .1 L H fcu.w, | i,.e smteni.and ream;* vs'iomly io Lver ConipUint, t ourown aupervi*ion, watch ena'bie* us to w irr’-aton.' I, 

Uppe-r end of Jeirernota m(., ou (he KuUreod, ' Jajn. ice. Lyst'rp. U, 4C. We ahoc a, thireforp, watch ! garn-e ta to he b-tici adapted fur thi* maike’ than -uj-aci 

LOUIbVlLLH KY •'^ary symptnni that mtfht {ndivate a wrong uc'ion of ' nianuia-.tured Ksstin reierencetoatyie and Hi as ivei' a' ' 

I I or,- . .. . I the L ver. Tncae HilH b.Mn* composed of K lOTS aad to .su’penor wo- ktninship. , 

••'•'ir ffl*hdsand dea.rrs ■ !*l - • S 'uu i<hed by naitrr to b* al the air k, Rtmelyi ) As to the se eutlun of gurHis. we are sure not to ber.ur- 1 

ever exhibited In tn.s market. r Flatv, F< (j.iols.a.i'i v.uaQroaker’* 4latarivis<ivei 

1 ne uQ'Jcra.^i.e I, heimt guided by the experleiite e' Mfeiedm louinV' ;e, and « pri;’.to .•«> aujcr.uij I 
•■leveidl years, wQichsniwej them slrsi.l? aa ip.;reas;u: 1 wcsto-'lct) .uon'iVuas Li.:iv* and acutlemca in ite 
Jemand this artiO e oey laJ tie m ut *a rcJine expac N city and t.b.-o>d, *s well as uar cit, inJ cuuutry 
ta'dun, are an 7 fal y aware of th'* vast i;iip*'t»-*ci oi 't -u-.iL..;:€i.v:-itir; the city. ate ra*paw;r..i:y invitrrt to 
this 2fcat siapl.', and t! erefore spared p.o axer'.iutiit •! ctiian.'. evainiue ju: stock. .\ ricti asioi’.ii.eRi wiii al- 
mai OfACtanng forttie appro*chiug sjasoii a Njjiply o’ j .vaystef^ j.d to el-tCi frem. Uui nIocx coovistsin part as •will eivi to l.'t: toiler stii aaitf/arlie*. ' cl tbs l.iliowioz goods, vil: I 

10 (Ac ouyrr, an 1 piove at ihs aam; tr:ti» itut aiff-hacts }’ Lauits’ ,0,1 (aals* Gold HuBtioa Vfaicliey.fali itfc- 1 

tbs mu. oat of parccaoer* ;'j li 's him aca*.. 
a a9«l wu 

— ?a-t CracJ**, Eocanp* 

* ! ^ ga.u.ko .1 ■ »«• 

■ *"'* 9a***‘jr, kept Li.,<.*t .a .) ll b.xs* i<m 

•««e IU3,* iLn c!c t*. ’ei Lj, 

. A**, BO. I L, lA atetmaker, 

I j ae^ uaia 66 3i.,bLi*r.;i* >•*,. •. u a. . kBt* 

1 V A A'Ckacd Jaiiief Ma»cw^ 

I VhV «»«f*iiL4 q-a.i,>,*,,,4 LL4.uas.i.f 

I *14 ..aiitf for sale a. U .-.a**. .0 or ai bs 

. ). J- Hi*soi llBLfa*.. w ■; biitaker 

1 ; ao i’ll M * hllu *(., h«(wctb 64-44. acL Bia, h«t. 

1' , HO a .’•a!*— Ihe Lua.-e a-u Fixui-an ibbi 
; S’,!' wen KLovt. Lioip 00.0 Vatie.y a.Li'. ,p Fo^i ^ 
jH^i.iect.balocaai M-lu and Maioei, w k aiB 

| i»w .»l* 440 U. -C '*3 uU 

C-Ppaft A ia, uad 9kt>ai-Tron .TjAcufoeaMiaTa. 


I SOS Mitrkft at., Nartk aide, iei. ^aeoad and Third, 

I .» 1 -i*'U F.y cTL i.Krto Ot' Cui'. fiiC, iljt, Ni«U 
' .l'-E .'h e* I...M W*4«, ana l)ea.e.'- m L-okiaia Faifcr, 
-..u riA.1 :*:o.e*. G.a.e*, Ha .u.'-A«ie. OM.g Iillm, 1 ta 
Ke’.’_ts, «L., ie9p.Lttu..> L«.l me •Ului4-l ui i,a«itrs 
lu luLir Ui4«, |j 4 Id luge aoid veri-u at .cx ui LaAd. 
• hicu laey are p.ep-;eu iv *«.t a ■ 4uw a* an, bc 4 .aa tn 
ihL L*i?_ A41 r i.\e 3«i4*.L;iofc *. *i: taae*. 

Joo-WuiB s-oiKKcU A4.a eacLuie.r V4iih pcauxsa and 
diapa’io. Being On'.i; ptACt.. a: «u. atutn, paitr* a . r aI. 
teklr.>.4 wl.l tic gi.-ai* .a luu 'otaiivt: i.t .te.r -n- tesd. 
-i.wAyoOa oauJ, .he ua. *i .up.uVLd Lma*. g st«.ta* 

or w.,oii or .041, »u- u *3 cue b. gic .t .c 4 igut (.-tk, ax4 

aa^.e Ftr-aoie Ka,.ges. ,io.a3ca,epci * a 4C u«r nI ;a. 
op. Li.uliy i:j*tid ; t . ^,*s U3 ACai4, .3 *c vasi l Ser *14 .uca. tStt. Will LUI.: :,gi.d ISeii Ljs’iibl. I*, 2'< tkm 


j Carwer of Jefforsoa uail Wacttuu atxcaia, 

A at Bow ui<;r F4..UOCA, uiieci l*Lia •)# 
impo.'icr* rv«A(. vve Uave 1.0W oM Aa*,!*— 

! 6 Lava* tr,a i Utuget I'laisr* a., 

I O Uu Xh-W IBlw Uo, 

Id uuz.-oai3ufiea Frcicr.ea; 

3uu putik-A Fibuta, 1(1 latty koiaa, 

. i b-V J.* uu, tU lAt*, 

j til*) Uo of (ue fiacoi oiroa la tha wo?Mi 
, 1 IW; whole bLXeA Gkoax hAiUIL-4; 

I 6 (ai ha. I iio do do, 

[ AuV quAlierdO do dt; 

’2. ,ouu Ligata assortau oraail*. Aone rarp flaai 

U.c-.u rl-voiiu LirAA^e*; ' 

lu bvX.i Leiiiur-s; 

4 LA'*a L ’ air - nti . 

Wen.Vd x:io received a part of oar nock of ftocr 

CaiioUA, .nu la a few - *y* *.i a*** tae o«si 4A-o. 

r^jV.d to' el-’CifrJm. oyiVio'ckCodGiurn par't ' i-Aau,*u,4 e.a'maciiy a: ma 

ai .* s’*‘mf fdQu ‘‘* Go;d Huatlog Waiches.faU jai.- j * Can ^ fi ^' «***•* aA ^*‘’ V ’* “ ^ 

eifd; j » Skait Uaa-e Can bi. any e.aa.. eAaitit.a, s,uy aad 

. REG leave to tiiiurin ittcir friends and dealers ! pL 
!ri gecciel,tnat tiicy have laid cp in ‘tore ar { 

As to the se eutlun of gorHls. we are sure not to ber.ur- 1 

le lifcs’GoMl Muiiting,ecxrn.'iled; I 

t)o do Ah’ hura, lull jeweled: I .. la,, 

Do .lo L5pu.ea,!*otbBni..3ui.:d3wUa, | UaW *..>(, % BdOTHSH. 

J« d;.cet Lever a. mi. D? Watches. miLeweied; ' A T T? Ti T» o. r~t A -n -w* 
Oo du Aucaor*«iij Leuirs*; VV XX Ai Jc* Zm OC Gr Xa Jk 

I'O Ks; r\ c;s, Bobaecu Urnoi, . * 

O'-iaG.-.uze.Foh At.’. Vest Chains; * * J*Al.9 sTtCKal, 

Oo .liirixturc Lockets, ilouoie and slBgle; I Lauuile.Ay 

Fine G1I.I 4i (nature Kracelets 'iiid Fihi; ( WF are Bai* ia r« .1 .1 * 

<vo J4«ca„vi . e.r, ..r k.Clj. I uuer.hy .ne he*i la' i-r* ic tna tii* a ,v « ¥-i» — . 

r?! , . ‘ “n* Rings and Chami| Wauy poi-oi,* watt a g<rm’nt fur une..t u c, tbU ec 

Go* • m.V ':ri‘‘^^“l*’ ^ me-rne t..:4* wi. . a ,u*u a... ,e. We a.,e ibVo 

JiT- - • . 0 I nai.*i,t:o*e.. mem os luw oa any Alu c ■ oe * mi. 

Sliver .’..■t. u F.rks au ' ■^,.ooi»a; C*!l »b.* eaamm-. ' ’ w J • 

«!-a! vrea -.’ent-. Sliver, Sh.s;. aad JuTalo Cohihe - *** ^ 

Plite.lap.: (”•! Pub and VesrChai.'S; a-* t .*,1. , 

Do lio Breastpinr acd liiag* In great varl- —re. olo ,.bi'v ,* % ^ -9-. 

fly ; I CST ftKC&l V 80 ^.], G0*J o8 

Wu*e ^ Batcher’s Fcot.iuvea, Riforsaad Sctaecrsi inifJ sueei, wa*t s.oe, oeiaeca Meiae: ,eu jtiT.r 
Pert ”* :, rt'.-.l and H’ k I’-ne** . o _ 

eia. p’rr .th ''’aii’e: f'*OL s4 . "fitxiAu Votee offers bi* aervictt to Phy*lc-acs axd 

Y’rni ?. .0. t;a, a'. • irta, sizes andAhapes; i me tiliieu* of LllI viLc, a* xr*ea«r. L*^p<r, e;.i 

• ’o.’ib- liri’sa-*, •!.-: .-r ,tri?*'- , so l Lead peiicuai 

S' i:rr-d',i»3,.Ne? iie» liuiiAf Sfitiig*: aIa*. Yocba, in the iamo -lae at Maicces, «! l«alt 

i iaeOcr*. aiaas tta«J-.ia ;ieai **retyr,.kc.<fcc. i 

Y.B. K • ‘ly «r’.icl8 I* ~ I't sated as represeoled a' > , ht”* others l« me r.vaciiy can protor* 

e tlcieof sa^a. | *'®*'-ne», pu. up so tj ta uaiiy m«m ixieiy axy >)u>ai te 

I CLOLtiy Jior.ba4.ts wnt ,*.•,*« g ye at a l«*, a; .sc cox- 
, uer LI jetiJiiiuu ai,d iicbuuu * ilojS. 

’raldtl U.*W' .a,.>G « Himrusa 



eaiyariBty ; 

ULIVFH (L XIFPI **. I v *-* i | ail I a LI .lem ,■•*. nehjus .'. For lutthec paiticu - 1 ' ■ - . . . I 

H Ws biyealt J OP hard a very r ' e.^aiit supply o ' i - r . ■! q lire o ' lir . K einei.Ciir e nocae kespei at lbs J I - AJMI ’ b ' fOiSIi , I 

Farai-ih ng Goois , to *--ti Ll . awers , linen ard cotton I wtir’l 1 )• ff 'aonvii c . ” * ! 

silt au ; tai’e <. c:iao Ua .'•rsn rts , H jcket Handker | ocl6-lii JOH5 GRORGu FURY , 2 ». n •■' rifiao’D 

Chiets , ill • oul * 4 «* : vus , a:l coiors of kid , ih ; ead , aud < ^ "*** > 1 ■ „ , , , ,.1 J ’ 

linen : 'ravAis t c ,' vsrtt'y an I i-uiv nei-c i ' ui . 'U - ic !.- i F.SIC M . kLU . 1 Usa.ev f a i.empt, Weuhet.anS Jeatltf, Ls-np 

dc .' s,<k .. It : lac'.t ar : ‘-- doA ( ut * ■z’xd.." as w*.i ! . SMALL Fng re f .r sa . e , of Iwo - hr . ra .; power . *n Beau n » l « r<r c / ; 

as Bucicct * Gust- of cii . jtua , L ; i ..- n . Fa : i = ee , anu k po.i ' r jni mg order, -t No . lit Tulrd Uretl be - ' aUc.T IVcrt, 4rc., 

Wa ,1 .ilp C '., i.H ie ’jp .lOiler o ,r own io*pc ti ' VR . md e*’- i ffiisuii cud Gictn . * 79 Foobtb BTsaaT , eaTAKrii Maiv awb kfaBvrr . 

“ f . *: , =. - ^ s . SPOIL , ( LOUISVILLR , KY . 


You wil! find irevr i’;i - an i.ivaiishe me.icinein 
many cocrpl*ints !o whi .h voo ’lesiinj ci hi o'>*trur- 

1 : G K A, V I ,\ G . < 

J . U. .' WU . MN , 

1 ')?fliR,4VF.R orBasiness, Visitiuy. Wedding, and Jn- j 
J vitatiup Oa'us, liiplomat, til. i* o' K'.chxnze. -’'^a;.l . 

as Bucicess Gust- of Oi-atbs, L'.i.--n, Fauzee, anu 
Wa ,1 .ilp C'., i.H ir ’jp .loder o ,r own iO!.pc ti.*n . md 
will he <Tar.'ac'bJ. O in G. 

P. b. (' .U and «lc a spiecJid French (3oa;, uia-’c ap lu 
orlertor jsOT Woodir.AU. of (’ani; al-»D, e Xcw Y irk 
suit, up by joe *1 ib« first arti ...; ju broaiway. 

Bed 0 d- K 

k *rk ^ KOIiTtS *. j 

0 H liAVt Cti ban. I (j und 7 octava Pisan r 

i'V'M I '< r .' ea , i .| ..Ul own inake . at i .uer prior * ■ 

FI V-FiiH. i I.W— . U 'ria e* fl*;- Iv. _ •• b: • im sur.e quilKy f iii-liuirs-iit.s Cad 

, ... ,. ' l.i-ij- M*;r*.i h*rc, as ut aie Ouuuu lo aeil. /ituu. 1 

^ P f . w .£ .1 :ii Fi.m.o K .r ri. Ba ton nuke, and cue goo., 

.-'r- , -e **<* u . u .—'I e r*'*:..,- , u t ai li F.aiio, fn’ -.tic ct.< op ' 

I* . I |rK.,r;es.i!ir.t we e’e k-cpi.j ;:omi :.i si:r /,n ^.jf 1 oih>v cie iii«ds With superior iroi* ' 

except la *-e uoti fie 'ie*t msGji. tuiets m f .e U,.. cj *,* e.-;. sm v :th ll oe mipro emert- of value 
S.Ates. (•n^k’r...r.lV*i;. F..;(sru..o-r,,rit...^ Eve, vih..., .• few,, of lepf-n.-^^g .Muflcal In 

ly ki-own ibrouA*! f. . loc iU>, -nd rest y all ..o 'C, . 4tru.iie,a' , one m tre oe%t la rrer. and lower tnan any 
for I'laus- t.verf}-nv.* • r fuiti 3; iU. 1 ^^;V ere ’f !. 11. r r. Ij-e III t r 1 i , POT 1 KK Ov 4 U A VI S 

wariAiite 1 by us, and ?ll u d a 1 P’OV, 1.. any * ;> 01 !9 !i r: n. *• ; 7^.' . * Fn V.’h 

slefeNtive, w: z.j&riutee lo le u d Ifcs iirjiie- , ■ _ 

or replace a peiieci invtiunieiii If preterred. BtNides BOOTS, SHOES. AND BROGANS 
► every Piao > aoiJ liom luis fa lury is warrauted by Mr. ; 

Cblckeriiig bioiaiif. fPi ' i } »• r*. .- NKyijiv , yUaiiULiurci auu Dealer in ex - 

G, w. RPil.N’ARU dr rr)., i «ry devcnption of’ and GeBis’ Boots - i)d 

117 F Lita at , .LLZxn i*a I. . *9i Market jticet, hatwec-11 Pourtb 

S . B . We pay no con: mssioa to teachers for iceit i *'®'**’‘'‘'*'* *^®ntucKy 

Aid. or recommend, in se iirg 10 me parents or guar- • n.iOiia made to order at sbortnoucc 

d ant o' tile r |iupih,or lo amattur pei hirnir la fjc oi*- 1 if the beat p.-ksiOic slyie . 
parac'ns o;cer iu*ke • f instiuuiei l ' *nd piei*iug ours I visuii.g tne city would do well to calL 

to Iheir Irie 1 !i aiii Biq ivcla, ces Bat leiy . inuely | _ 

upon the oierii of our Fisiioa and their we 1 know c rep- 1 JL’w'i' uieffxivso ^ 

uiatiihini lOliiriA: value, »h-.n L'a upaied w in ir. s* ; -Nr^.- , " * 

of other nuke, tojefi* r with .uoj J .giiin; (.1 4Jr u W. j Bg'I.N.AKD WEIiBERG’S 

BraioardCkp. ifjtmer>iuBa ciiiif. Mir .1,1.0 Fort-:*. VexrlT»ieli I *vaL- a I...- . . ,„i.i u .t 

To those '*h.j hive *j Ol! -ua ael ua wb> a .v,e of rne j nclCU, tiOCK, k JlBt.r) i-lilabllhnDlf Hi! 

ptofe-saiaaiid -luateur perf .rmers an ! tcacie .1 . n, ra; .u batuk** va;’* abd mabaict 
abJ unit riii'y, • p. ak aSiiiiBt ( OKKcnrig s FiaiKMi, ihe 1^ , r., , . r- .’ 

.4 WGUli 'lO TilK WIMB. 
" t— .4LL Merchi'ts, Sadiiisra, 
irjte yik *n.1 K.irmeis com nz tn the w. 

y to putUiBMl tWh’fiE COL,- j’-.'; 

‘‘AThTo Aa^’ih. • “I ‘o. *®- ‘ vJ I’KA.mi') - r Uuli'IerA.-siUer Plated and | Y. B . n . •*, 

m^li . ®'*®“®** “P®“ “*« O .> P.Af:.s, ca.i h? 'arn aae I far Bis*- Kooms at I ’-b e lltieof sa a 

I following 


I W’e,i*-e <i.i •* .• ptt’NlilAU- hi?*-g ba.d there! 
. clpe of '.iieir r.i.N.iurn-iura . ui.n tte.l t .u* tor t:.spectioa 
I ay th t the iny e.t.rnra r.f which they are v.omp<i«.-d 
j .i kkr*ib<m rfce uta’ Pill In u .o lo' a’l diM-asev of the 

a verv l*iw p. .tony 

* £*4Caiti3, L -MG' cl 1 1 
1 UST RhC Al V BO — . t,'j(k) Stete^L^x a.4e;.ess at d8 
iiurd sueei, wa*( s.ue, beiweca Meiae: «eu jtiT.; 

t "i*«4LXVf» .A.— .Ve : Ii'-i. Yis;-. Ig, aOJ IdsitAtl.-. I 
J Garde, b-jauUtuUy Kuxr.-.ved an.) rrinie-,* el ihe • 
ahvirf'jal Qotivo by J. U AtUiNN, I 

■aeS N J. €’'( ? Jurlh “t., bet. Milri and IIuXaI i 

J. U ar t'hee, locks, Jewr.ry hf!.. caTehi!iyr*palr 

.1 ■■ I I eu Oiil .,.1 ’ i-id L.yer and t.'ket: iceschaoge. 

It aoJ laei'Ati .. ' '*•'* »'v.-ayN 0|-jr. rrj-v. 7 o’cmck m the iiloiniiig 

.j*‘r rinteo* el i h> • UBl ll St i-’ L veui.-^ auu.tjxi esc en’»n. 

11 vn.vrt i “ •'= itK-'f*.\.>rL vV f.;k>.V 2 


fPlQ *’ MeuuULlurcl auJ Dealer It) ex» 

AfcJ ery description of’ and Irema’ Boots - od 
Rhk'^hoes -'lo. *2i 'laiket jtreet, hatwec-11 Pourtb 

ua.t-vmcm A !xi D vr A u o M cuet! 


i p you wan' a good ?e’ of COLLARS for your horses, 
warriuiied not to hurt, call at 


W'holeaale and Retaii Factory, 
an24 (’em Pi'th ai., r.etweeu Main and Hver. 

II' Mi l PUKG \TlVe MI-DK IN.-«. thH CJ.IIO under , 
our not'Ce, h sbeen trcaie-l wi:fc the above Pills with ( -r“* 
th« inott a . tiifac tut y turret* : V* 9*i. 

aIau F iiiQ g Lout > V !iir ^ KcutucKT ! 

H O O f ’ ■ Allci I! ladc to order at shortnoucc ! JG^DJ C . HOFFMAN , Merclisut T & ilor , 

and to the bos', ('..vaibic styie. 
d'.raiiger* visuii.g tne city would do well to calL 
sell JLI 



Tu; .o 'T»eaT B*TWhe.a va; < akd mababt. 

K'o. 45: Markxt ■TAKir, LoDuriLLt, Kr. 

H i.-> the p «*aNU e o i.ii <r,u tiic i u.i .l iu geiiei* 

th« inotta .tiifactuty surcet* 

GFOsif.R W’OOO, M. D. 


(i. Me LI^.N y V N, V*. U, 

F. CKO -X L«y', M. 0. 

L HO tt E ll , .M D. 

Vr Porch*fe none butthoee I’.svt lht*ig'i’!tore,“J. 
N. HO.:K>'4 m K.” upon eecb box, as a!l otiieis are 
worihlctR im-.iaiiui s 

.4g I ts w'.s'iing n*w sapp'le*, and all othors wieiiing 
>0 n r.o lie a'jeiiis mutt addiCMi the Hrop ielor, J. W 

/ 4 3KCfAA' pABolierAsIba Droaa, a sore ar.d j 

V-T SAic re.iiedy ur, and w;ii cute sicti Hsadac-.a,! 
Chil.. aed Pc .er, JxaU-i'.ce, Irspiptii, chronic D!arr 

iNE^v Fi’ii.Nn'r;:!': 


''^.vfMt'7 -V'ljiT*: w *.j’.d r«-«p*ctf ;V.y iiiform r.i? 
i-X rfi«-r..;s **>.1 be pubiic In general mat he n»? rentet* 

‘ * aMw'bCb 

_ K ’. leiiceoB ?ixmaL, ?lo. 1 tt, uavWacs Gicen tod 
j W.iuLl.bia. sLie. tap S» 

i liLG.iLliS. 

I • H.a V 8 c-.n '11 ’i) . , r.*AJ,tad oiaBufAL’aro 

. ofiJor a; Lh-a -hor-eal m:ue. 1 fcG.sLlAS nr 

oe v.rious 4 Bgr'-e* ic Odti rciluwell*. *bo x a- 

- - .*.-*.7:. Lai. and ex ii*i, . l....;. e ci if -CatA 

. V“’;» J a. Mlrx'l ei“ oL. 

arg b uvf Tblri) St ,0, ;i.»iie .-i| Lliu L. ‘Ct 

ti- V WilOLK'*Ci.R A'D HkTAV . m 

ABJ unil ilU ), AA A*aiil>: « uiN-vc.uii, 3 > laii.aB, illc . . ,.»i . j *T r>, i . 

Above hioi wi.i otifiida itiysieiy Vve are setntiej tnai j ‘'txi floor to Whaley 8__r»ew GloUfuig Ernponum, 
whea me ; ub ic Ij.lj -. n insui d iLi* con m.!-...n u„ WHeiitb may nc f.-uud an entirely. 

PiAno-, and*e/r:e(noial)oi our teact.eia end «nw •' /V new- . * ortment of faeh.ouable W atches Vl^ 
tear peri rmeraAiubA ter awiy the coutiiei.ce rt*j..a!.); ^*. ks, Je aeirv, <vc. * 

in the.a for. (.om-nlv-iun veiying I1..1.1 *■!') to *ij, th ) : K. •• if 'irihKG begs respectfully to inform thtX X 

' 1 ■■ '* ^ a**il (sAneri;l .‘lading b-( b- — i'lie sucBcnbeis tspccHoii, 
aulicit ti.e xltcntioii c-f mo e wuu wisi. 
i HUiik rtULks Ilia le to or.iei , A- t .e> plclgo ib ms ive- 
; to n-> pains ti> g'.vc ..alistac'iuii loihu.e fur wu ui 
‘ lliey do wuik. Couiiiiy iiieiLtiaiils aie invited to cal. 
and txamine tneir tlocas ul Uia. k Bucks, an they art 

will be ca-e'ul lu e.iipioy itiiasc ui.l* 10 »c:cu t e rli:- 1 niizeus uf L' u;t,ati 1 ihe ».u ro in'iicicaei ’hiur locd '* prepaied 10 sell a. whule-aie up 111 kd>autagcuus teim*. 
Btrumentv WDj wi.ih»v< an C5« to the q .al :y aud v.iu I tot al! 1 n'en a;.<J rcpalrii.g in tne above line, w*lt be ' Biiiaiug of every de*ciiptioii .lu..e at the snuitest notice 
ofthe Pianu-Furie ea w-La* to the «•- uaui lI iheLi-ui. j pro.iipi.y a-uU C'ilicte..iiy excLuti-.i, All Watch work 'i upon niodeiaie d lu the veiy htsi style, 
mission. [oclbj G. v'v.B «k CO. ; arairautea for one jear aut6 ■ _ W'btlB (k LhVftKl.NO. 

k r f I r AT ry 1 -v X' 1 ' — — I Book-vellers and Bindeis,>uds Uilid street, 

!\| I I , I I V ! »»• A PkTINF'Tfaf'K'S V; KtllPl’GE. Of4 One ti 01.1 .Maia. 

o-iJL X U 19 Iv J-i XV X • 'r''!Esaf*8i and ino-t rffictive for Wurmsiir • J ~ . '' 

JOtt.N <*{>171, Ludorluker. 

Ill I I , I , I j\ K V ! '.^**'* «*f'K'S V; KtilPl’GE. 

o-’X X J-i x9 X d.v XM XV X • ij^l* jaf, 81 8iid iiio-t rffictive leninly for vvorrasle 

. ~~ w CoilJreii diiii Adults , that has ever been dim ' ivered - 

NO . 100 FOiiKTII !» TKCET . I The lullouing testim iny ol its goo -! rff -cls l > (iffaredi 

T A A rroTiTTx ( i^roiji Mf , HL ^ H Y OTT , Mercher ?. 

MRS. J. A. BLAxTIE .’a*weoADxvu t Ird nn iimi 

car, bs had gra'i of 'he agents | 

ijf PiiCf e irb -25 te f». Pur s»!e by 

sUii LIPF dr McCAI.LI'^TKK, Lonisvi’le, j 
oc21 'diix-lf -n'ev T I 'g lvis generally. ; 

To Country Marchants!! 

i -Hr pioductiun lI ubay.i.'ia. e aimtut* i.uvilig been 
tsduceu to a pAf'ect sy.ieui, ar<i ih*- expe. leiiLC ul 
past yrais havi-'-g caieb.l-hcd the fact Ihat there Is a 
(real and grovvlcg deuacnd tbrousiiout the Biaies.for 
I me ai'.icie of 

liCadV'Made Cliilliinir, 

_ GhaiM aco miny •jiher •rii'ies 111 the state ul 'urwa id 
f7\ ban.l a splendid as3urt.uc.1t ol ► n * ^ j nesa, w-.;i.-n, wi.;n iiii4",xi, will for m one ofthe best 

Bh»jR xoodsic his line, xnd is curstai.tiy ixceixiii;:, iii j o.nsoi rd Nlucks of Purnil .re in ;:.e '.Vesti-rii .larkst. 
rectii-jia tie luinurxcturera and iiriiio.ieu, eve. ymm. iic hopes tj :ueet wi'n as la.iy ol 11s uid pitr.jn* and . 
ue* and faahijaabte. Bei g ilelerciined l i se I *t ex I the public xeueiai'v, r*n ui t*e it C' to give 
tremeiy low prices for cam, pnrcia»er( Wi.t lii.i*. It i. ! ninaca:i. [oc'.Jl ^ ■,7il.'\N WhiTR. 

their aJvauia-e to call and exiniiae lai siu-k b mie | — 1 

purciiasiiig A rich a.oaiiiaea. w-i'i always he foumi t , ; Decoratious . Portrait , Lookinz - Glass , and 
sCieclfruiii, Cunsisliraiu p»rtof tne falluWiaj ArilciCs: ■pi.-^Jnr* Pramraa 

Gold Lever Watches, fml jewcits.i, z34 auj upwar.l, x^ioLUiiS laiacB. 

warrauied* lO’ROl.SSxLK v.'sD KeT YiL »i \.\UF 4CrORY, 

Silver Le .er VYatChus, full leivete.], jtS and upward, 7v .N-a 34t .M un street, Breckmridge BduJIng 
Warranted; above Third sue-'. 

GoldGuardCbaiii-i; Fonraii , L ’.-aking Gia**,icJ Picture F ame*, la Gil«, 

Gold Fob and v eat Chains ind Ksyvi Rosew-i o.j, Klarx w*u.ui,And Mahogany, .xc., ad in tne 

F ne Pren !) .Mantle CiOcks, riches' ai.d latest .<1)1 *. 

PiceSLune-’S I Bieast Plus m great variety; G<l'. K isew-Mio, vxainui, and Mihogxny .Moaldinga, 

Pine Gold jlinialuie Fla* aad Bracelets; atixaTs ••u nan.5. 

Duiiiond and Pearl Ki ,gs and t'ins, large asaortisecti «*l'i P-rnrait, Picture, an'( Looking Olat* Frames re. 
Gold Miniature Locxet-s, double and amgle; gilded and mads new, and aid on Fainting . CicanscJ and 

Gold Fesci.e, Gold rniiab.ea; renewed. 

U.jid and Sd'/er .spec ac es; CQ9“ .Ul or.'e-i .rom city and country promptly aMaa- 

Silvei and Shell Conibs; dtuio. (*(9tl U. d. KVaRTs. 

Si.ver tf oquei Holders; 

Silver, Pearl, an 1 'i,ell Card Cases j NOUCC. 

81 ver PorKS,Sp.aOCS. G'u .a, .Napkm Ringf. Ae. r x crn*:q-iei*ee of the .:ei 1 of WtcLisM Boobs, hi* 

UiainonJ.poiuieu Goid Pens; ■ 1 intce itn -.he bs .iii'**s *; B.igg .c nux- i. ciuuna'a.i 

W orK- Boxes, Writing Desks, For. Po.ioa, Ac. I on t Tnealf.'»*o tne .a e iirui *xi 1 o< vciiled 

Piiled Ca turs, G-a*e H iskets, (ViUera, iac.; i 3, ,,, l,su‘ vivini 0 ■ilasi, wn 1 will e 

Pen Kpivei, Rjx *r-, idd Scissors; • me irai saciio • of * Gcuemi C. ni-iisn on an.l Puiwaiu 

Ladie ’ acd ucatioiuea * uieaung Lises; leg zusmss*, and S eaiab *at .kgriicy.on hi- oian *1 Ccun 

Extracts, P.ncy 8 laps, and olaer Pe*IU(nery »i m* oid n-n I. .No*. ) a id 9 Mr*’s K .w. Fulton 

Uiioi •' * iu-iDtii ut I Mcsrrff.B. A. T^hic^iock v iio.— GeTiUciiiC 

aii-Kne nuOacin gei,eial. leal kIi« lacuw opeuii g a I;’ug.: isPeciOedlv ;;o;.u at in ihU vMniiy 

CDoice stuck of 

Seasonable Millinery , 

Bmbrtcloig & lau »ke.Au.ctt ui iu« t« eti* «ty'ies o 

• •rfAwroBp^viLLB, Ird.g Oct. 1851. ;^pwojia 
Mesrra. B. A. FsbiCNiock v Co.- GetiUeii:en;-Yi*r i Pfo*»<>iy m the west 
! V^itn;'ug.: isPecideJly ;;o;.u ai lu ihU vMiiity Iconic | _T‘iaiikfj!!jr tne ll 

I .'lot (»f c^nitlcfcit’s wiTb *ef<*tr)ice lo be^oid ? * 

I ciT-<w V. ;ia u» u>e, emong m? cusicjari^. t * N li. tuj tia* of a 

JOrt.N >1 ti, t'liiirrtiAlLer. | It ba» Hecome an i:nportant anti -'lofitab c part of the 

--*1 — , R 8 .’(PH 0 TFUlLY informs me citizens ol i meichinfs »to<h. B< n: fully awareof the 

Loui-ville that ne ms just piocuie I the meat 1 '“)f“>rtance ol tni* tiade to the c.ty of LouisTiile, and 
spUndl'i HEaK.SE ever ictreduced in this c.ty ' f ** 'woce of facilities at the present, such as ate 

probably IU the west, it is finish:) elegmtiy. j required to meet the waataof country msicbaiitsgei’er- 

coiiKCieiiti ju-ly r* cii*iini!’iifi it as a safe a:id guo I article 4 U)fi‘U and otuet:. attci.ded *0 piiautualiy. 

French. h.ig.I-'.i), and .4i,iC ictn BuhCcit; Fans Hib ; 'ur the expuLion ol Wor.iis fiom ibt s,ateni. klysaln 

Tiiaiikfd!!jrtneiiDeial patroiiage hereiolure extend- i ‘ "yera» 'e ariangemenii on a very extensive 
i to 01 II, ne .oilers a cu.itiauau'.e of pub ic favor. sca.e to offer at my 

>' B. «uj iids of ail slzss and qua itles iea.iy raai'e on Plnthinrr \TT n w/vUeiisnn 
in-l, and oruei:. altei'.ded to piioutualiy. set il6:a lAr £tr0llOllS0 

boot; Pi'eacn F-oweia; kich Fluaiev, Dies* (apt. Ln- 
broidered titiidkeicr.iciS; Cht inizritea .ud (.'ollaik, 
Scarfs. Glove!., 6iits; Laces, Gia,ps Frii.grs, (be., dtc. 
■e'ected in pcrs( n from ibe best su:* k* impuilad, and tc 
whictt she aiii prcnipfly Add «litne Dew crsi;rs. 

.j*W~ordcrtiiotd town ur caiiiiUy.iAi oi nea< .prompt 
It Attended to and A'lhf-jUy filled. 1 

gB2k dAwS-n XKS. j. a. BEATTlK. j 

J. yt, iai.\coLX*§ I 


VX WStxk.L-.OU (S, L, 

Hm 76 Pimria *1., 6 ::(.-(n Mein tni Mirkit, Pp< 

•r* LOEItVILLK, *V T . *• I 

i/Out:antiy on hand a aigcassortniect ofallKinasul 
Fum:'.uie,«icbr&.:ineln part— 

Bureaus, I Do ing Ta -.lea 1 Bedsteads, | Cbtlrs, 

Wardrohea, I iireakfASt do I Lounges, | Mv.tressee. 

Sofas, I Lienter do | Gnus, . Light .'tai*-)* 

Divans, 1 Card do | Bales, {Wash uo 

AO I j yaOdU 

k U/ntxUW AUt-m. * Cl.’'>XXiib. 

crei.rgc ^.c, ess ,:r, laiV.gK.ld more ; GEORGE JURE. WILLIAM C. WKB.STEK. °tTu"nHy' Jn^“7f ?h*e 

any prrmiiiiieyfsrsiiiLel have bve-iAse-ht. 1 ke. p ua j LI VtliY ARiD S.ILC SI'AUIuA:, “cmre. I V?" pfL^ed m 

!0m Fifth STAxn, axtwbkii Maih ahd Maanrr, term ‘to the c.iuntiy rae.chtius as will give mem faci.i^ 
4 y yours, , ^ t.oni.SVIllR KV tie.* nut heie o'ore enjoyed lu this market, 

r*- B. ware of counterfeits and ImlfS’' ~ ! . in view the cstaolt-hmenl of a large bu*ine„, 

I the pub.ic xeaerai'v, »a'«n ux**. it C' to give 
Ihinatall. [oc'.Jl ^ '.'i ii AN WhlTR. 

107 ROlSS xLK V.'sD KeT^iL *1 \NUF TCrORY, I 

?v N-) 34t .Mill! street, BrecKturldge BdtiJIng ! 
above 7 bird sue-'. 

Forirar , L ’.-jking Gia**, led Picture p-afiie*. la Gil'.i 
Rosewi o.j, Klara w*u.ul,and Mahogany, .xc.,ail in tne | 
riches' ai.d latest .*t)I *. 

Gd'. K isew-oou, vXainui, and Mihogxny .Mouldings, I 
al'xsTs i-ii nan.!. 

4>l'i P.xMrait, Picture, an-! Lookict Olay* Frames re. ! 
gilded ani! muds new, and uidGil Fainting . Cleansed and 

B3“ .xil ori'.-i ifom city and country prom''t'y aMan. 
dtulu. [*(9t| U. t). KVh RT-f. 

NoGce . 

I N CRns.’q-ieRce of the era 1 of William Boobs, hi* ^ 
inteir i III ..he hi .iii'*s ji B.igg .w hux- i. :ciuiiii«'ao 1 
' on tar 3u.n u t Tne stf.'** o tr.e .a e firm wi 1 oa vciiled ' 
i b. tie Cl Jeraliae 1,(U‘ vivini ■> 1110:1, wn 1 i 
j .be iMi SACIIO . of 4 Gcoeiai C. m-iisn on an.i Puiwaiu 1 
Ing buxines*, and 8 esiab,at .kgriicy.on hi- own siCcun ' 

H ys* do do L x>i», 

Vuutha’ito 00 dLt 
Uo d 1 lio B- >g e.; 

G 01 OvarsLoes and .’-airnaU; 

Ihi-kH. : ai.drr. *3 *1 
L dies' Pieit.A Mu Buo(3, 

Du iu do J Ai.y Lind*. 

Do K d French Mu k>u s auJ S.*Satai, 

Do S.lkGxi ers t-c- k -ulc 

l"a Ca!f, K p, and Guax Mu Boots, 

M;*sei’di. uo. du dO; 

Da French .Mo do; 

Ch.ldren’s tihoxs, anev and black . 

Our *i3Ck, su lai a fur toe ia!l iisua, is large and tea- 
ODU 10 mat cf ou b use lu the ciiy W a au-rxi tee to 
>all At me to est pr ces. OW EN *fc .xuOi’S. 
uv 32 )9u Ms .k-t i. 

TuK .>EU' mw .VX.MClr.kt'l Vlsl . 

Extricis. r .ncy » >sps, anu uxner re-furneryt »i m# o„j ,i,„ 1, >’„3. ; ,.,j j Mr*’s K .w. Fulton , 

Co.nbN, Brujiies, Razor Birapu, and bba virg Ores ni s’.i ret, under me same sij le oi B Jgg* ei .Kusseli. 
8urveyor8’(;om|.a>*i!*, AC.; nultf J. lH.tS. KUBaKLL, 

i vir;“'and"Xr'L7u« an7b^“"col\r"^^1Vrha. FRANCIS’S METALLIC LIFE-BOATS. ! maVK%rX'mv>wn 

I ereiiy. ^ “ac9id’xxvtf ' ’ ' j 'HE unde.* gned *rd prepaiel to supply Meamris ! **f8**i *•* ill* 'West. I a jUcit the at ention of country 

i xHEuoiJe.agned i-ra prepaiel to supply .Meamris Mhrgest io the West. I aiUcitihe at eniiou of country 
witD .MErAGLlU LlP8.bO.\ S, upon application : meichania. .SOL. HaRT. Manufsciurer, 

I at their i.ffico, >0. 10 Broadway, New York, a* 

If,'' AK TED, two or three good Coo;iera to make bar. ,1 fur by tbt lecent Act of Cougress. an>l it will not br dti- 

V y re f and lu f barrel •• O >n*’.aut work and gaod Acull for owners at d ihu'e Interested, to satisfy them vlllr, Kentucky. ni.8 

prices W'llur pa.d t.i go <d -‘orknea. Colored men pie- i ‘“^i^es of the great eLonuiiiy of Metal Boats over tbo*c •ki'l'C' Jtr n Ml a i ■ 

lert... Knq.jiie at se6 Market st. i of Wood. We aie nuw making srrai griueu'di for the li ■ ■ r, a. .ra-Ai^Bu, 

ciidtf ROBERT u.qHER. j estabiiNhi.ieni of 4 Manufactory at ciiicinnait, or some CJU'Dct and Household and Steamboat 

I otn.rcuuyeiueiit po.ut, loithe supidy of the Wesien Purnishin? ’Warehouss* 

r-TV-"VYyi f It la « well-kMowa f lei ^ wains, and any ii.iormatio.i will bu choerfuliy farnl-hei! r urmenmg areuouae, 

i.i J flout these diggtns” ib it J. K. WIN 1 ER *■ by JDSKFH FR .LNCls, Director, or M. LhEFEtCTS, No. 493 Mam stub at, s-rWAan intAOAMO PouaiH. 

lime an.i always keeps me lat-; Treasurer. XT OT W 1 1 H (T A .Mi NO . ur v -rv extensive fill xaieu 

C-rfT I 1 ll G tat s or g of good TkUSvSani UOtiSR FRANCIS' MHTaLLIC LIFE BOAT CO., i\ we havr»t‘ll on h*nd the * sf and rfte /s at ck o 

WUro! m'e M n .Vk‘*“Jn.‘“K:"‘*r‘“ V "I No IU Rrosdway. N . Y. Hou*:hoir,rd‘ ";. .nCa" Pur. i-bli'g G oua'u; ato‘f 

or City reference f®c c*»i« ' jkaiaeHki yiACMiSKi mouutain*, and are a'lll receivl g lie latest and moat 

^ WATCH MAKER AND JRWRLLF.R, and ■iu7!rs'''we\.%1ie*^^^^ 

tu_.;^.en aco ni.*.|.-.i by thr fash * g> .e.n . i?Vl'nporter of Kngtlsh, German, and French uty 10 an examl'iation of our siOLk, part ui whllh la 

TAYLOR & ARM^TROWO. *'"* Hunting Patent Lever 1 ompiissu in the f-11 iwing: 

A.A.XGG)K ec ARiVl&srROnG, . W^TTcHRS, from *15 to *tW, and JKWHLKY of a!l Royal .A xminster, Wlltcn. and Velvet Carpelirg; 

No. 4fd • sin Street, between Piftb and Bulilii stieet. di- 
leLiiy orpiMite FolUrd, Fraiber, di Hmitb. Louis- 
ville, Kentucky. m.4 

II ITK & “.71 4 Liu 

R W M.\KKfMKR,athia *>idataod,12a Maiketxt., N B. AU orders from a disTti.l 
• between Fourth and Filth, ha: 011 hand and is | to -w'-.en ico nnm.-.l by thn rash 

DUO receiving hubprtng ato-ck ol every destript'oc - f j 
Goods in bis He will oe pteased to s«e hi* o.d j 

at tbl-i time an.i always keeps me lar> 
>(8!t 04 K of g.Hid TkUS vS ani HOtiSi 
CuwL.irr « fit nan), that is to be fuuuil in this city, or 
'k'tat ot me .M uutvna, and ttiat he sella cheap for cash 
or City reference. 

N B. AU orders from a promptly attended 
to -»‘-.on jco n(**.i.-.l by thr rash * g( i6in 

Pine Pans; Coral Nrckiacesand .Aim!ets; 

Slivei Fitchers and G ablets; 

Corneiina oi Co.'s aolai Lamps and Girsodoles. 


463 Msln street, between Poartn - nd Fifth. 

TT^Watthcs an) Je’welry careluiiy icpciie). 

*er Ware ol aIi Kinds made to order. 

Jjjjpid liold and Silver bought or taken in exens nge 
at the hignrs; once* a^ 



FaiLLeSr WinVFFitGi}ODS 

i"or 1352 . 

Notice. * 

{ N eonerqifnce o 7 the death of William Boggs. hii in I VV '^'JpB.Biklda.Cnrfa, Bea*)eeox 

I te esi ii: tze business of 1 amp’ el-, Russr'i ih Co., st . . O') •fOainenial nau A oik of eveij kind caa b« 

r ncnii-t., trini'D-led on ihe 3(1 n, uli. The sff ir. cf *“'* “'•’)« m app.cved wotkican 

lbs a'e flr-ii w.ll be lelfud byti.e u .dei«iCi:ed,«u.v'Vi g: *s cheap as tney could he gut m Phi idcipbik 

ptcu. .3. w lib w ill (outiiii e itie tf. ps«L!lun of a Ge cral- i.J.'!; .* ** on Fuurm itreet, ucariy oppos-tath* 

Co.Diiiix iuP, Fi. duae, avl Fulwsidlng bu-ii.t!a, ui j ’ •*F‘*'-upAiChutcn. Caliandsee. 

tb> ir own ,L ocut. at >0 3 East Fiui.l auret, Ciucm | * K. D. .Mil HOLAS. 

iuti, un.ur ihc lauie Stile Ll C ni,.brl . R.i*-« i.'ir x'o. ! 7 n 


nrltf J ( HAS I .41 E H C li .4 .% ■’ -a .a a ■ n » 

It. D. .Mil HULAS. 


f J AB BOW nn hand a fr«sn -.u.i,.i. ui Z 'phyr Worsted, 
!X Ka tern Yarn, Dress Tiimmlags, Velvet Ribioiis, 


«:il!a%VtaeToi‘^?::ngSSwh^ ‘'‘f***’ 

At m* „r.. ... f ' iEaLFR) luUd I»’ e:iitleiiiei’s Kurni hlie.n.l 5 

Of at the lowest pr.ces: ! f'|EALFR(lu Udii»’ a.i t grutleinci ’* Furni hit g and 

Baud, Fao-.i, Rip, ''reaceat. MlUand tltreuikirfa wAi j aJ Fauay .;o.» *, .-.iirta. Hosier), Glove-, Crav«ia, 

Allordeis of repairing will oe donein theolcesi Kith 

Hay, SUuW, and Ifau-ira Porxa; | 

Sc,uiet,8ca-tos,arxJ 'stoaea; 
bhovet' aod :>pa4les; I 

Trace, Halter, Jug, Log, end PITX CkaiBB; | 

Box Sueara; hocaaud Rakes; . 

Tea Keuies; Sad Irons, I 

►.nivetaud Porks. Fenand Pocket Knlveaf 
Planes, oT e very description ; 

Coffee Allis; odd Lils, Razora;8Llasort| 

Cow Halters; Sauce Fens; j 

Be l Screws; Foot BuUu; I 

Pattern aakers’ P rinu; Tacky ; ! 

Spittoune; iVhite Porcelain, waluutacd mahogany 
Knoba* 1 

Forixieat 4i8 Market street, between PourTh sec ' 
Firthttreeta. (ot29J K W. MAFUoER j 

Black.**mlthliiff &, iloi ' Se -^ hosTliig ! 

^ A M JO ’«FRI>G Or WIlHAM H .’. K- v 
have r*urcQsyed the a r-p 

^jFuarrled or. by H*i.*r.ger. 01 Jeffett. lD J 
*gr between Tidrd sod Pour b, and v v 

SCSI e .tfu- y ask 01 me |>ubiic 10 thtm a csil. The) 
pledget .emselvea to d» inelr <sork in the beat nancer, 
Bod give satloUcuoi!, or n I charge. 

We r«f r pers.ans with wnoin we sie not arqusintei to 
fies«T8 B . 'tutcnfteld A Co. end I r K j. Aikinson. 
ocu7 diin* FFkING dr U.XKkinN 



)y3dly NO. 466 MARKET STREET. 

'CariN, Liidetwcsr, buapeuUeis, I rui.k*, Cstpel Beg*, 
Uiiibieiits. 1 aces, ana WiiiLhestcr r aicnt Lineii am 
vtusiiii bhirls. neg 


xnd best xtyle, and at tba ahortesttime possible. 
yilfl dly 

FIKE! |f|tkF!: pike:!! 

Ing •nide ex on *lve arrtngemenu for the ma'"jfac 

Enilish and Ameiican T«i esiiy 
do do Kru-seia 

do du 3 ply Imperial 

9 ply an.) mtdiuni iasratn, ia beautiful pitteins| miraei. cuoaxti >giu p.iiut— 

j Ix Ks tern Y-rn, Dress Tiimmlags, Velvet Hibious, 

— . , j.ii. I Tnrcads. Ntede-, KuLOns, C rJs, 01 uiiig!:, and a.i 

yAf. y jr f w R 1 J TNi ^ H. kudsor Kii.t’ine,.Met!ing, and KmiroUerirg nutenals, 

„ . .N.-3 •* .3, . . .. >wi 1 ••‘■heve y xxrietyuf artic es usually f>.ui.d lu a 

NO* 103 I' O 1/ sb g «4 ^1 *b Au X* T « I Q^LcralTriminiue Mor*. .s. P. kfLLY, 

Between Market and Jeflsrson . I , i"*.West *.i!ePouith » reet, 

H AV4..G. mu*.u lun-ys.-aviuai nca .aUiu. bulllj octweeu .Mart m* s:.d Jeff rsen. 

and n te I up eX4i>ex*ty fur tbu rtMTAl'u DRV | SILK FRXNOE 

G JO DS BUxlNRiS, lain openiugor-eul th: most dt-; 

all Abie Slue A a 01 bossoi.ahl: uuods over u>fercd iu lui:- , V ‘*1 . * u.* u-iiListhathe haatakei 

No lok. West S'i!e Pouim « reet, 

1 aetweeu .Marlie. A:.d Jeff rsen. 


P. KELLY i.i . 1 .* u.* u-*iLitthathe bastakei 

A . O . RUNYAN , 

.n E B C 11 .4 ,4 r 'A A 1 L O It 8 

No. 44M J4 aim STkkiT, 

Has reteivtd a Gige auu .u,.siiur itcck o( 
I TBjl CLUIU^. L..X.1&1 ttnixoa y&all.yGU, 

U eiCuLh AUj hUAUSh C.Uih-, DuC3AIL3 a u e.L* > 
ia ' A*AUcei<ao; the niic I Ub |l 3 iu tv.,) luui. 
’ *_L. e*»‘ia »».a LaUIcJ \cliicu A4.U riotss .LU ana. 
I Vca.iug-, iu giea. variety Aud 3up«iiui qoA.uj. oxatx. 

I I l.a q.A.I,>, lu Lcaliulul .latlcILS. cl S .4 . ) alu Xk cu.lcg 
VG>Ul4g3 CiCcA I •• .>1 %gi • l64l • C.Ua : , Iha ^4 W uf WI44L4 lelt piapA4C>« tw 4t:akv Up lA a«)L- 
4.. r 3i,ia- a ai)4L U. au44 t. e iaaU ui .k« 4 u.- 1 c 1 .e 4 l. *b 
I he piev.i.iug iAah 4 ... ne a ..1 act. u*.ua u« ilcsI .ih- 

auJ at very l.iw piiits. 

Du I'oUcn Chain, d’uuhte and tingle; 
C-ilton Cha n.ln every variety; 
Axmi.ia’.er, Chenille, and Tufted Rogt; 
D.i, do, *10 Mats; 

3ui;>er Brocade Diets Mils; :0-l, 11-4, and 13-4 bheel- 1 

Du Piatl do du; 
Uu Pikio and F.g’J du; 


L u.-n aheetiugi; 

Do BiaCk Gro de Rhine i-iiiow Case i.meca; 

O, ah >use a j ,i .log ui« I li-nmius Mo>e, in • bit b ne Urui* l>r Ca-h ana iv pcnklnAi l-..cis. .Mu XLCao 
>ia* ci.inniei ceJ the inanul ctuiy uf Mk Fiin^e.buk I C-« scuiha aasik qcAi.iiyul gucua .; • .ata pi, kiixch 
Buttons, aod Cords sod laasels. Having attcniecou | oo win. 

si’lerahle eipeu e.bruuibl on iiom lie cast exiensivr i —w~ The vet y Uherai patronage be laa receixe.', ialko 
laaciiiner) aiiu cxpencuccd workmen, le <s prcpeied lo oeslcviueauc ui i.*e qua i.y of m« guxiUs.Anu a.auLl iie 

M X X UF.XL t U xr.rt.s ol aid dealers In 1 lure of the above articles, I am n<iw prepared to fill all Manilla. Rope, and Alicant 

KFl A 'O-FOK 1 1»'. Faitiiy oil .Mali), be- ■ orders fur Klvl'e) Hove, and which I intend ahail be 

nd 16 4 nruggets, beat qaal'iy; 

Warero-m or 
u|ip-8ile Bai k 

iU»ten t nirieeato and Fuurireotn streets. < made of the very be*t mxterlal an<l w-urkmanyhlp, rq lal 48 31 a. d 4 4 pi lU and twrtlr l Venatian Carpet; 

I or Mi ll, bstwico bcccnd sud Third s.ieeG, | in qnxlity and less In pricathsn the KaUern mauuiacture, 3 4 ,uJ 7 8 Brus-eUand Tapestry Stair do; 

;ai k ul Ken ucky. uul | at niv Fs't >ry, ou Fifth street. 3 4 Velvet do do. 

1 *u94d 6ti J R. WINTER ITonaeboIR FnrBiah'nKa. 

PETERS, WEBB & CO., j GRFAT A’FTK AC I’lON'!! Lamra and 8atiu U.uiaska, and all 

ITonarboIR Fdrniah'nKe. 

SllkS; CluihS. Cos 

Oo B.’k Rept and Plaid Vesiioga. 

lor Mourning. Satiue a al 

Piinted CAsh.'uerea and Bays, 

De Lames; 6-4 .’Xackin 

Fiaio sat d cul’s De Laines; buiaii fig’d 
1-4 MautlllA Veiveis; Bail'u Fei 

Cloins. Caasimeres, and 

Satiue a aud rweedi, foi 
B ays, 

6-4 .’(Acking Flannels; 
biuall fig’d du; 

execute ait iirilei, in ihe above 'iii.a v«iih r eatnesa .rd dia 
oalih at mo lerale prices P. KkL' Y, 

Auik Cuix.iui an. a.iangersAtc ro|MM..u4.. au.KU-d 

UXXaOliue 4hc g3wasal4iM Malu a>.LC , axc.c l..wa«. x{ 

thread »n i Nead e aii'l Trraming Store, No. Il6 Fuurte laale au- ju.gmaux a*a Lu)iAg igiix 

P UBLfSHcrtF oF -.UiiC .hi wnhiesa'.e dealers In ' ■L3...u^a « . l ..oxlu a xo-aa, .. 

siaaUA . dnch . ndiae , am airoat , oppoJia Bank ^ Q20,000 worth of Watches , Clocks , and 

I U Leaicf. we w !. furnUb Pimox and Sheet Muylc st j ^ ^ ^08^' ! 

vliuleas.c tAstoi I PIKC* not ; fTJL HaVI.VO eased s at .re un Ma n street, km! | 

yTV 'n'eiidlcg to charge oar busints* In some re- i 

T. b • H ii li/VI’, axO.*)! , A' CJ4P. , J^|^J|Q-pecti. we will ae l for ihe * eat Ihiitv daysoui 

u>«aernl LcHiuilAgleii ciiid VV bolerAin Oroenry j stuck of Watches, Clocks, snd Jsareiry st 


JVo. 97 Tkiri sWeer, kttieten Main and Waitr, 

Locibvilxx, Kt. 



fo8( for cash; also, the leisa and fixtures of tna stare * *2 4" rn*iey rtneeiing; 

The aUeiitlvn of our frleiuis snd the i>ublic general y u '*» *■ ‘f"* *•* ® Pillow Linen, 

Invited tr an examinatlou of our goods, as we are de '"ledcan an I French ruuiiterpsne*, cc 
I ter mined lo put them down at the lowest figures. Oui * 6, and 19 4 bleached Cotton bUseilng; 

Rich S.i!ln de Laiors sad 8atiu U.uiaaks, and all the French and Ragl sh Chlats; 
I common grade*; p.sluaau e-moi’d Crtpo 

Do enibrolde.ed Lice sml Muslin rort.'.las| rtb*yvi*t 

^ uo l aile Cover), of ' veiy desc’iptijn; Frrach and Rnglish M«iU 

I Do Pia o do, do do: uoes; 

i Fine Dxrntsk Linen Tahle C luth*. Isrie t'.se; 

! 8 -n-i 10 4 Cable Liu?o best make*; 

'3-8’anjw d'op acd D)mask .Napkins; 
x.i'd-:re(l Fr.’iich and Huek Diayerssnd Tuwtls; 

6 10 and 13 4 H rn*ley Sheeting; 

8,9. and IU 8 Pillow Linen, 

X iiieilcsn an I French Couiiterpane*. col’d and white; 

1-4 Mautiita Velvets; Bsii'u Feniteni.kiy Un 

French and Rngl sDChlatg; sr)s. | 

P.kluSQU e.u)h4’d Crape Negio Blankets: | 

rtbiyvifi Sup :T Bed aud Cradle 

French and 8ng!..hM.rU CuuX*"‘iik. snd Stock- wiiXGi. .-yr’KAJi K.-buiNosw. , J-lr^^msgejespectfolI, w»Uc:t*^^ ocMCDn 

• OGITABLKfar huinplng,print:Dg, milling, Of grind- 1 g.x.AB» wrAiMMta vnVwa ai 

With kimoyt every thing else per. kining to a ompleie iD ing. In short, for all ’SBere throe or , ai„‘ . ►*fi4-'kesib , 

.lochof Guuus. suited to lue uiaiaut and a.a*on. Cell, horse power •!• needed. Owx .* to the of ooc- 1 RULaUi oIkKRi . 

aud we w.Ucuaviuce yuu Inst Fua'.tnstieai is ibe pii-e. ,truttion,ibiapatternol Engine can he offur. Ta Stramiaat Oanaia, Caataina Ckurek Anka 
aua u uu W, vV . U A KU.M isR. gieatly below the um rlrsWi. Cklland examine before AruAa 

— y — -- purchasing e aevvhere. “*L** *'‘'**>**<v*» aj tubUe bmuUnaa, 

FL. STRAUSS, Tne aubacnbvr ia also mann facto ring an Improved | Manniaciurtra af Katbutd Cara. Ae 

WtawrfilA'iM . Brasl PlxfA. K^lkaite. • A awwxarflt nm fwa* r-m-u t> sa . . ** V** 

street, hetw eii .Mai Set and Jc ffsison. not 

C. SI.T 104 %, 

.Tfwiw strwet. third deer Met ef Tyreifkb, 

Liuliicaaud li.'tiwluLli.A lucu lil..bua, huuMitoa u.«\ low 
an pieaSLd ir. quai.;), a.j.e auu piua 
AU AASuiliuaui-l Keodyjuaus U«sICAaIS, node axd 
Uiuiined )u e.cgou* tl)ie. GauG’ SuiLUh4.g gluua u( 
best q.«my ai**.js ^ naan, niaeu au . llXvuu l hirisi 
M.k maiki AmIUa IfeMlai IT nai^ 1 « Al wim . .. aa_... * 

LcDitviuCg Kt.» *>i.k «aa UUI4H41U Uoucisoiru, maua 

Machinist and llasiufacturer of un «#* am Kla . l*j ulax 

HkXL.1. .'ya'RAdi K.NGlNikib, ar rauutia ge respecHnlly solicited. o(14C{m 

S GITABLEfor miinpIng.prinUng, milling, Of grind- .. s.amw wr Aaaaw.a oaV... ’/here or ...a.- •TAi.M.'Mtg .71 %NI lif AXXOHb , 

<tncfc convisIsiB part of— 

G'xld aod Bilver patent Lever Watcbca, of the mosi 
approved mskea! 

Gold Chroi.omeuia, Independent second hecting, caa- 
and open dial; 

HOLESa Lb si,(i tciAii Scaler In w toes, L'qtors, Gold and Silver Ancbori, Lapine and Duplex, auperler *7*'lv. 
’’’ ,• A .Market atietl, between Shcl- qualHy; °‘ ^ 

5,6. tni 8 4 Table Oil Cloth* 

Plewr I ll 4'IWthe, 

Of the best q lalities and hkuds*>.'ie.-*t i.attema, from 9 to 
(I ‘eet in w'd'h, an I « I'l be cut to suit p jiibaaera. 

We solicit a call from our iriecds and the nubl'C geo 
erallv. KITE A SMALL, 

n(8 Main at., between Thir.l ami F arm. 

— Tr — -- I purchasing e aevvhere. 

FL. STRAUSS, Tne aubscnbvr ia also mann facto ring an Improved 

I Morticiu.. .Machiae, and Ptate-ben4lii.g Apparatnafni 
(97 MakkrT erai'T, aaTWxin roetTH ah* Fiptm. 8>id *h*«tirun workert, andattebdato sii AlDd* o 

ijza\j NO. 400 .MAKKtT til KEBI. bv ard C nif hell, ll ir CLur Hum bulb), h(.6ii9*n A a^eiidjd kMorlment of Lockets, Bands, Box and 

^XT.TTXWT.Tl WHAT. TtaT A TT! f ac « A t7tT ASUBU RTON LACE FOlt CUlTTArNS, dpIendiJ sets of richeiiameiied Jewelry; 

VAAiUAOooau svaoLVAa caoLXLxm aua oALoxi. IN A W>»%rA I koJk)* eT Pearl, R ibv. and Garnet Set*; 

*9 FAR.MSi4»e‘i. Taiyinii inaue iiuui 10 u . n 93 BTmR'V’n Dixmrnd Pins s-d Ring*; 

<> msl >rr-A. a hCAullful » A4IUA1AU ..n lliA riuin S p 3U gSUXUlZ tS. u- _.l, - i- . 

of vkrtonvaiies and prices in dif. c:«*7 ffo’" hitr lolwo hooJied dolUit per month, 
yorvlng in piices truai Bl uOO to ♦«> *«« •mount of capital ho ma» lavrai; g 

,yer)ingin piwes iruoi ci.uw to re'emnre given and lequiied. Apply st ihU xfflee. 

*9 FAR MS ti oe'i, Taiyinii in sue iiuui 10 u 

S|jK9Jk'0 acres: > beautiful r aiiumted on the Ohio 
^2^iiver: a numoer near ih« liver, and aonie 8 01 9 
{^^Stateof In liana: all num'.ered upon luy buoks 
and rabicetta tbt inspection uf any one wUbtng to par- 
(base Aie<>— 

g7 rionscs and LoU of varton* aiaes and prices in dif. 
ferent natUof (fee city, m>tcg in piicea trua* Jgl.tXiO to 
glO 000. 

vacant Lola In differert parts of the city, varying 
SZta 16 feet ut 9S0 feel A ll numbered and open lor In 
noection to any one wuhl. a to pur< base. 

^ J. W. CRAIG, Real KsUte Agent, 

•elB dtf TTT'ird at. 

■■AHK6C ilANlUINtsS. 

T HOSB who have been waiting for my newotocke. 
Paper Hanpinea can now be aapplieM. I am now 

f irepared to coai|>cU « itk any house in the city both it 
he prico of Paper and Hanging, and the msonerlt' 
yrfeich tie work Is exocited. Those shoot psperlni 
grooldhepractiaingec.iDomy by parebaaingat 

Tln0 Piftb Street Paper Store, 

Ma, M firra BraHti fecrwann Mam ann Maann. 

Jin TSOI. B. lijUUUnOS 

BERRY ' S . 

Dixmr nd Pinsa-d Ring*; 

Gold Pens and Fend!-, In great variety; 


kpa 1 WOULD call the atteuii-in of pur- 

cbtsers to my stock of W.aTCHKS 
rjA and JRWKLKY, wh ch Is eutiiely new, 

J ePa A. ..4 frnm lata imnsvrte. 

rAnfrCO*Tw«ntf or more trsTelUnftgenttp With A targe lot of isd as* Bar Kiags, latest aiylaat 

uapitsi of tr im fifty to ibres hun-Jicd dollar* 

do Gold and Silver 7'hinjb as; 

ti se I 4 lii;h’T p 'pulsr medicine 

Any active man can Silver Plated NVarei T»b e and Pockrt ( Dt.eryt of every style 

olUia per month, ac- The largest and beat aisoitrafrt of (.locks ever effsred ey^iy deac 

aud was aciacteJ from late imports- *''”‘'*'*** ,”, 
tiADS. I would call especial atientlon xrefullrexecated 
to my stock uf Watctiea, which conaiau r.grKK' 

irX get, Oimpa, Huttons, rsaaeU.MteaiuboatCurtaina, 
ind Furuiture rrlimniiigi. 

Keepaalso alarge assoitmentof Worsted, Patterna 
Canvas, Chenille Ooid, Twist, Velvet Ribbon, gold sue 
silver rrlmmings.twistCoai Buttuas.Claaks, I'oascia, 
Loops, Braiding PatternapaiuteU uu cloth, Veiveiauv 
Silk, Blind rriunmugs.Furreaand Bags, Flues Silk 
Linen Floss, Rdwlug Silk, dtual Trimmings, BraiJiUi 
Fatterus,.Sllk Worsted Braid, gold aud rllve Flow 
>rs,dkc. I 

A Uorieni attended to at the ihortettaotlce aoc 
irAfuMvAV^cutbil. eeS7dtf 

X^Gn'a^ui^IVi'’? “*’‘**‘ at 

ohbingin hlatine of buaine**. J)34 dtf .l*ulc m»i *•*’*•***7 

*t ino) era picptieu lu du au)ia.La u* vai» 1 BO 

CLDTIllMti! CLOTIII!4i4ii!I .ay LS4aousa.ucLi *u ia« tus- 

JOHN RODSR GkurLhe a wani ng windows filled wUfe Lead Fa a 1« 

mm KHSPHCTFULLV inlurm* his friends anden*. * •“‘'deruoasUiu slytc, tan be 0LCiM4.iuuLe.eil at g’tw 
'vM toners that b( uuw keep* bit targe stock cf act.'. pdecs, ,uMiug iiaoupwri.iiua. 

wj .i*a<!e CL-'THiNG, in bis new Btoie, uo the Nonu ^F^'-cnaua cauue tocu ui laeu astsbiislioxat oo BoU 

_iJL*de U4' Market rtieei, a (aw doors beiow Firti d iMie«u 

s.ixev, lebere gentiemen Can always be suited with thr He crauceafroo) New York to BuAlo aod froa Cio« 
be-tk-.i) wen made Cloth ngof every descripiloo. Coil '*tax»Uxo aXcie O.uansceo as glvtu u iiquiiro. 

re'ei ears given Slid lequiicd. App'y et this iflice. 

m g ’(f 



I Arts ih.ive n* 'lel ie*pe-:lfJtly in'orma the c.lixtnt 
o: L luisvills to) vicinity, tost be has ttkeo cbsigc 
.( th* 01 1 eaiaoitahe f City Brewery, anJ will C'lntinue 
’he bu*r’-e*s tn lulure. He al*o keep* "n band a snppl 
F good BEKrt, malt. HOPS, sod FRK.'<H YBAbT, 
lOd ardiciiathc potriMisge af the public. 
aelR'Ikm PRTFR WOI 1, 


W R0LB9 A LB end rcull dealer ia FlogrfLIino.Ce. 

moot, Ac , Mu tt Third sxoet, hotwsofe Maui 

•ni Waur gU,* LooMvuw, Ay. oef 

in Ihe west’ rn couniry. and ai reduced prices 
A Irrges'ock of Gold andSdver Spectacles, best quality. 

We call attention to iha above t.tock, a* we are deter* 
mired to sell. ROOT S BROWN, if3 Fourth m. 
ay New Albany Ledaercopy oc99 


A BLACKRMIl H’ri SHOP, In a central pail of the 
rx city, wiib au exr.ell -nt run of Cuatuiu, one hundred 
feet deep (aix'y of which Is a two story bilck, and fur') 
led I* a fitniejend iventy feel front, wltb 3 lorges an.' 
well fiahted: wH) he sold cheap. Pur particular* t'idren 
bos 1067 poet e fflee, LouUvine. Ky. ocSOdtf 

wi?i. i^joaiEs, 

Mfe- 440 Markot acrwot, 
irti Tktri iaar kelew femM arnU 

of every style thai I* new. alan, Cbaias, Sea a. aod Keys, 
of every deacription. My stock of lewelry erabtace* 
all lb* new atyhs of Pins, H*r Kings, Cuff Pi- t, ac 
Alto,* prellyaosaitme "tof Mourning Jewelry, auch *« 
Pin*. Ear Rings, Cuff Pin*. Bricelet*. Ae,,drC, 1 have 
afew ret* of that fine P' *rl Work left. 

lalTBKV BMTABl.l**I1.71KN'l'. 


A Ha Mae nurchaaed the Urge, airy, 

u. 6 laiodlou* 8tible recently oc- 5*^ie 
u. -ad y Matthew Leach, and situate.' on ini 
cuToe* of ) arc t aud Second dreet*, fkaving en ea 

an.i exaaiiuefur yoarsclvea. 

iLyi.'oatum work done up neatly, and made In the la 
aa(M)U ^'4uU aall.i6ia 

WM. aAl£.NUKI4.'K, 


i'acysoLcit a ocaaeor pna.u. ;a ruaage. 

oc1sj3u; -i -*" -miller a CO. 

4.‘A» ^ liup 

igC KB.N.’aM'assw, (4 ..aa^, Xulaa, rLATiO 

L* W WMOta, «o , 

Call and sea mesa tool), ta yu cannot fail to be tranc hBeiih > reel,) are prepared to 

|oc30] J. 1 LFMOfi 

J. I LFMON, 61 Fonrib at 

B V «od -'**11 lloruae, 

Andtransax all (her kind* of busloesa Inlhalrilne.— 
ThelTstochi- pr vender la large and carefully (eleclad, ] 
xnd they are p. -.aored to keep Horses by th* day , week. 

t^bpecUiettentioBglxento Watekrepairiag. 

C ^l**>*P M luia hm 4 Wa**),.— 1 ease uu aauu a! 

r Urge a*auiimei I uf Ph i idelph's and Hsai m work. 

A PINK*iock of fashionable watches aad xnd they are p. xo wp uu» J ^ . ■ weij ieecte 1, cuobi^tiei of ladisa’ Ga< tart. Tie*. Bu- 

k JBWELRY, whlchcantapuicliaaedattbelow. or year on re*au:i*M# tarms. Tayna y kln», in.l B mtr; also, a uompleia aia .rim**.i o( **!*»» 

1 eat price, ar.d all ofth# laieat and moa' fashion- handsome amDign chlulten’a, which 1 mil dUpoe* ol al coel far r*«fe 

K.h.a .t.u. Allenoda warrSLled to beoftbe «■«*•.••• Bi3 J. C PBTBY. 

«lli».b.e atylea. All g^a warrau.d to be of the .aortexcurtona. f beirridlng | 

sy Ppocl.latte.tlOB 4IV.B iUrrlM. 

**“ **Vui 4 itT«tt,h«tirtec Mala tad .Market, ********* ** aatabUak«tBi. 

aaiT oatAfiarM WaUfiiS* iyndU 

anil chiultcu'a, which 1 mil dispose ol at cast far ra«b j 
ai3 J . C PBTBY. I 


T he Bnd*Ti-iar.«a have tssuLUieu >a« aatelvrTaadri 
tba narua and stylo 01 A . J. KCBaRTB 4 CO., lei 
Ua mi' pose ofcoaduatiia tba i-'oinmi'ilOB Fnrwaidtaa 
aadViadMM Eaaloeaa. A. J. B0BIRT8. 

^ aai WAIiIn i. JOIUIBTOB, 1 

; w»a*i«iBg iM all the ariKie* la oe» iliio, 

I uui ilOLB wa> ini;oruair(»4a iBc h«..t luauulaLiuiaiaia 
»aa Fioim.c. 'laa aaapa* ana ;.*4Uiaa at* of 
, **‘••1 oijles, otul tea gumia •( lae aaa; ■saniii 

uuuBU) loaicaaBU as4U loiaars viauiug Our lm> ig 

aiMi ll to laau loiortKi 10 axaro.aa war axeuk hoiui* uur- 
'iiawiig. V 

I huafedtiAwfi CASMBDAYA HOPKIWfe, 

Carr. JOBEFB 4. CKGMWrll. FaooaioioH. 


•bTJSl**^*****^’ **• «w>»W 9 B p rn>iH 01 tf 

Iff fiAklfe 

.. if 


fdHTIU *KO Pl'lLlSniD IT 

Harney a: hughes. 

Inikkesting kbom Havana — The fiiTatiDsh 
CoiDmerctai learns Horn a lM^Kenper who arii* 
red from lltsaaii iaat week, ibat «n aged and 
wealioj Creole, for aooit' sl-ght ffTsuce, bad 
been igfloniiGioual? gcrroted. it win be leccl- 
lected thai, BoiLe time since, four vounr ladies 


HITE & «>:tiaee. 


Cr Ofiiee on Third sireat, Kasl aide, between I were imprisoued — one for icaKiag a lone star 
Market and Jefferwoii. I flaif, and the otber three for beioe eiiktred in 

Democratic Ticket, 1852. 


rOR CONGRESS- -7th District. 

Culvin Sanders, 


were iroptisontd— one for inaEiDg a lone star nolidl _ llL.t.Nl) HAI.LARD, i Household 'lijSteainVoat 

flag, and the Otber three for being engeged in MATciOT^ n’OH mouniAlns, aud are atiil receUn 

macnfac uriog cartridges. A few dars amce, „ ....... desirable sc»l-a direct from the ii 

one of iLetu died in oneon and the oibers were Second aad Third. turets. w* lapiie our fiiend* ii 

L',r,r : 

oad bteu drsTeii to derpmr, and were ofl-ritg irom some of the oea and newest styles imm.rted. Koyal Axnnnster, wiiioii,»nd \ 

their properly fur sate et a^oioat »ny price, u'ltb noiodimrs i. kaphaHL 1i!I and American 

Household and Steamboat PuriiMhibg Uouos west of the disease, and can truly eiy that It has enilrely cured 
inouiitalns. aud are still receiving ibe latest aud must “!*• J» HIMKLB 

desirable styles direct from the ini {lorters and manufac KpiwaoiioH. Ind. aotT \/fOI»S. 1 

turers. We lasiie our fiiends and persons visiting the a a rp tr /-» u» friendi 

city lo III examination of our atuck, purl of which is AolUL-A.tJr oquisued i 

Axniiiiater, Wilton, end Velvet Carpetirg; I DRY GOODS AT COST! itiopores to 

Jtnsllsh and American T .\Tk« UINO to make a change in our firm on the l..i »*«““» * 

‘*® T „io i.!.n»r«i Jui-uaiy next, wo will until that time offer ^ui .Wl's 

o 1 . ^ iiesiiMfii’i ehtiro fctock at cost prices, for easA only. Toe public Jn which o 

a ply and medium tii 4 r*m, in beautiful patteins purthasing *n arOcio from us at prim- „ i oe disir 

cinPie . o" “•nd • f“" ««oitment of Staple am , irendid 

t OUon Chain, double and single, Fancy Uooda. suitable for the nresent and aDDroachins , u.i. 

tbcir properly fur gate at a’cTiOst »ny price, u'ltb jueiodimrs ^ i. kaphaHL | 

6 View of leafing the islatid.-Lou. Jour rpu«At;cs».-3.j borr7\V.~H.'Kdwrrds* celebrated 

Ami shall these outrages go on before our eyes ^^^k.aWsS n. b* 

for generation,? pO r rim . -<ki bales C. tto^fbr siTbj^ ' 

.. ■ ~ . , , V^nolo UAWsuN.BACON A ro. 

Kimccki — The le'urcs thus far official and — ““T 

i<n.,<Kn..i . r ii *'OXes Kosin Soap fof sslc by, foot up as follows* o nolo kawgon, H.troJf a ro. 

a: II 1 L u RENi ’s \Vear: 

O-The Courier publishes the proceedings gg erg., c ffic^a?. 7s.6M 

of a meeting over which Mr. Sanders presided, 10 cos., ULcfficitl, 3.6C6 3,187 

which passed resolutions against licensing houses — 

for the retail of ardent spirits, and the con* ®22 5l,84l 

elusion is guested at that he is in favor of le 

pal retrainls to suppress the use of strong Scott ahead, 2,081 

drinks. This is not true; and his presiding at ^ The subjoined counties we have not heard 
meeting of the sort, only shows that he fetls an from, officially or uacfficially At the Ifs? gu- 
interest in the cause of temperance, not that he beicatiorial election they voted as follows: 
sauotiens the means which some of his friends Dixou, P.,u>*ll. 

niav be disposed to ose. M e presume there is FioyJ, 218 379 

no rood man in the community, be ho Ame ican Hatlau, 395 75 , 

or German, who does not deprecate the abuse of Leichef, Cl 9 '^ 

ardent spirits, unhappily loo prevalent. We do W’hitley, 422 203 

not wonder that thousands, suffering under ruin — 

of fathers, broth rs and friends, feel like stcrifi- Ik’J® 

dug even their own personal liberty on this sub- fKor^h- Louisville Pemoerst j 

jeol, to arrest the evil. W e are oppoeed to all My Youth— A Single Thought. I 

restrainu of a legal sort, upon the use of intoxi I had itought 1 would write a regular bstoiy 
eating liquors; but he abuse all good men would of my life, but you would acsrcely believe it to 
restrain, if they could only devise the means — be tiue. i do not know that my infancy and 
We think oar comiuuuity will not proscribes youth was Very different from that of children 
man beemaae he is a frieud of temperance; and Igeuerally. While an infant, I wna nursed wrh 

amusemen ts. 



Taeoaay. Nerrasber 

YJOJtS. F. SIM05 bagi Isxve to soa<janc« to bis 
lvX rricnds and tbe public general y that, bavmg re. 

Koyal Axniiiister, Wilton, and Velvet Carpeting; 

U(i HnsUkh and American T>i>eslry do; 

1)0 do do Krusseis do; 

Kicn do do 3 ply Imparial do; 

1)0 3 ply and medium tiigrain, in beautiful pa 

,i“r2^i!U^ o?‘‘suS’nor* FrenrM:UTr«uur“^^ cLb'^n^iViorcet-**"'"*’ -'««*‘«,.,ve.:o, 

^roposfli to offer to the inlut»a 4 uU of LuouvUi« aau »nwolce o 

AUr^l'lON SU,ES. 

BV A. 6. HB^KT <fc CO. 

Black an<i Fancy CaUrred Drett Silit. Black 
and Fancy Cathmor* Skawta, Gl,.«es Loess 
and Fmacy Gaadc and Mew's, Wsairw's 
and .Hisses’ Skact, ai Auetima 

i 'O-MOBHOW .VIoRvlNG, (Tuesday. lar 18 o'clock, 
we alii sell at AuctioB ctoouu, wi'Mut rtssi va. lor 

Cotton Ciiain.ln every variety; 

Axmiiister, Chemlls, and Tufied Rugs; 

Uo, do, do Mats; 

Msmili, Kope, aiid Alicant dO; 

6, 12. and IS 4 Druggets, best qusIUy; 

6 8,3 4, aud 4 1 pi ,111 and twiile l Venetian Carpet; 
3 4 and 7 8 Biu&,eU and Tapestry Stair do; 

3-1 Velvet do do. 

Ileaaehold Furnlnh'aas. 

Fancy Uooda, suitable for the present and approaching 
leasoii, among which may be lound— 

Super French Merino, all colors; 

Do do Caabmares, doi 
Uo Thioet Cloths; 

plain MutUa de Laines; 

Do rich printed do; 

Uo embroidered and printed Cashmeres; 

ClbSK ant Mantilla Velveti.blaca, blue, green, maroon 

vici^s . 01 nouuviiin a«o gueii and 'ancy colored Dress Siiks; 

’ huper b|ar k ^.>a•lB and Apx n i.u 

.vai'WltlAt. K.'b rCKTAt.Vl.Vlit.ViT, Large black emir idered Ca.>kmeie Shawls; 

i>n which oci asiaa the followine superior InstramenU kicn p>rs>cd siik and Tbibet dO; 

VI I be distributed among tbe audience; Bacs Ui e Veils aid Fait 

1 spiendid Pieyei’a Grand Piano ffTl.t 00 Very tupeii-ir Ponge- Hda'send Cravats; 

1 fine Melodeon. sn ti, Blica Snh Lace au l Threid Lace, 

i7 beautilui French Guuara, 376 Ou ™,. t*i«ves. K^bhO' ’s an > **d gn. 

— with • variety or otber new an 1 de«»rab!e articles; also, 

19 Instruments H,8M) On *** added aaidvo.>.e of men’s, woineo's ami miatcs' 

Tickeu Umltad to 650, at fi each, which wnl en- 1 ****oe». in ibe lot wili he lound— 

latiorial election ILey voted as follone: 




















Rich Selin 1- I ***“® I o.iin iim^.wi en 1 ell the “n)* PU'^P *- »•* ®f »“penor qualities; rich Brocade Sllkn. 
Rich Satin de Lames and balm Uumasks, and all the Rhine do Turc Satins; plain Chamelior. 

Fine Damask Linen Table Cloths, large sits; Dq 4 4 Twilled doi ’ 

8 and 10.4 Table Linen, best makes; vv'lth do. 

6-8 Snow drop and Uamesk Napkins; Gauxe dui 

*en*H m e u'** *"** l>d groy snd brown Flannels; 

8 9**aSd^loVm I^w I assortment of red Flannels all pricea; 

An/ericai?„.r'p';;:ch nmuterpenes. col’d and white; Krio^'gV-.Vu«;*^;,"s?.'t: “i‘aw,:“‘ 

or the best q lalitlest^d" hVndJ 'ocs‘;’..ttern.. from 3 to “ d'r ‘“do"*"^ ^ uder’shirUi 

iJ feet in, and will be cut to suit p-irchaaers. ’ 

eradly *®^*^*^ * '"*"h 1'T K^dk*'sM aVT Ladies’ hemmed, stitched, and emb’d Hdkfs; 

P015 Main si., between Third and Fourih. 

Do white Crape Shawls and Scarfs, embroidered I Col. Monsarrst, 

title the holder (hesHea bis admission at the Musical 
Kntertainment) to a chance of getting the Plejei Gianc 
Piano, or one of the above In-druments. 

\ar Ticket! may be bad at ibe Music Rtores and ai 
Mosart Hall, where the Instrun'ecui are exhibited every 
lay from 10 to 13 and 3 lo 4 o'clock, P. M. 

OCW" For parUculara see amall hi 1.-. nt9 did 

Grand Military and Civic Ball! 

jj*.. THK •• WASHINGTU.M GU.sKD-.,” 7th 
Company of the Louisville Lceion. wii, eive a 
WSAgreat Military and Civic BALL, at the \Va<h 
%S r inmon Hall, on MONDAY, Nov l6lh,lSi3. 
A choice Band of Muaic hxs neeu employed lor tae uc 
caaion.aud a fine Suppei will be seived. 


Ladles’ Merino and Silk Vesta; Ma m C** S^htoVder 

i.ents’ do do UudershirU; 2L F 

Children’s and misses’ Wool Sacks; 

Ladies’ hemmed, stitched, and emb’d Hdkfs; rlSt i ‘ k ’ 

Cloths, Cassimerea, Cassineta, Jeans. Linaeys, Canton u',!,., ' 

Flannels, bleached Sh’rtinga and Mbectings. Irish Lin- sthweiner 

ens. Linen Diaper, Damask Table Linens, Kngiish ami p,„.‘ wf..,,,' * 

French Cbintxes, Barege de Laines, super Plaid Velvei i-.!,,' u >thn.i,it 
Sa,h Ribbons, Bonnet Kibbona, Trimming , Velvet Rib i ji.., V ‘ ara i ’ 
b 'US’ Jaconet Edgings and losenincs, Swiss and Jai.ODct L-eiit stei, mn ’ 
Wonted Bands, Gloves, Ho.s:ery Ac., Ac Kl-ian M 8. hneldAr 

nr.8 d2w 96 Fourth at., bet. Mato and Market Lvut i? ho«i 

S hawls.— 

3 cases 7-4 er 

fKor’h' Louisville Pemocrat.] 

My Youth— A Single Thought. 

C , .. _ cmuroiac 

LOTHiNG— A full stock of Over Coats, Dress 8 do 84 do 

Ceals, Pant*, Ac. 1 do 8.1 plaid 

U*oa.usHii(Ts AKD Drawxbs— S ilk, Meiino, and Received and for sale by 
t'. ttoi, nolo 

O 3 cases 7-4 embroidered Shawls, assorted; 
8 do 8 4 do do, do; 

1 do 8-4 plaid eo, du; 

I had itcugbt 1 Viould w rite a irgiiiar bistai? ! “**•*' Hosr— r ambr’ Wc-ol and Merino. 

, t g • ° . .^1*' “Vi-8- Silk, Bcriiii, and Woolen. 

JAS. LOW A ro., 
417 Main s:. 

that is ali they I'nn tunke of the po ition of .Mr. as much care eb moat btbies, perbap 
Sanders. He proposes no legal re traiiils— is op- a hU.c; had to go through the Hying | 
posec to nay; and therefore, the use made of the cutting teeth like m at olheis, who a 
snbje’ct ag inst him, is purely of the demagugue bscauie feteal men. As » ytunksUr, I ' 
sort and disreputable at that. The petitions re as wild as eny other heedless boy, nc 
ferred to, don t appear with Mr Sanders’ name, of the grtatnese that was to be thri 
if there be any such, let Ihsm be produced; pro „,e. I used to run about the street. 

CoMPoBTs, ( «i-a8, Akti lioui>4— Z pliyrWool — all 
fU -8, tor ;,ale cheap at 


'•'Itt AI4I4, C'uipet Uoks, nn«l Vullceo. — Just 
1 leceived. a large and superb stcck ol every de- 

n. ” Frem-ti l.icen.— 1 ci:es, ass.r’.ed, teceiv- 

-Z phyr Wool— all ^ *«•« *>y T? • 

piiyr«oci aii JAMBS LOVf A CO. £ ass 

R )*eto — 400 sot-i Shovel, Tongs, and Poker, 

‘’apt. P. .>chniidt, 
Liect. L. .Ackie, 


Ka^ign .M. 8> bneldor, 
idJuianiJ J HiiT, 
L'eut. B. Horst, 

angt. J. Lie her, 

Serat. iicuige Boesser, 
Cor;i. Ulchl, 

Lieut. J Giiesbaber, 
Dr. I'obn, 

Jacob Sc.b'Odt, 

Louia Ream. 

KicbaiU KoavMs, 
Alexamlei O' mure, 
Cspt iiainiltnr), 

Auam SchardeiB, 

B. R -sennerg, 

A. liiiikeUpicl, 

31.>j V->uDg, 

Sanders .Shark*. 

R RI* Oil Chiuix —3 cases, 4-1, received and for 
sate by [uut6J JaMKSLUWACO 

videdthe Whigs chuo^ to proscribe a man on hill on the cumcon, cr paddlt my feet in the 
account of hU being suspected of too strorg a ;cii:al and watch the ducks; or, in wintir, I 

as much care E6 moat btbies, perhaps spoHed ’ ^"'““V^^^''F1F.LD’S. i 

a hU.c; had to go through the Hying process of ] received, Udies’ ....rgent’ 

cutting teeth like m at olheis, who afterwards , -*-* Rubea— >iik, .vierinu. Cashmere, and oil Plinu— ] 
brains kreal men. As a ycunk.Ur, I was about | wimi 

as Wild as eny other heedless boy, nedrearnii-g ' — “1? vi .* N.SFfKl. D’.s 

of thegreatnesB that was to be thrust upon i ]‘? V**®'!'*^'** l inbrrH«a ::-Just reueueu- 
, , . * n hre ai,M— b,ai.k, tune, auu gieen— S.'b.SO, 

me. I used to run about the streets, or play! se. 34 , 3 c; 

; ~ l VOKY T«bIo I'mlory. -too sets fine ivory Xable 

iVx * Be I. nines. — leases, new styles, recelv- X Cutlery, 6. tu 63 pieces each, some extra fine and 

trl. cd and fur sale by uvw sty es, imported diiect and 'or sate low. 

■ 0013 A. B. 8F.MPLB A BRO. 



loo dcz:n mix 

y .r|llKatC.L>.4(4t I'lnbrrlina I !— Just — 

5 doi- 11 hr.e Mim— biack, tuue, and uieen — 2b, 3U, I 
58. 34.3C; I 

12 dozen Ci'iigUam, 23, 30, 32, 34, 36; I 

12 liu C.itun, liu, du lor sale ebrap at I 
“'-'la M.v.N.SFlKLlt'K. ! 

XX 11)0 dcz:n mixed Cotton Hess; 

4(iU do white do do; 

Received and for sa e by 

nolo JAMF.S LOW A CO. 

To the Planters and Miippers of 

r|iHF. undersigned lave leased that well-known, Img- 

I impoV,e“idu.’l*iL‘d^or^^ vir'yTotf^ GRAND MILITARY AND CIVIC BALL! «l= ?•»"). .ds 

I “oU A. B.bKMPLK A BRO. • Hn *‘VV .A-^HtMi 1 0.N BLt’F..i," -wioi.d uuH i' * 

Company of tbe l.ouKvi.,e Legiusi, wi I aive -- - - 

OKY Table Cnilery. — lUO sets fine Ivory Table H**” Second .Annual .Military aud t'lvic R;il,a> BY .4. 

:ullery,6. to 53 pieces each, some extra fine and »6s Oua Fslluws' Hall, uo WKU.NB'DAV 

’ sty es, imported diiect and 'or sate low. Evt.NI.Nii, November 24;h. 1 »j 2. .4 Ch ice Burl Cgvrifo ana 

>13 A. B. 8F.MPLB A BRO. Music has been ei'iployeil (»r tae occaAion, a fir, e Sup H»i>and Uta, 

- p. I wnl be served, and sutficieul Hacks wIl be in at Furl MHa-t 

UAI>!*,6kc.— tendance fiee of tharve. Price ul tickeu, f 3. Ta'jocco 

20 casks assorted Coil Chains; .HunakWa: 

M*i ’sCalf We t Br- gai S; 

D'J Fump-ao e du. 

Wunea a i-o t pegged Uuaki> .*; 

D-J 1 41- wei do; 

D-> hub .Moiucco uo, 

Dj Cal: strap do, 

Misses’ Goa' Boots and Ttej; 

With a vai.cty of stuck 

(l^r Sale poatiivean.i wltni'iut reserve, for cask. 
^uo#^6 S.^li. H&NKY A i.:o.. Aucuoneera. 

BY -n. ii. HB.NMY dc CSS. ^ 

Brick Callage and Lai at Auctien. 

O N Mi)>D V ArTE NOOn.Nuv loth t3o’cIk. 

WB .1.1 se I, on rhe pren.taea. a very demraoie acd 
wr> -built Buck locaga an-) Lut, on reilit stieet,. Bo way, «eit vi. e. Iheb'u^’ 
nas hreo ruuiiis, >i:cben, dial bocfe. at u cUtcin in 
yar 1. Lot 41 o- 2 f-*. ' :r'»i*t b Fo ,V p, 

Terr,.*- eiya. tasn ta • e 1 a>a.,le lai April, H 3. 
ard St .tp;i., isxi, wi'h l e - : 

^■*13 9 .■» G. nr. vivY A 4 0., Aaci’rs. 

ALXTiO.N* S.A! E, 

BY 4 . t. tiliSA-s A- r-o, 

VaLu-ible Real T.i)ate al Auction. 

\I^TF. VII '•>1, at Pc-.lic AU toil .0 FRIDAY 
s V F\ kN .'O Nov. IVn *t 3 o’, L l ef 
Or- and ohJelTer-on sire. i. ru 'e> t wc-r of C-mpte 1 
so.ilb )r. I ut i» 764 lerl f ■ n •» Iln deep. * 
irrr.-v*— one thl'd ca-h. i.,l*ree m 9 nd 16 , ont ,s, 
with tuler's; »ihI a lien rcUliied tn the prcpaily fur 

■or e positive and 'o mistake, 
null 6 C. C. u .KrN A CO., .4oc’rs. 

C HAIN!*, Ac.— 
20 casks assorte 

benr ng toward sobriety The whole question is I could run my sltd down the hill 83 (xst. aud ^ ( )»» l eli.w-r .Wnnual-liiu.t.auug me H.s7..r7, ! ktown .* - rbDoVs"ToB%cT7‘‘7^^^ 

irrelevant. Congress, as every one knows, will g-ude il os well 8« the next hr'v n- vhen r i sl^o, ceuirallj located, on the cuiuer of Seventh an 

. ... .. , - . l B '»■ wen 88 ice next DOT, O., v.hea i ; Odes, with »iu,:c lor various occasions Embcllisi.eJ streets, the same is now in ronule e order b 

hATie.iio nctio I on tbe snbject. Veutured on the icc — what bc-y w ill not ven- j numerous engraviiigs oi iho eiublen a, etc.; by { particular lor the le rptio,' ol T ibacco. 

; ; I X establi bed, c-iniiii-jdioiis, and poi-ular •arehouse 

Vlanual-llluatiatiug the History, I known as •• rODU’S TOB »Cl O WAiaKHoU.SK." 
Govvtumeiii of fellow hip. al^o, I cruUdll) located, on the comer of Seventh and Main | 
various uccasiunA Kmbellisi.eJ streets, ihe same is now in ronu-le e order '.u every 

nd- 3. r^„ 3f^„, } nor, ^ A CKl.SW DLI). 

vise* 18 . if we con I urioerautod the meaumg I , . ' OuR^iiM b* r;. iiti.h \«... « ,,^ 1 , . 

of the Baltimore convention resolutions, to”, uke I ofiec, and bee about 8S many stars in P a..d ocd o7t5 lo tne t 
ms comments ihe action of the democratic partv.” ] daT time, as most other boys. Of one thing in 76,-ei,i-. 

Mell, here is a comment of that sort: Ger'ritt my boyhood, 1 can cuDscieniiously beast; I nev* — - .mokiqn a GRi.swdi.n. 

We I'letlge urseives to ih‘>-e who may favor us with 
their bu iuevs that we will give ii our undivided atteu- 
tiun and spate no exeilion tu promote t-itir interest. 
.411 Tobacco ^ent to us shat: be as well attende t tuasif 
aiconipaiiiiied by tbe owner. ^ e will -trictly obey me 

20 casks assorted Coil Chains; 

6U do do Log and Ox Chains; 
lOo do do Trace do; 

fUO dozen Cohias’ Axe.*; 

21) do do Broad Axes; 

30 do Carpenters’ Adzes; 

I'H) du DrawlLg Knives, tor sa’e low by 
0013 A. B. bEMPLEaBBO 

AKDA4 AKK and «'ntleiy.— 

1,1410 gross Table Cut:erv; 

8,uuu dozen Pocket do; 

ti-0 do >6 ade A Butcher’s Razors; 

2,60u do aasurted Flies; 

31U do du LhisS's; 

vOd do Hand and Pannel Saws; 

50 do .Mm and Cross-cut do; 

16>l do -ibnve,. and Spaces; 

60 ca>ks Steel Hies: . 

Lieut. Thumas Andrews, Fe>gt F. W. VauiiNien, 
Lieut. Hurat, Setgt. L. Wintnngrr, 

! Lieu'. \V m. E. Woodruff, Setgt A J. Johrisoii, 

I Sergt C. C- W. .sl'.ftieud, Cor;<. Lewis Kubard?, 

Smith, th- celebrated nbolitioniBi, has been elect ! e» >,ad a ouarrel nor a fiwh' • f- xeen* ooec with' X “uarvrs uou tmveieia, 

ed to Conprets in n district which pave Pierce xcep.otice, viith , ^ AanaUves ol B.,rder Wariaie; by An old 

nno King a tiiou-miid meiority. If we iudee of i “T friend, at the inst:gaticn of elder boys ! i2iuo. utaiiy bound. 

• ^ . .u t, 1. •' ^ L , , I *hiiliiog htotlesoi the Forest and Frontier: bv An 

tae inuBDiup ot the balimiure platform from such I who cslled themselves cur friends, and then ! Ol-i Huo rr. tie.e voi , neatly bound. 

••coinmenia ae this, we shall cerUinly regard 1 ,c. nver in five mriites wei. *"‘^'^i'^‘’*‘'‘‘)““;»«cweli|,ru,Udaiidprofuselyil- 

that p.mlerm aa a very decidedly anti-slavery af. i over m hve minutes, a-d we | luiiraicd. Very cneap at wn ,ie»aie or retail by 

^ 'were as good friends as ever— peer Ben — I; MoKToN a uaI.swold. 

DViiATC.tE- «l 

.MOKI'QN J U GRl.SWdl.n. 
itimtcr* uua tiuvcteia. 

directionao! tbe owner, and Ji.->p-)se cf h:s Tob.icco in Also, Kmilh*’ Bellow*, Anvils, and Vlles; Cast, Ger- P* E>q , Alex. C. Iruss, K ij 

aiiyroauu.rhe may choo)ir. v* hen sol 1, the money uisn, and Blister Sieel, Juniata Iron, Nai s,8pikes, Ac, Smith Crabb, Esq , Kdward He:r, ksq. 

sh«ll be liKinedia'ely reiiMted or ;<aid a; directed.- nol3 A.B. SExPLEA BKO. Joseph Grabie, E>q. 

shill be liiiiTiedia'ely reiiiiUed or ;>aid a; directed. — 
There are n, w three Inipectors of Tobacco, ». ho are 
alone authoris d under the l .w tu lii-i;ieit tbe same in 
the city of Louisvil e. The ins;>e- tors will attend ai 
each Wareh, ust daily fortbatparp se. 

Lo'iisviile I* now the third I'obacco market in the 
United .States, and is coustan ly inert asing. Dui iug 1 he 
Ubt year there were sold here about 26 ia-0 bugsbeads. 
The mo crate charges for storage, cooperage, inspec- 
tion, selling, and all other iiiciaeatal expen-es, have 

wax *1 faiu iocri> ■< 
3*, vskU »T a *ao^“ -Lt5 

How do you relish this'application of your lo* i wonder where be is.) I cau’t say that il was ^ \j^AVhHl,K% JlovHi..— Vcl* 6ai.d 6 of the new ***‘* market the cheapest in the United .states; 

r, ,..;,,hhnrr I .,u ingir I .. g . . »! ’Y Abbclislord cdtiiui] iHe ciieaiVMt x'"l Uie prompt sales, without auy cuoiinissioii for re 

' ® I account of any praiaeworthy principle of|||*he.l. Two .Vovcls iu a vo-ume. Vjlumts as far^ ‘^*‘''ingan payingovert'-e money tolbe planters, have 

gic, neighbor. — Llu. Jour | oq account of any praiaeworthy principle of| 

Below is Uie vote in Smith’s district, with the ; «ctioD, but ^imply because I had sense enough j teutived and for sale by ' 

lommentsof the New York Tribune: j to k«ow that a quarrel would likeiy end in ai _ _ ^ . 

Oswego county voUd at th. late election a. and a fight would spoil my pretty face, ! VV ‘ij.tLs of th^‘l*iom 

follows: j or disarrange my clothes; 10 you aee it was only | nu>6 G. 11 . M >nsabrat a no. 

Prea’:..^i lt 4 2r» Pierce.. .4,77b Hale ., .....2 091 I vanity alter all. Well! I find 1 am running on i t;'XfH.%.i,UE on nil the oriaclDnl cl iea for 

linEycks lot H7ugh“."..3’.9i5 Gr Soilm . 3 .^; ** ^ talking to a parcel of children; I 

So Gerrit Smkii must have received the votes ^ who knows? Everybody reads j 

of 77i whi^ and 823 democrats, in addition to the papers now-a-daya; then if 1 can do noih- 

ail the kboliiion and ao-party vote. This, mind ■ • u u a _ i. . u 

, \i. J -. 1 ,. ^ ' ; /vi I- N me else than please a child and mske it h«ppy 

you' IS not .Mr smith s own county (.Ma.itson,) ■ * tia 

in which his great vote is attributed to personal mmutes, ahall I not be doing acme 

popularity, but a county having very little inter- - good? B.ess the childrei. I they are the almost 1 

ceiviiig ail pa)ingovert(-e money to ibe piaiiieri, bave 
justly rniiUed It to their coiifi(lei.ce. We willcoiiUnue 
to do bu--iues< on the sane principles, abd on as good 
terms a* can be done In l he citv . 

Among toe evident a IvaiiUgesof this maiketare the 
facilities now affur.ied for *^ipulenl by the river and 'be 
variouk ra Iroads, conveiging tu this i-ointibe large ac- 
cumulation 01 Capital in tne hands of buyer* from every 

E Xt'H.%..NUE on nil the principal cities for ' P**'i “f the Union, and the ezteuslve manufacturing es* AT OWEN ffe WOOD’S 

sue by laolisbments located in our city. ||UR stock of Fall and Winter ROOTS and SHOR.8 ia 

nolo C H MONS.4 KR AT A ro. The planter may always rely on active coropetltion, very Urce, an-l of the very be«t qua'Uy, selected 

— ; leidy sales, and pr >mpt payments. We have ample to person to suit this market. The atteuflnn of Farmers 

I .YT'StktfiW i’ allowed on Ueiionites by roomai Todd’s A' trebouse fur all the Tobacco that may Is particularly invite’ to onr stock of Thick Boots and 

jno'6 G. H. MONS.i KK .1 1' A CO. oe sent us, and weconfidecly b-rlieve we will make it to Brogans, which is equaled by few, and surpassed by no 

, , _ . ” ” ■ r - - - _ _ Ihe iateiests of planters a'ld shippers to aiveusiheli boose in the city, in quality of stock and superior work- 

V\' *■ Bank. lusurance, business, and rriertnem to the foilowinr giiitlemen as maashlp 

and Kaiiroad Stocks. „ an assurance that we are worthy of their coutidence. Barents in particular are requested to examine our as 

Ibeii Second .4 iiniixl .Mihtaiy and 4'ivic R-.ll,a> BY A. it, ML Nitl A' C >. 

tbt OUD Fslluwa' Hall, on WEU.NE'DAN 1 „ j • <■ z- i m j 

Evt.NI.Nii, November 24;h. I»i2. A ch ice Bai I Large »nd p^napltrj, ou.e of F ench Btnnditt, 
Music has iMen ei'ipluyeil (or tae occasioo, a Bi.e tup ft*l>anii Gtn, hourton ana Ry> Wkioky, 

p.r Will be served, and kumtieui Hacks wli be in at Furl H Chert a Bounce Vi’mnia Of charze. Frice o. tickeu, f 3. Auct^n, 

.AlunsKvea: ,, * 

Uoi. Stephen Orinsby, 4 ol u H. Monsarrat, I **■ ” r; effli. 

col. Win Prckton, Col. Wm Kiddie, ' / WEDNE.'D.W MciRNl.NG. Nov. ITtb. at 18 

Major C. Shroeder, Lt Col. J Kusseii Bul’.cr, 1 o’etoca, ise wir sell, at me warcbouae, on W*a 

CapuL H. Rousseau, Capt. Tiuo.hy Kd'ilng, sueet, nearl) < pp- -. lie Sici'.n A Shul.kci.’a 

Capi, L. It. White, L'eut. A V. J iaiia.>n, 67 half p nes icipc-rttd criLUKs; 

Lieut. Tnomas Cary, L eut. James Duolop, 20 qu- task.* do dt-; 

Lieu: D. C. Stone, Licul. John Rogers, 10 rigb'b do do d*-i 

Lieut. George Gray, Eu-isn lames howeU, O' the :oiiowin£ brands, viz: J. J. Dupuy, J. Heunapes 

' Lieut. Thumas Andrews, Fe'gt F. W. VauONien, .Sauc A i:o , G-vi)da<d jr., .4. 8c goeite, J. a J k^* 

, Lieut. Hurat. Setgt. L. Wintnngrr, ter, Maxi r>, Fecnett, tavUlian; Qce old Cluiueaxae 

! Lieu'. Wm. E. Woodruff, Sergt A J. Johrisoii, Bra; dr. .4-<o— r-e— * 

I 8ergt C. C. W'. .AT.ftieud, t'orp. Lewis Rubard?, v pipes Holland Gin; 

I Sergt. Cbaries Watts, t'orp G. W .8chwar<<, I'l barretso d Bou.hou Wbitky; 

I Sergt. Marr, Coip. t'bailes G. .Snuih, 10 do do R>e d.i; 

Hun. Janie* Speed, iloi>. John Juye*, CbenyB urre, F<, it Wn **, Ac. . together with 

Jamea A lexandrr. Esq., Kobeit J Ki.iott. E.q , 10 bcx*s Viicmia T-bacco, azu 

Wm Alexander, R.-q., S=imuions Watkins, F.-q., I 30 Oisi mpore.1 t Igars 

J. Henrv Ttiuinat, E>q , Charles Dawiiuo, K-q., Trrwi.— aifO *rd u„,ier ca-b 8 KjO’a«-^ 9u dayv* 

David P. .Mrxey, E>q , 4lex. C. truss, K q., 1 credit sii-O to jvoo. 4 ("ortua ..vir »;*)•■ 6 o*ob J in' 

Smith Crabb, Ksq , Edward He:r, ksq., eie.'it— a proveu rndomd note, pxvtbu m oa. k 

Joseph Grabie, E>q. | nol2 J5 .s.g.Hk KY A Cu. , Auci'ra. 

Finer .>Iana«er-Sl.nmoiis Watkins. Etq, J ,, UfcNiX* 

Lieut. Wm^lT.*wtm*riIffTsereLC?tf wf A baluikie ilariet street Let at Jucrinw. 

J Heniy Thomas, E-q., James 4lcx-<nder, Ksq. b.vIURU.vY .4 PTr.R.NOON, .Nor. I3ih, at 3 

Os and after the 1st day cf November, the Board of . 1 ** To Tl Ik* i** •**“ '••b 

Managers will meet at the Odd Feli.wa’ Mail, every ! 

Monday, Wednesdiy.and Friday evenmesof each week. | ^r ^...016 ? t 

wneie. geutlenien wishlDg ladies Ucketed will oicav "'t': ' m u. . fo « L f * u.’*'' . o 

present iheir names ocSC dtf “**•'“'* m i a»l 2 yeais. 

Sergt. Charles VVatis, 
Sergt. Marr, 

Hun. Janie* S. Speed, 
Jamea Alexander, Esq., 
Wm Alexander, E-q., 
J. Henry Ttiumat, E>q , 

t'orp G. V4. 8cb war's . 
('01 p. Charles G. Snuih. 
lioii. John Joyce, 

Kobeit J Ki.iott. E.q , 

S' imuions Watkins, F.-q., 
Charles Dawsuo, K-q., 
.4lex. C. truss, K q.. 

I Finer Manager— Sioihiocs Watkins, Etiv 
AanUtanl Finer Nlanageva, 

Lieut. Wm. E. Wooitruff, Her^t. C. C. W. Alfrirud, 
J Heniy Thomas, E-q., Jauies 4lcx-<nder, Ksq. 
Os and after the 1st day cf November, tbe Board 

of k'even'b L >1 6U '3 I front b\ 2;u utep. 

7e>ni.— Ui casa, acd balauca ;n 1 and 2 yeais, 
witu interest. 

nolO dt 8,0 HKN RY A CO., .\urtione sr*. 

leady sales, and pr >mpt payments. We have ample in person to suit this market. The attention of Farmers 
roomai Todd’s A' trebouie fur all the Tobacco that may i* particularly invite ’to onr itock of Thick Boots and 
oe sent us, and weconfiden'ly b-rlieve we will make it to Brogans, which is equaled by few, and surpassed by no 
Ihe iateiests of planters a'ld shippers to eiveus'heli bonse in the city, in quality of stock and superior work- 

ritb Madieob. 

G. H.MONi.ARR AT a C O. Our address is Gallagner A Ronald. 

I a’NII WnprOK,.. _Tn« hiah..t nrig,m J . .M . G .4 L L A G H K R, 

Fareiitsin particular are requested to examine onr as 

I AND Warrants. — The highest prices given for 
, only icslsDCes of unadulterated truthfulness to X.3 tnem by 

sortment of Boy*’, Youths’, Misfes’, and Children’s I ?•»<-• 
B'Xits and 8hoe«, of every quality, style, and price. | 

GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. hy r. t. f'MkfeiN * co. ' 


For Reading, Reference and Piivate Libraries —For ■’.iTURU.AY .MORNING, ai 9| o'ciocB,o! Fuicw 
F men. Faroieia and Me. nzi ica. — For i ^'®'-*f*v** Biy Good*. 4 c. 

School and Public Liorane..— .4 chance f >r everyoody tar' Out d- or *aiea atteuced Iw in city or country, 

lo read Ihs .Ancieut C.aasica without spen-’ing yea »| Ckib advanced oe tousig'rnenG. 

in a College.— An elegant Claaaka. and Historical Li- CaaOaiwaya rea-dy arsen ioo*:* aie soid. Try ae 

btary (wf only Ten Uuliars. ou*.e and be conviiKe i of ike iict mat oouie folks c«a 

Claasical nod lll.t.rlral Library. to bucueoarigai as we.ias o-.bera. 

. J* • 1 a « • OKPI* ^ ^ *'0. 

( C«::aoo <411^6.. ;»«•) ■■ - - ' - . - — ^ *- — »-• 

'Y4HE following Historical Work* are printed tn oui- ALCTION b.-\L£S. 

1 form octavo vil. me*, on fine paper, guod type, aud HI ii & T, 

bound in elegant black cloth bi<.dlng. _ u . 

Herodotus’s Ancient Hiatuty, 1 vol. 8 vo.,6u3 I ”•* Market street, bet. Second and Tktrd 

I F S. J. RONALD I Also, Ladies’ Gai'ers, Bootee*, and Ruxkina, of the p bvo., Iboop 

1 Thomas yii»ley,Wm. E. Orana-n, W,n. m. SinI’h, styles, received per Ute arrivals, making our i 

' j Giceni K. W. Ogdon. Peyton A. Cook. Rich sorimeiit equal to any in the city, which we wil' sell 

ard Patieikn, Warren cuunty. H. L AO. Board, the very lowest prices, 
highest Bentley, Alexander A Co., Hrandenbiirg; David R. .Mur- OW’BN A WOOD, 

ray, Cioverport: Samuel Mc.4danis, Hawesville. J. B. nol3 Market st., one door above Third 

Ths vole ot about one in five of a party in ene be found; but, if 1 can’t even please a child, it \ 


district, is not an act of the party, we should pre- doea myself good to call up the scenes of my n««* .(liver —We are paying the highest Bentley, AlexanderA Co!",'*Bfan-lent>urg; David R. Mur- 

aume; and none but a luminous creature like oar boyhood; so let me go on just at the spitit i o'^i rMO vs v a CO. A‘Vxanye7.yrVs\^B"Ink^t*oU^^ 

igcs 42 U) V\,^K will nave reguicr anc’ioo *a;3a oi Cr* Gg 

Thucydides’ History uf 'he Peloponuesauii War | Roih* and >iioe4. Hats a^ .’ 4 xpa. c'utaiug. < 

late** styles, received per late arrivals, making our a.«* 
sortment equal tn any in the city, which wewil'aellat 

neighbor, would so censider it. It dees not fol- : moves me. 

low tliat either the I ierce or Scott men voted | W'lien I was about eight oi nine years old, 
fer Smith, after all; but if they did, it would gjy uj 3 jq 32 gj^niy in tbe cily 

amoautto nothing. 

cf my birth, and I was considered one of the 

Cr He Pierce will lake an oath to support ! boys in the school. I ccsi'd tranaiate 

the Consiitutiou of the United Suies, and we I « chspier in the Latin Reader atiout as coriezMy 

L and WaminlH fur aiile by 

nol5 G. H. MO.*'.SAKK 4T A CO. 


I H4VEju«f returned from 
theEast witD a large aiumrtraeut 

deison, Cashier do; uiay A Brown, James Low A Co , 
A. B Kemp e A Bro., Rawsun HaCon A < t>., Ander 
sen. .Me Lane A Co., James Trabue A Co., J. B. Wilder 
A Co., VV'ni. Garvin A Co.,H T. Cuid A Co., Cliriun, 
Atkinson A Co., Brent A 'Th-')ma*, George A. A J, 
Ca. dwell, Barrett A Wood, Louisville. nol3(llAw4 

l\T*' I-II'IEHY aad Fancy Uaasis.— Just receiv. 
xrX 4 me lean Bxpieos — 

hot^ lie will r.ligiou«ly o||W:rve t e len.G of ihkl j ^ j 

oath H be doe*, he M ill go out of office w ith , , , , f l 

tbe thanks of his country ou his h ad; whereas, ] IiHDfl wonderful, atiu no duubi my ptreLts j 
if fee a nderstakes to sustain the Bsltimore plat I thought so too, dear good souiS. 1 might go I 
form, his career in: office will be very crooked, | on aud give the ground-wetk for a second; 

Boys’ Clolliiiifi! 

rX 4 me lean Bxpieos — 

20 cartoons lanry Satin KIbbeni 

12 do late style Taffeta Ribbon; 

(I do Pla-d do; 

3 do Swiss Bdging and Ipserting; 

16 boxes fancy Velvet Trimmings; 

10 do do G mp ilo: for sale at 

nol3d6 corner Main snd F'f'h *ts. 


T HR entire stock o: DRV GjOD4 in sf.ire No. 101 1 nolSdS corner Main an d F'f' h *ts. 

Fourth street, with LEASE OP HoU.SK lately oc I -p | R - Jost received,! general assoriment 
cupied by Krowii, « urt's -c Vance. Is oiTered lor sale by | U,t bbons. Also— * * 

Caesar anJ dallust, 1 vul. 8Vo 4vi page* 1 7j 

Livy's Ht lory of Rome Baker’* Tiiui'latioo, 2 

VO'*, bvo. i-eJ7 pages 4 no 

.Xeuuphuu, 1 votunie 9»o, 75tr page* 2 00 

'facitu*, 1 volume bvo, 742 i>agts. 2 U 

Fergus-. n'a home, I vuiuinebv «. ;>»7 I 76 

Gillies Oree:e, 1 volu. lie 8vo, 492 pagf:s 176 

These editions of tbe Latin ac i Greek UasHic* are the , 
moat approved Eng uh Tr.uaUtion*. A lull iHrt ol 'he ' 

above may be obtained for fI6; or, where ciu!** aie "**'*** R AT. Ft.v v M .L. .oernwe era 

turraed and three nets ofveied, iney will be sent fur :3o. j g.'.xtnji; t Awu:; 4 INII’;: 

l.ibrary of Works an ^elrnce, .%xrieolia>e, dtp. j ’PUR higritit coan piiie given 'or .'icinbuei Farn :uro 

The following scientific. Hiatoika , Literarv and At i *' >o-' .'-''Set -reet F-m. 

i rtcutiural Library aie Book* i Hue »am« size, auuboono ' loi’ ' * cv‘'* ‘'.'..‘''iL'' 

I in tbe same manner ■* tho*e abuve; - wtll dt. wcl. to give i.-iscl:. 4\ e > 111 al»>> attiad to 

— I Lardner’* Lectures, 2 vo onie* aro inc pace*. ■•4 Ou *a.ei wtt.. rro. .p'ne*-. .tuctiuc 1 1 .Mubusi 

Ewhxnk’a Hydraulic* and Mecnauks. l volume* > i • ’-v i • 

' 8vo, 62» 3 aO I i'zillll l! t .-’-- Y . A-w’r. 

1 ^c I Isry.-iewelrj.axd a variety of other artn ;e» too 
1 7j ' f® mentloii We » U. atrenu lo out-dooi ‘Sits ol 
I Hnu-sehold Pursiturr-, kcai Estate. Ot.. or. the a. oat 
4 no I fe-i*oi>ableierois Vt e have two larze W areio<-B > niied 

3 UU ' up exp^.'S-sly for the sale oi a.i sikus of new and aecoi d 
2 o band Furnttute, which wil; eceivc r.ui prumpi aitao- 

i*^ ““5' „ 

1 76 Coasijnrrentsof a!' k:Ld« aoi:cite<i, and cimfe ad 



kndgr..tly to the delnment of the best inures-. 3 ^ j ^ ^ „ 

of the people — Ijun.Jour. . ' ^ » f LATE.sT FASHION, 

writer would sua ch it, and work me upic-i \ / and tuk 

Thought you had been telling yonr readers ! hero. 1 had much ro'.her w rite j f / Very Besl Style, 

that the Baltimore platform di. n’t mean auy thing hiilory— bome day I wil. — rod then j V -f // Iloviie tbe (.ubiic to call an-J 

in j.krticular; and couiequently, would do neith- i i i I «»»'»"'«: my "tuck before par 

1 saaii iiLOw It IS mine, ana no raacy p.c - i f. ch-Go-g eis-ewheie, aal promise 

er good no rin I lure. What I dt-aign iu tbe present paptra. j toseiiaiii.e 

IT -Mr Theodore Dietsch, editor of the Lou- i ^ ** “ thought or; GKOlfG^^BL a.nci4ak'd,*** 

iaviile Aneeiger, ha* writlen a letter to .Mr. Cul- i fwo on any subject wflich may a-iie, or to nul5_ .Main *t., between Fourth smt Filth. 

Tin Sanders, the IcKofoco candidate for Congress stale some itcident in my outside life, i. e. m Tnlitm V oitUH.-Kemember, only f Jii. 

in til it disTrict, asking? him whether will, if my t)f life* as cl joyed OI botDO by ! ^ such a« other c^umishmenifi charge ff30aofi|^ 

What I dea'gn iu tbe present papers. 


OF ALL SIZES,! the sub'Criher. The good* coii-ist ol a well-as-orteil 
I variety of Fancy an 1 staple Article-< kr cit> and coun. 
* ^ ^ ^ trytracle and wiU be shown f.-r a tew days tuaiiy peisoiis 

ttJI 4 I.I,K.-*T MZ E UP! w'lh-ng to examine them with a view o' buying the 
All ol which are made in the ! eut"* »:<»rk. WM. T. CUTTER, 

LATK.sT PAtHluN. I nul3'13» -4gent. 

26 p-eces black and white Preach Flannel, warranted 
all wool; 

60-1 Accurdeon*: for tale at 

nol3d6 lighten. LiEWENTHAL A CO.’S. 

Baine’a Wars of the Fieuch Hevoluuon.2 «ol. 

av», t2*)t 

Tatter and Guardian, 1 volume 8v-v, yjiipag * .. 
K-tn-lali’s .Sheep Kuasandrv, l volume d*ri, .320 


/'^R 4 N B KK Rl KM.— 10 barrels superior Cranber* 0"" " i*" "/T 

ries just received and >or sale by a-o * Frinciplea of Agncmtuie,! vul. bvo. 

J. C. BUCKLES A CO.,ThJrd st. 

6 >2 pages. 

Guenon on Milch Cov*s, 1 vul. evo, 88 page*.. 

tr Mr Theodore Dietsch, editor of the Lou- 1 ^ ** 

iaville Anzeiger, ha? written a letter to .Mr. Cul- i two on any subject wh,ch may a-iie, or to 

,-j w“weirAcS.,’’whicTif^om^^^^^^ 

. .,D.y. ... .0 MU ^ L™arv,"iv. 7 “u.™ S3 S‘3 : 

I. 0<»4|l- KT^.— On Saturday morning, Nov. 13th, 1 o. .and get one. is ordered the price Is fi 

j UV Ui'.’i. Stc.! laa.N. 

2 ^ f^vgiiiar Aucli'tn end C^wmis*--'* f/ettas, A’o 
I 504 Market etreel 

loul -W-4LK8 OP FU.3Nlii nk. DkY GOOD-r. GK'>CF- 
I KiK.S. Ac., (at Oie Store), ft'E'U .t.S auo FRI- 
2 f-o DAYS at .^o’clock, A. M. 

62; 1 Ivf“U::V gOOD.s, HOOT.S *uJ .‘"HOR.'t, CLOTH- 

Hooks are auiforra m Mze aud sty e withtne l^G, Ac . eveiy Evenii g at ga* ivtif 
land Historic tl Library above de*cili«d. ' Liberal ms-Je, ai d Coi *. 

in tfiis divtrict, asking liim whether he will, if 
eloc ed to Congrebs, "bring in a motion, or sup 
port, any bill or measu e ahicb will forbid or 
limit the manufacture, imporlatiou, or tbe sate 
of apirite^ ’ 

r>4»4H;KT^.— On Saturday morning, Nov. 13th, 1 
X> will have an-ither lot of splen-tid Hoqu<-ts. Person* 
desirous of getting one must call early, a* thev go off 
quck. A G. .MUNN, 

nol3 No. S3.) Maiu street. 

ethers. j ciiastn; 

I anall net tell you whether 1 am young or! 
old, but 1 will say that 1 am htallky, hearty, and j 

fur. Judge for yuanelv.;s, and look at them before pur. 
ciiastiig, at tbe 

note K. K. corner Market and Fourth atieets. 

ral and Historic tl Library above de*cili«d. L-is-Je, ai d Coi *. .-n..!ai>L* scUcited. 

full set fur il6: or. where Clubs a'e formed and ; 0-Jt*ooor sates, such a-. Fjiui’uie at dwel'icga. Real 
*eU ordered, they will be sent for |3U i Estate. A(., promptly atteu a ! tu u>, rra.*<.uah,e tcru 

Where one complete set of 4v;A tne above series I ST ex,;erer.ce, aii-> retereace-i ziven If required. 1 hope 

ired the price Is f jO uo *ul- '<> receive a liberal *hi-e of pati. ca<e. 

ro Complete Sets 60 00 au6o3n> D -. N’L he v lu.N. .4iicti.--ive. r. 

rdered the price Is fjO uo 

(^rO the Patrons sf the •> Dress- Makers’ and Mil- I xlTree ‘*jo‘*'*‘* ^ I 

X doers’ Guide, and Musrteriy Report of the Fans, do do eu uo | 

LooUud, aoii Americao t^aabioos/* by Saiauel Taylor. ! uJJ Orders for tbo fuiegi>)ng Rooics must b« accoiii* i 
We would say that the November cumber is now out. • with the cash, and letters ciMiteioing the ren):t* | 

an*l to th jse who would snbscribe, the price la ffl per ' taaces may be forwarded at my rUk, where tbe pre<-4u- i 

T I >1K.— 300 hbls fresh lUici Ltme, in prinie shipping year, pay.*«b)e in advance. It will be sent direct through Ii lahcn of mailing tbe letter in the p*’esence of tne 
X-i order, for sale by A. UuNT^K, the pust-ctftc« to each subscriber, but in no case will i «md kcepitg a description ol the 

21 Third st., bet. Mam end Water. single copies be sold, as heretofore. Ordersfrom any part of ihe Un ted S;a es *iii be at* 

To this Mr. Sander^ replies that he shall not ' ^ principal reason? 

uae bia lunuence “eiiher by vote# or otherwise * i ^ ^ 3 ^ a , 

lor such a bill as Mr. Dietsch indicates. I 

Mr. Dietsch, as an editor of a German demo 

“ • vaav.i ...... 1* ♦ KG K nnil 4'.ni»lete Mercnaiits inak- 

f I'i 11 * ,!.'o I -1-^ ing their puichaae inthismarxet will find our stock 

I . ^ plate III town where an as- a* larse, better as-rurted. aud embraciue a sreater varie- 

single copies be sold, as heretofore. 


•)®18 Agent* for the Puhliiher. 

Ordersfrom any part of the Un.isd S;a :es -.iil be at- ' 
ten-led to with p'uaiptcea*, an-t the Books wil. be en 
tirely fresh from the manulacturer’s hand*. Neat buxe^ i 
are kept on hand to contaia one, two. ttiree.or more | 

sortineut is kept on hand at reduced price*. Call and 
examine for yuuiselve*. at tbe 

Mr. Dietsch, as an editor of a German demo ctnous, nor alcoholic Uijuors; except as medi- 1 . M.461MOTH t LOTHlNO DEPOT, 

cratic |ia]ier, undertake* to ins'ruct ths Gerinaua (Len only when poured down my ' ^amuel 8, Fropiieiur. 

m a knowledge of the principles of our govern- . . , u .u i . . — , /''i KKAT stale of <'lotaioa A* tit season is 

ment. It is clear that he is perfectly ignorant of 1-^*' doctor or my nurie. Tins is Ij jiawuigtoa bio*e. 1 lutvnd veiling off my winter 

the Constitution as he is of opinion that Con i e»oUgh for any man tj be proud of, don’t you *‘*’‘^*‘ without any regard to my usual profits Lovers 
gress has power to ‘ lorbid the manufacture, ini- thick ao7 Well, I am proud, but 1 cau't claim , u:to*the *^^*“'*’ purcnasing, nad better step 

porution, or tale of spirits.”— Lo«. Jour. 3^^ abatiaence from dnuk. i MA MMOTH CLOTHING DEPOT. 

gres? has power to ‘ lorbid the manufaciu 
porution, or tale of spirits.” — Lou. Jour. 

{.—As tit season is 
selling off my winter 


as large, better as-iurted, aud embraciug a greater varie- Cap and Letter Paper, School Bcxslcfe, Ac. I Particular direction* should accompany tbe or. ! 
ty of aoods adapted to the present ai d approtching sea- wnuR i av..i,iivi/v k.„- i- . ... <l«r »* to the manner in which the B -ok* -huu.d be f-.r I 

*oii than any stock west ol the mountains. Piicea uui- /*' w .rded bjt where no specific directions ate given, the ' 

formlylow. We have now In store- best rouU known to the undersigned wi l be seW . I 

75 cases new style Prints, «JUk7 an^n^blf,h«i to ^ hteh •“**** “>»PP>“8- P'' '**>1, of course, 

3 d.“ do Suerts^"*"**’ theattention of teachers, pHents, S“ardUns,\nd dea? J* P-'^taser, and the Books to be at hi. | 

2 do Rug'ish Mermoes; ' ouViock’as^comp'lrte Vs'any Any person is authorized to act a* agent in pro- I 

6 do Stuff Goods; J^irrrnlv^i wSvrexpect to fi*nd In^our /vtlb^^^ above named work*; or he 

2 do *Uk warp Lustre*, black; large™ d varied Tn on? tine from wMcS to »» '“o « the reduced p-nes, | 

3 do fi^are l silk warp Lustre*, colored; male their aetMli^V Cml i ’•****’* *** ““‘‘” '*'’•* *" • Hub. But the 

With a very large *tor k of Bleached Gosds. Satinets, „enf. " C*" examine the.r a*eort | n. n„..i A 

d street, 1 door from Main. 

undersigned will not be bound or holden 'or any luoneys ‘-VILL convnue to nia-ie issuraace 

which may be collected on account of -‘y Hulisof s;esn;bo*!s, on tartoes per sanie^ 
yoDd what is received by him or mailed to bun a.* above - feHliBi&3*or Vesseia,by sea, ake.caBat. or river, ana: 
directed. , » - * — to and rrom Atits'ii aa-l Poieign ports. act' 

Tbe undersigned is the proprietor of the copyrights of si-soon Buililnfs.-.Yc .r^tlnsTlua* or damage fev F-rs 




For It cure- I O aD't, t oU.j A-c . 

bv Druggr-t.., 6. .cer*. and Gcn.eoiione-a ^bd 
niB dA a4ui 

>lElt4 ilANT**’ l.’.ll fVILa.K IN *tK.k.NCB 
I tJ -ir .%■' Y. 

OgittoatT the ttOT' ■yf StntdutO Carter M iwal., 
Wna aw uw'.MPaiBXo Cir-Tac or fel7D,uM>, au; 
pa:o iw awa a scarLua 
0^ WILL convnue to nia-ce issuraace 

-‘y Hulisol s;esn:bo«!s, oil «. argoes per san.e, 

wyjlgQg3*or sea, .ake.caBat, or river, tne 
™ * — lo xad rrora Atles'ic aa-l Poieign ports, acd 

the above work* (or su- b of them as are cupyrlgblrO in ^ 

m DOW loorr wiim nnu auswer; ^ ^ ey^rybudy ii ' ».on.u. .nii,ur.n stKEV^ 

To M» Geo. D. Pre-vtice: , not tffi cied with tee same cousUtuiional mala- 1 C'^T^ner ‘1*'*’* 

Has Cougrebs Uie nglit to forbid the manufac ' fly; thia would be a very pleasant aort of a j o"lyi pro-e 5i6«nd # -5>. Alio.tneHtdj-KoUerBoxe*; 

r* imrwrrlatlnn. nr tho su « nl artirila nri t b i n , I... ' * a.. ’ 

ture, imporulion, or ths sale of spirits within tlie 
District of Ctilumbut, or not? 

Has Congress the right to impose, prohibit, iLc., 
taxes upon loreign wine, Ac., or not? 

J u . I piice Irti'H JSlii lo <i8 For sa e by 

wor.d ihec. You wouidn i be ao apt to meet , uoiiij.Vw byra.m, .MILLER A shrevk. 

at Dearly every corner, the homeless, aimcsll 
bouaeles.* orpeae, tniniy clad la scant aud rusty . 

Has a Congressniaii the i>ower to bring in a \ i .c . ■ ... . 

biion. or suoooriativ bill or *>ifeck. that only servtc tto more to carry the 

.3 a 'I' uDil Bnru Ooor iilugea. — .\ choice as- 
Jf xirtineut of entire iie» kinds for sa.e by 

motion, or support any bill or measure, which ice mure lo carry me 

will forbid or limit the manufacture, imporUtiou C 'Hi of tbeae November Winds to tbe shrink- 
or tbe sale of spinis iu the aloresuid iiiaiiuer, or icg, freezing heart. 1 pass some of your rplec- 

noiy 'I’H DILTriCH. K , . , , , . . . 

• diJ saloons every day, as I go to iny toil, and 

The FifiAL Resllt — From the telurna we : ^ througn the opeoittg door upon the! 

•um up the tesuii for electors of President and ' wal is hung with bbsccuity in glowing 

, . . . 1 . 1 . ■ . ' L''** •C TEO.'Y Holtero — .4 laige assjilujeut, for 

C 'Hi of these November Winus to tbe shrink- j JT gnnd stones; price fioia it to i^3 per i-ct, complete. 

Vice President, is follows; 






... 8 








New York 





New Hampshire.... 












Boutb t'-arobua.... . 








a.daa . 



Knode Island 









New Jersey 

.... 7 



... 9 










.... 9 





. . . . 



Horti Carollua 



.... 6 



.... 4 



.... 4 




1 »wa 




.... 3 




Ca ilornia 

.... 4 


— — 







.V'.HO G'inn atone*, • f ibe bts quaiit , lor *ale bv 

OHi»VKLw nort !-pii<!es.— O. Ames’ Sboveis and 
O Spade*, extra long .>,rap,ej, made tor our own sale*, 
now in store and for s"le by 
iiv,ia 3vw BYR.4.M, MILLER A SHREVE, 


BKN.NBDICT A KRNN^V’, Now landing from mall boat and for sale low bv 

Successor* to B nory Low A Co., A. BOKIH, Wh-.leas'e Confectioner, 

465 Main s reet. ,1,4 Dealer la Porrign Fruits, 

r« THE moat eleawm Hat to be foun-l in tbe Wo 60 Third street. 

city Is the Pre-ntuM /fat, naiiufactuicd only by TKNIYY' l.lad Clears.— 36,000 Jennv Lin 
POLL A KD, PRATHER A SMITH, of Cigar* just received per steamer Kelian 
nol3 456 am st. sale low by [nol2j A. 

S dK l' Ilnia. of every de-'Ciiplion, g >t up expre*s:y KiNCd Hu|ar Almoads, Ac.— 

fur our retail trade. A large supply on hand X; 200 pounds Rose and Vanilla Almonds; 

pollard, PKAlHhR A 8.MITH. 150 do Caroway; 

nol3 SucceS'Or* to P. 8. Barber A Co. 175 do Chocolate Drops; 

J KNIYY l.lad Clcars.—36,000 Jennv Lind Regalia which be will now supply them. 

Cigar* jest received per steamer Reliance aed foi All orders must be addressed to 
sale low by [nol2j A. BORIB. THOM) 

the Unite ' Sta-es.) and is owner of -be *t-reotype plates ' Wit. PaATnaa.Secrr'.arv. 
and engravlugs of all of them. Believlr-g tbe woik-i lo ' oibsctobs, 

be u.-c'ul, and that their gererai circuia Ion at a time W.S.C11fto;i, Thes. E. 'A-lsuc, 

when tbe country is flooded with light and ephemeral .A- .4. Goruun, BenJ.J. .4 Jama, 

reading, is de*irab:e, and will prove aaiutary, oe aj -pts ; •tccISdt' 

this method of makir-g known me reducer rates at i ■ 

D.S REN EDICT, Prestcent. 

W . Kanaev. 

colors, or as I look upon the deliciteiy siaiu- 

ed wiadows aud doors, I ask loygeif if it u ac CHEAP DRY GOODS, 

luaiiw r> .r .i,»n r.l,« . o, 1 ... 1 , .V. IfTH h* vs ,ol on nanu a good assortment of the finest 

I twaily true that auco placca ate built to the ali-wool an-i hair loiton .Vu*.in de Lames; Fi*n 

muBic of tbe drunkard’s drunken death-rattle, of «“«1 qu*ut5; » ..f Gii.g- 

UOBLU VBVV.V, h*m*; H ly 8 ^ 1 6 .'voa WI s ; the richest Brocade amt Cba- 

micgiiug iu harmony with the groans of tbe me iou sims Turc 8<tiin*, ot evrry color; white Crape 

aul'a man cursed wife nhl ho* Ir.velv 12-4 Linen and Colton Sh.eting. io?eidei with 

■01 8 msa cursed wife joct, ohi now lovely— a good a-i.-ortment o: Domestics all of whicn we aic 

now? — I ask if those walls are laid m Cement I sirictiy co*t prices, and of course it is to the 

I 1 ■ c 1 , interest ol ail lu want cf such good!, to call 

P i.lXH.niik Velvet, nnd ( leife Cepa-A variety 
of new patterns just received by express. 
nol3 POLL 4RD, PRATHKR dc .‘!MITH. 

L a IFi iCM' Itldlna Hats ani rbil'lren’s fancy HtUf 
rnd Cap* Iu gieat variety at 465 .Mam street. 

150 do Caroway; 

175 do Chocolate Drops; 

Just received and for sals lew by 
I nol2 


not 2 I3wtcaw Trinune Kjilding , .New York i 

To th* Voters of Jefferson County. | 

I N accorJaeca wito the proc.amaiioo of tbe Governor ! 

of Kentucky, you will Soaeinble at your ie*pecuve 
places of votiig.oB .Satnrdav. tbe tu b day of Novem- i 

JfiFFEUwO.N LIFE I. Swrii .«>«'£ C'4*.VIP.%.N T 

Capitol, ^100,00*- **eeurw4 and lavc'ated. 

H. H. GouPwata, Pies’t. Lsivta B>*-;o»,Seri’iy. 
r - H *S twi departmee-*— fwiat 8io( It and 
Mu.uai— off riB!? grist tcducemeaia to 
Icose d^iriDg TO in-uir. 

JAME.^ M. .MOO?B. Atoet. 

noIQ A HABIR O. , .-wioruav, me -,v n oay Ol .voveni- , a, . .. . T. ’ ; :r. - 

- I her 1868, for the purpose of eUctinga Repre-entativa • v u ’ ^ 

P EA IN uta.-«0 sacks fresh Pea Nuts just received i t® ‘"o vacancy occasiooe.) k, the lesig I ">- « '^“''»‘C«h»»-Di*. Pjlea, C«1es.o*i. *bw 

and for sale low by i netion uf tbe Hon H. Marshall; and the officers of me ‘ 

1. I rieclion appointed by tbe County Court, will cause polls I Jab a isxaeK* » i,i 

— I to be opened al the places of voting in their ie*pentive ' riv 

I precincts on said day, and proceed with the same as dl- i ' 

, . , . |\/1 U 4 Kw, Virtsrinea. Cuff*, aud Fancy Para o I 

"i "hLIf "mm** vT?i’in h*”r IVl every deacription-tbe cnlv complete stock m the ffi 

11 *. I'*" west, aud to be had ve. y cheap at I ^ 

: A . DUNIKe I wy s.wwue> vvuil, ^»4l poilt : % tst 

i ^ optDcU ftUke placet of toUne lo iheir ie^pe«-tive ' ri\n\^ %ti nwio 

FOR S AL E. I orecincis oa said (l&Y. and proceeit wiib tbe same ta dl- i ATI, OHIO. 

A NEAT, well-atocked, and centrally-located make due return accordir a to law, CsplwS. ^ t©0.e-.0— rkaeorad aed l.vMt.d, 

DRUG .STORK. A bargain will be given. *d » V, “»» haLd. aa 8her>ff uf H- H. Goopwaa, Pres’t. Lsstis Bzwtna. SecCv 

. • . ^ . m , ... ** .. flEYlintV . tKl* 01 «t BAnt*a«4 k,.. 1--A.* I o._ .. 

A NEAT, well-atocked. and centrally-locatea «s«kedue return accordir a to law. 

aud to be had vei y cheap at 

Comfortable Residence for Bale. 

, -ires* box 844. poe' fifllcf , Lo-itsvllle. 


nol2d2w i ^®***^*®® *****"**’***** ®'*^®**’**“*^*'’*^* 1 -Wi... H 4"i two Japariaeni* — j(Mnt Stuch and 

.. 00 . 1 . 0 ...,. i -f****“‘^“®'=“****»‘**boae 

j »e*» lAwte ^herff J-ff-rson county. . 4* 'rioj to !kw». 

-rr-Lrt-s-i-i-i-r-r ^ J \MRS M. MoORR, Aa-r* 

JOSXiPH GRIFPITH. ' 44 5V*U,; ar.jVatci. 

- . , * AX**, I RxawitiiBa .■'ava.ciaaa— Dr*. Pi;t«,lc!eaco*. aad 

Importer, Manufacturer, and Dealer in Ronald. i .,7 

.4 V EKv neat and (.ouifortabie two story Brick i *ouBieiate 

I NFORM the paaiic that luey nave received a very i JOSEPH ^LTJT L' L* I'l' U 
I urge assortment of DRY GOODS Jor the Ladies. : - -XX \7XVi_C X XX XX, 

between .Main and Water. 

9 : manufactured in hell, and tempered with the KOBiNsoN a weight, 

“ •• J* { orphan’s tears? Can it be ao! Take cate, sir, No. 96 Euunh *t. 

.. .. 4 I it looks very like it. I would njt be toe keep- ' by iMueVii to Vn is V**ot^Vl!eV— -U very 

6 aa 6 r al * 1X1 ' • Fkiuily riouf Ju»t rec«i»6tl frofu Wc^tporiuiti aiii! sbrubbery. Te&Q]8 very inoUcrAtc if 

12 j2 ier of the moat gorgeous palace, hail, or sa- 1 for sue by a. GUNTKk. 2i Third fie application b« mkde to 

” •• loon, nay would not be seen going in, being! between .Mam and w-aier. 

la •• j«J» out, not for the price of thousandt E^ra“q* amy'*whitrwh«t*lrm“r‘^^^^ a'a^fo'l 

2 ■* just such hell galea, paid in giitiering gold. , „ , . _ FRANCts mcHakky, 

* , . V . .u Hdlme A Co., 1 bird slieet, between Wain 

- 6 .. 1 1 should be afraid even to took al the gold, leat md the River. nuts 

i.' H il Should be conumiiiated. leg’. I should be i;*xrKA Family Flour-A superior lot offissh 

•• ® damned eternally for simply looking; besides. -'vouuu Fomuy Flour on hand anu for *aie by 

•• 3 .. ’ nol5 PKANBIS MCHAKRY. 

4 ..I am too vain — have altogether too good an — — — 

I :: opinion of myaeif to be caught in such com- 

• • •• 3 paoy 66 visits them. I tell you, whether you au»i lor sale by ^noidj FRANCIh Mt HAHRV. 

11 11 .. believe it or not matters little, there ia another pxxMriiit of ParU— a fresh supply ju*t received 

- life after this. I know « dozen men ia «"«» <®r^»’e by |uoi5j FKANcrs mch srhy. 

t i' House anil Lo'.od ibe nurtuweit coinei of Cheat- 
ILnut and Fi'iecuth street*. < he House is new. 
coiitaiuiug six large comforiab'e roon-s, with every 
other convenience attached, such as ccaUhouse, Ac., 
ami a large cistern in the yard. The Lot 13 3*6 lest fro-t 
by leSdeeii to an 18 foot ai.ey— -Il very leatly set in 

Handsome Brocade Silks; 

Do Changeable do; 

Do fix’d black do. 

Do plain do dn; 

French Ca*bmeres an-l De Laines; 

Guns. Pistols, Gun Materials, and 
Fishing Tackle, 

Fifth ctreet, near Main, Louiooille, Ay., 


lOriwTII.XL IN.-l'MA.Mt'X 

Cfice OCCT th; «.are •/ £fxa»tjr A Carter, .Vata ol.. 

ilysetin ChluUe*. « alicoe* Ac i * I DKGS leave to inform the p-iwic geueraiy that he has ; oaiMraiaeo I'aairai. or tl75,iCu. axa. 

Mantles, Cloaks, Saefes*. and rich embroidered and plain I ™ P’“" I 



CrapeShawli * ' nol2 double and aineie barrel Shot Guns, b hot Belt*, Game 

Bags, Powder Fi*<ks, Gun Biirai->. Gnn Locks. Ac.; 

'INHii (■•'atleaaea will have an opportunity of ax- a large lot of fine Piab'iig Tatkls. all of wBich be 

X arainlng a cnoice lot of Cloths, Caaslmerea, Vest- **** ut the lowest poMihie cash piii -s. 

'A ILL contii.ue to maae Insurance oe 
Hull* of :*tt ambea'*, on Ca-goe* gar same, 
orV-sset* by sca, laae. caoa-.t t river, aa«t 
toaa-i I'rcm .A.lauUc and Foieiaa por.*, aau 

_uol5__ FRANeiS MCHA KRY. 

H Y'OKAIie.If; I'enreat — A large lot of fresh 
ground Hydraulic t:ieuient kept constantly on hand 
au.l lor sale by inoldj FRANClh MtHAKRY. 

City, who are acoiing down on the Devil's 

The Populcs Votb Since 1828 Tbe follow, board, a long black lisl of licensed murders— 

ing table txnibits tbe number of votea cast at iicenaed, by whom? By tbe Giver of life? — 
each of the presidential eleetiona for the past that will make them wince when then master 
twenty-five years: aets them up at the board to cipher out the 

F<ar«. Ko.t^ Vat'e. ium totall YoH’il look well, and feel well too. 



a. 1 162.418 

ee 1.2^?.49H 

.. 1 A'l 298 


.. 9 '76»'.r'8l 


..9,878 613 

city, who are tcoriog down on the Devil's •'»>»a *»aiid— A fu^ll supply on hand and 

" * YV for Bale at reduced price* by 

board, a long black lisl of licensed murders— note fkaNCI.n mcHaRRY. 

Iicenaed, by whom? By tbe Giver of life? — „ Till o 

that will make them wince when their master GrrOgOry & E&Alliy, 

aets them un at the board to ciober out the managers of THB ky. 8Tatb lottbry> 
eeiB mem up nc me uonru lo cipncr uu; me 3cH*Mxe ron thb Wnxii aaoiNe Novxsmaji 27,1862 

sum totall Yoh' 11 look well, and feel well too, mosdav, rov, 22 . i 869 . 

won't you. air liquor dealer, to bear all the | !^«7oo«. 

devils making fun of yoe and whispering be- tUBSDav, hov. 23 , i868. 

hind four back? Well— no. not weli— *lnsi CaFiTa*., Tickets. i C»riTAi-, Tickets 

part of— 

Black .Silks; 

Do Velvets; 

Do De L lines; 

Du Lustres; 

P.aia Moui de Laines; 

Fancy do do; 

French and Bngiiah Chintz; 
Merrlniac and Fall River Prints; 

? stieet, “Granite Prout,’* for *a.e at wh-aiesate and Desireble Hotel Property for Sale. I 

3 DUKN! BooUs!!— Comparative Pbysignomy, or HAVING determined !•> e-gage la other bi»i. ’ 

Keaemblancea between Men and AnimaU; by J. W. net*. I will offer, at public sale, oa WKONK.S , 

^fivid. ABLdAY, the 1st day of Dacember next, the .-4hielda 

Tbe Discoverr and Exploration of the Misaiesippi Hoes:, (formerly Mansion House.) cornet of Ma n an-J 

B DOKN! BooUa ! S— Comparative Pbysignomy, or 
Kcsemblancea between Men and AnimaU; by J. W. 

A. A. GotJen, 
dec 19 dtf 

kenj. J. Adam*, 

Valley; by John 8. Shea. 

St. Clair street*, Prtnkf it, Ky. 

The Mother et Home; also, the Child et Home; by I To any person desirous of C'lgaging In e good Incre- 1 

-khM a i- A WK..I* I— . : . OJ 

John 8 C. AbbotL 

live busmeat, this U certWely an uppurtuaity rerely to 

TUK FKX.NBLXt.N i N<*1 H h.NX'lt CO.flPA.'NV 


IS Inaiaitug agatnat loaa by ttre 

^;|!«C5aJ^lncity oi Country, and oa buPs 
.>tsam or baa; Vcaaals, a»d aa 
NmaBSmatr property by laua oi wator.tooi 

Clothe, Caseimeres, Tweeds, Jeans, Cassinets, and line of hU Philosophical Doctrines. 

The Life of Barnard Palisay, of Sxintes, with an out. I be met with.* The House U a >w ia good onier, aou baa uiy poriia lae Uaiud Huioeei Beiopo. 

hind yout back? Well — no, not well— alas I g 4 ’’ 0 jQ*'* 
some of tbeee dcEsn men profeig to be my * 


6 belea brown Cotton; 

— _ _ 3 do do Sbeetingi 

rv QC AxHUTYT Bleached Cotton* and sheetinga; 

F Jf * Super 4-4 Shaker Plaonel; 

THB KY. 8TATB LOTTBRY. Do 4-4 Twilled do; 

/■KH BBOiNS NovxMnan 27,1862 Red, white, yellow, brown, blue and green Flannels; j 
IA F, /VOK. 22, 1669. Bleached ami brown Centou Planiiels; 

cketa. I CapiTAx. Tickets Inah Linens; Damask Table Linens; 

.*2 6U liFdtf ,noU S80C -Isconet Wgtiigs sod Intcrtiugs. 

DAV Aril' 97 inso ‘heck. Hickory, and Bed Ticking; 

Cklt* I r.aiV*. . Kid Gloves, Shawls of all kind!; 

at mi eoa Tumi if*!, everything else pertaining lo a compieU 

*1 ou I utMl gg (K •lock of Goods suited to tbe market and aeaaon. I in. 

taring Mercantile Life 

e befer run of custom than It has ba-i for years. 

Mercantile Morals, or I'boughta for Young Men en- I addition has Jast been completed, together with new 

' I by H Vsi “ ' - - 

kitcbcD, bake-house. AC. at an expense or fl.AX). 

The History ot Rissela*. Prince oi Abyselnla; sTale, ) Furnitore of the Hours to be tsaen by the purchaser et 

by Samuel Jubosoe, LL D. 

Village Life lo Egypt, with sketches of the saffle; by 
Bayle St. John. 

a lair valuation, aa-i upon the tame teims as tbe Hou^e 
Termaa/ SaU.-Tha House and Pureiture will be «oM 
on 6, 12. 18, 24, 30. and 96 moaib*’ credit, wiia Inicrc 

A. L SbotwsU, 
WUiiaai Gay, 
Janies X Liibgow, 
James B. Breed, 


Wuiiam Garvtii, 

Jao W. .Aiideraea, 

Semaei P. A'ataiget, 

B< a<amiB C. Hoed. A 


Blizabetb, or the Exiles of Hiberle; a tale founded on I from day of sale and good Mcurlty— Mtfea nefotiebe 

„ * .u — / WEDSkaDAT, NOV 24. 1862 

From these fignrea it will be seen that the fne.dsl Wouldn't you like to persuade me fsFiTAs.. Tickeu. i Cafital. 

number of aetere in the country in 1848, was mto vour aiimv H»na a;™. _ •!. « <2 60 | *33,500 

’ ’ iuw> your aiimy dene to warm a dime with yon? rmURaDAV jvof. 26 i86S 

equal to the whole population of the Wouldn't you? Yon'd langh wouldn't yon? CaFiTAk. Ticfeeu.’j Cafital. 

•onnuyatthe cloee of the revolutionary war Vesl and then when my widow and orphan 

cbiioreDy •Douid fitaad before the Oamisoient, C*.r!TAfc. Ticuct*. i rAriTAi.. 

Tea EixcToasc MAjiamaa Since 1828 — gad tell theu wronge. and abould be ordered •»*®®® «3 00|l’J,300 

lacasoa’B(dcm.)maionty IB 1898 h... . • j oraered aATUBDAV, NOV. n. lam 

- •• “ 1832 to hunt you and bias yon up to judgment, then c.FiTaa. Tlcaeu. i Cafitai.. 

iSS and there to iwear that you were my murdeJer a-’V ** ' ®«»’*®® 

■Arrisoo’s (whig) " 1840 r uiuorer, mTGrderefrom the country promptly 

Poik’s (dem.) •• 1814 66 you’d langh again, wouldn't you? Yon’dlaughl if addressed to 4RBOOBY A MAURY, 

Yas Baren’a ** 
0Arrisoo’s (whig) 
Path’s (dem.) 
Taykir's (whig) 
Pwree’a (dem.) 






Tickeu. I Cafital. Tickeu. 

*2 60 I *33,500 *10 06 

TMURBDAV, NOV. 26, 1862, 

Tickeu. I Capital. Tickets 

62 00 I r*. 1,000 1600 

fBIDAY, SOV 26. 1862. 

Ticket!. I Cafital. Ttcketa. 

*3 00 I 1*3,500 *4 00 

a AT NR DAT, NOV. 97. 1862. 

rickeu. I Capital. Tickeu. 

vite the atUntion or the ladies to an examination of my 
Tickeu. stock before purchasing elsewhere. 


no13 497 Market at., 3 doors above Third. 

Ticket. Times copy. 

facta, from ths Prrncb ol Madame Ootiin. and peyiible 

Paul and Virginia, iranalated (Tom the French by I will giva 
Helen Marie Williams. day of sale. 

Uuodiu Bvcrytninf, a Story for Children; by Mra. given by adc 
Barnwell. nolOdU 

Poema by Mattie Oriauh. For aale by 

nol2 T. R. H BL80N, 496 Main at If, 

M BHWKM. C Ha«au*cOe. are now opening the ^ WK 
Urgatt end finrst aasortmeot of Annuals for the ]0 gro M 
coming year that ever was re. eived at thu market.— |k near. 
Their object for openlag them so early, la tor the ec- aaSKsewm 
commodatlon of the country marchenls. We would re- or with boi 

from uar oi owi auua ■veurur— aaiaa nefotieb O vaaia o'srw aaaa-Maaa-K ... _ 

and peyable in bank. MXXgje Ck FY i.NMX K.a.M* K 1 g* mrA.-fe h . 

I will give my personal ettentioa to the House HBil Oriica No. 416 Main SThaar, 

dAy of aele. Any lef 'rmAtion In regard to *an>e witi be OpFoalletaa LouisviUe Hotel, befn SixU andaaaaaia 
given by addreming tbe Sttbacriber. At Frankfurt. LOUIRVILLE^ KY 

nolOdU N 8HIKLD8. ®K«T«epaa Capiua) -*a*»#geAe. 

Na 1 Negro Man for Sale. I 

WK are authjrisad lo *eil e very valnahle Ne ; 
gro Maa.ageu ab-Mt36 ye-rs. He la a goud angt. | 

4^K«rteraa Capiua) -MtaAgeA*. 

Or wnica le Fatn in ani> ixeenne. 

CON riNUBs to lueure a«elne« 
loaa by Flia oa Hulla of '<taam. 
boats, aaJ o er (oad V ee ee u . 

IP gro Maa.ageu ab-Mt36 ye-rs. He la a good angt. | toad V ee ee u . 

near, having bad sole coetrol of aa ragine in a . oad a* h. a ®2* *• 

oBksaw mill for tour rear*— Irai rate hand oa a farm ! Uf f7t kJT**'i***f *’ C*nal,ana Ra road rootca; and oa 

B DTTKK —20 kega aonerlvr Ohio Dairy Buttar re- commend those in want of fine Annuals ead juvenile word.U capable of etten-ling to any kind of busiaeaa 
celved per Ben Frenkitn and for sale by Toy Books of every variety, to cell at Messrs. C Ha desired to be done hy a servant. Ha Is etrtctlv hooeat. 

four year*— Irai rete hand oa a farm ! 1. *'i .7*’ »» »®»d rootca; and oa 

a exceUeat porter In e store; ia . ^"5 °*^ **^^ '**^”“* **** eeeao*thecoaimoF- 

>r etten ling to any kind of busiaeae - _ , *• ®Rt»*.Prneidn»l» 

hy a servant. He is etrtctlv bonact. 1 vOM****, Sec f. 


fan A Co ’a, on Main atreet, between Third end Fonrth. and will he suid only te e resideet of the city or couetv. 
Their stock on band U very large, end they wlU tell et which is oaa of the best gu.ranteee that rte I* sold for 

66 you'd laugh 

vx 9>) barrels 8t. Louis Golden Syrnp; 

tSOOO 26 4 do do do do; 

attended lo 68 J do do do do. 

Managers, Juet received and tor eale by 


/-IggXghIfflf Ayrup.- 
• I VX 9<) barrels 8t. Louia 

!I!I !!936 Bb! ha! what a laugh! 'Twonid make a deni 

Oen. Pietee has. beyond doubt, beatea all weep to hear iL Be careful you don’t perguade ?,»?»»**• 

_ a . 1 - A _ _ I w^r VV 0 WOQlU CAII IA0 4t 

loroMr eompetitois in the Preeidentiel face, of my frienda or arqaainuncea, or evea 
■inee th* existence of tbe present pertiee. offer it to them when they aak, for I’ll evear 
before High Heaven egainet yon; eo Will they, 

IT The vote for Preeident. et the Blue Lteka 

... . aiatera, and fatheri. and mothers — Obi what a 

pieetnet, Nichoine oonnty— the propoeed site crowd of witneaaM. It will be well with 
for the military hoepiui— stood thus: Pieroe you then (?) 

9*y Seott Ih^neetly two to one (oiPteioe. 0REOORY QEOROB, Oent, 

Louisville, Ky. 

iW* Postage pre paid on allanewartto orders;alao 

ttentlon of the ppblUto 

reduced prices wholasela. 


■ ay of my frienda or ncquaintances, or even the above schemee, which for aniLLiAncv will vie 
offer it to them when thev ask, for I’ll awnay wiia any schemes offered , 

oner » lo mem wnen mey eea, iw t swear OKBOORY A MAURY ere the aale Mauagera of 
before High Heaven egainet yon; eo Will they, KenTtirnT Lottxuiks. 

and their wivea and children, and brothers and ,3^'" ^ TiUtu adirtae the Mam 

aisters, and fathers, and mothers— Obi what g v^All correspondence 8 teiotlt oowriDnirriAL, 
crowd of Witneaase. It will be well with bud ee printed Jraartngs will ee mailed to ell par 
you then (?) *®“’ •«“**■§ ordar* 

' ^ 9RM0RY OEOROB, 0»«. „o ,1*.?“®*" * 

S OAP —75 boxes No. 1 Rosie Soap lor sale by 

T lYBBroOA, Flee Table HaU, in Urge bags, 
La lor sale by 


M OiaAKABog.- 8agarfaoa*e and Plantation Molaa- 
*es,of the best qealitv. ta store and 'or aale by 

T obacco: Tobaeeo*:— We bave in etoraegood 
atock of Manufbctnred Tobacco, put m la neat 
Btyle, and out or good stock from MIsMmrl.Teaneaaoo. 
and Kentucky Leaf, to which we iavlU merchaaU, vis: 
100 boxes K B Pouada; 

190 do F F do; 

110 do CC do; 

76 do B dot 

m do Hyam A Soa’t Pouada; 

IM do No. 1 XLumpt 
100 do Ltnghu rat’s 6-Lump; 

9 0 do Noctar Leer floe Tohaccq. 

Merchanu will please cell and examine onr Tohecco, 
as we feel confl leat of giving ibem Mtiaractlon, hota is 

lOfault. CRBN8UAW A T.4YLUR, 

aoS No. 9J. east ekla Pilia street. 


R a VSRY deeirehie taiail BilclilioosotOMfl.lne 
deaU-ahte part of tbe city. 

Nt4 J. W. CB AIG, No. 77 Third at. 

U«DAB ee* I,*t fSnr Mnle— Oe Jachson 
|A stient, between JeCsraon and Gfcen. Lot93ic«t 


J. K. Haynee, 

John Ferguion. Jr., 
James Bridgefoed, 

Robert Beatty. 

John A. Onalap, 
Chaa. ^ Armeiroi^. 


vy^iowoy — ■*» tl., hetwee* MaU and Market. 


a stieat, between JeCsreon end Gveen. Lot 93 hot I ^ ^ 
(Vont b| Jtt Jeep to an allay. Brick Honae. twn { , 
SL rua k>gb. Flooffli, kiUhea. dsiorn, Ac. Wiu bn ' 
aoidatabaifaih; J. W CRAIG, 

noli Reel B*tate Agent, 77 Third at. 


FuMlf Ormeern* 4IT Market Bt. 

^OUlNVOloB, KT. 

O XlW 8«vemmon« Java and snpertor Lagnayra 
CoNbe IB aturs and for tale by 

1 w>l3 A.YDW. BUCHAN AN A COs. 

KMMwn — 39 a»xa* * nogern Reserve Cbscan tie 
carved par Ben Franklin and tor inrn I* 

; nai3 ANOW. rvcMA.vAN ACO. 

-aAMOXB.W — 

A 100 boxe* Cincinnati yraanml Monld Candlma 
Il 0 d • 8ler * 

In «tor- and fer anin by 
BO 13 


C 4 W v**! anoo!!-90n doable anJ single Gon aad 
■ R.n>a. aoms aatra fine, direct impornune. and foi 
mU at very rtdncna pn«ea. 



MONDAY, NOVEMBER l», 185?. ] 

Oi^A W*r4i« A4rertia«r*>— All j 

<Beat«app(«rUi9 *•> ta<! Dally Peroocrai are truwftrre-J 
ta our Ryanin; KJiMon, and receive • erataltoosinaer j 
11 JB In it. Thut eacb patron of the mornlnt paper hae j 
the advantage of on evening circolatlon to a ditUoc I 
claev of reader«freeof charrc. 

IRof Uie Loniaville Democrat.] 



Meiropolita!* Fashionable 1ntelh-[ 
GENCR. — Lest our city readerji should not | 
t»e posted up on the customs prevailing j 


tHO ha 9 REctriTLY TUENiD MIS ATTEMiON TO | amoRg ihc coiicert aiiit theatre goers in 

A comp* t±*Dt Pncter can c btaio a pcTiD£* | 

Bent (nia’hi liiuation by applyiag imaediately ; Quotnion goes on toiay book$, of all sortf 

prints of all aorta)— handbills, libe's- 

— — and aco y not s para s, dtc., Ac. Now tits i§ 

tT The famous Elclipse, the terror of thalow- decidedly wn n^, it is like casting pearls a«a> 
ar waterv, leuvaa for New Orleana in a few days, —tnia waste of genius on tr vial eubjects. I 


There la a youth in our town, 

HH name I moat r.ct tell: 

It if iiot Jim— ft t's not Sm, 
bat It la t> — - 1 . 

“Out doctor. ihuatTlih Muff’d KfllsieBcy 
Of all oianicenuus oiniii-ciency, 
ivee»n (as ubo would cot begin 7} 

To let U out in—’’ 

i the great metropolis at the present time, 0 

I we give a few items from the Homo Jour* 
nal, high authority in such matters. It 
is well to know what the fashion is, and 

not he behind in this enlightened age: =rr - - : - — - - — rry ~r— 

.‘Throwing Doquets upon the stage is hXr.Ai^I IKkA'l l.APLOSii 

now pronounced ‘not the thing,’ by those FIFTEEN PER^NS KtIed 

whose example in such matters is law. It 

hag been overdone, not by the public, Cinci.m* 4 ti, N 

b’jt by the prolessional ovation stimula* The B-jckeye B- 1 e c xpiO'^sd laai ni^ 
tors. Boquets are rarely thrown at Ma- m B^veriey Lock near M iietts. Fiiu 
dame Sontag’s concerts. The admira- sjua were killed uod fave.ral wounded, 
tion which she excites is not of a nature „ . 



WAHXU 700 MS. 

Sales of S80 piecea Bagg ug, and 4^0 Cut a nope, t 

^‘ 1 : A VI itai aV 1 VFlViKiaTwr^ Flour U firm, with an upwi’d tenden y. J!o dersar 
f.A.HBOAl for waics lomeiiu* 

FIFTEEN PER-'ONS K‘LLED ! 1 cr^rielUa, from wagon, at «c. OaU 

~ Z ~ IJoloa asc. 

CyiNCi.XNaTi, Nov 13. lugro eiiesataleof 100 haga Rio Tcffce a’ 9 t:,anii 
The Buckeye Bl efxplolod laal night wh;!f /? nog meads of .Sugar ai 6 i 6 >i:. .Saiesof Puuuu&ii 
in Bsveriey Lock near M lietta. Filleen per* Molasses at 3)&3l.i ougurnouse we quote at J 3 aJ-Jc — 
Buna were killed and several wounded. Coeesa firm aiSjaSc. 


61 TlIlKlk »Ta«ECT, 

* 1 ^ Having nude a rge addition . 


Saturday Rveuing, Nov. 13, isai;. J q PROA I 

The market continues animated. The rivt r la falling «.»«*■ 

quit# rapid' y, with atill suIBcieut water ou the fal t for XIII Jklk STklEtT, 

ujfdlum class h ,ats. The weather U cool anJ bratlug. h^’i^x^^w^mJ“ca^^lbeT^fcA 

Saiesof S80 pieces Bagg ug, and V*<i Cut s nope, t . 'jAansTX,,(,tiog bu>era to the largast^P^K 
I 2 ‘c and 6 c. beat aasortraent of— 

Flour U firm, with an upwarj tenden y. tio'dersar ^UdUlti*!, lltgrueSS, HUd XrHDkS. 
iwiw asking |3 7J for supei&aa, at waics loineiiua »er eehibited inuce hms" n the -Vest, c .mpnaini 
.alea were uiauo. -o^ch, ouggy, Dia ,Cart. Wagon, stage, and Omnio-ai 

New Corn ta aelllng from wagan. at 30c. OaU w. Vfld7ron\‘u^rr?or’’*rLVo Zn"cr!'l!^/'i^n 
}uote a ‘dSc. :.eatner, by the beat of workinen, 

lugro eiiea a rale of 100 bag. Rio Tcfft-e a’ 9*:, and . ■*®’*‘*' '•*" ^7'es uf SA UDLE3, qilte differtB 

_ ,, ... Iroiii snjttung ev ?r 'ffeie Un tnii uucket 

rraving nune arg» additioiu /. — ^ 
hi* atock. Wiuij cal the at 
.»jft?V»W’*«>ilon of bu.era to the largast^^^^ 
wsKB_guaAwaol beat aas-irtracct of— I 

lligrueMS, aud Tranks. | 

»er esuibiTed inoce hms" n the West, c .mpnaing 
•kMCh, UiE tCdn, W^goo, SU;a. and Omni»uk 

sarn.'**, at all imccs, ot ev ty Co'.enpUuo, loaaulsc. 
ifod from acticio of Nottser . and Baalaic 

:.eatner , by the be^t of workinen. 

iiii snyttiicg ev ?r 'ffsie I in tnii market 
lllb«o.i*a paleol Whslabaa* ttlBbad obIIB 


run uwiLMHBaaKa. AVA.’MwVii^i.a A.'va 

The sceaBMr Fa WN, aelxrod, anaur. 

0 ^ - Thia spiaodld, (laaatBgBi strmsntt wtW 
^leava (or iBo above and iaieriueuiate Mru 
daBaHa 'I' T 0 HSU AY, Ue iBie laat., at 3 p. lit. 
r «i iicigni or paaaage apj ty ub board or lu 
cl 6 I. H. MOoBMRAU. 

Fua :vitvb »at,HA.Na. 

Tae ateaaitt GhJI NLuTT, Logaa,maitai. 

. Tbii new paaae. gar pacaat w« 

' S for toe above aod inieiieeolata puaw 

TUhBUA Y. Ibe IB am. 
ror irclgtit ot peaaaga agpiycabtMju ei u, 

U 6 1. .4. MOoKHRAD. 

FOK NBW vKi.KH.Y*. ' 

r-T The hiirh beaded Telerraoh is iha mnminiT otiCi knew - 1 night aay I knsts — a y r ung man , , 

Cl me nign uraucu leii-grapn isin« morning • ' • to be expressed in so common a manner 

boat for Maoisoa and Cincinnati to day. 

Ij" Capt. Beli'a new boat, Mtsaeeger, leaves 
for New Or eaca on Wednesday. 

I —a most promising young man, too, so IbouKtt 
I bis aunt aud Uts uncle, and so thought the mod 
\tst youth himiielf — who by grasping after liths 
\ hiDgs Ceated to look towards grea’er. It war 

Vrom Wtw Vork. 

New Yoax, Nov IS. 

Toe ruling price for Hogs Is ts 3f net, und H at the 
jena. We heard of asale, U day, of 6cU head at 2 
uet. All the packing atlabilahi.ienM lu the city wi 

••IV-* enlbrr rrwvfliuw rruaka, wnLe for llgni- Tka attamer WtNFlkLD SCOTT. Carpeater aiaaiar. 

iiea.tacu duiabi:ity,suri>a'>a auythingol tha kled vet iii. I , 

.. oteJ, and meet that uculdeialuia of travei,vL’i,i“ ' wujleeaa 

.* •vwwi^^wiiua a 1 1 0M ■ fn f I k ■ k«kAW« Aa..i aI: lAFwriV.AJlAtA nAATt* AA 

LI • • Hi" .ar a* • A k .A :ii ATfcw A uKAp iluv ij. uci. All me |iataiiig vkido.isniaieiM^ lu mo uiy wi • 

J [This 18 well for the ovalionists, but wil Arctic sailed with 76 pafseegera, indu- commence opertiioaa on Monday, sbo.u me wet h.i 

be sad intelligence to the tlonsls.j Itie Jigu Tuts, htnog, of Londun, aud W, c. Cjuilnue favorable. About sou head have already beeu 
time was, when the display of an opera- Bryant. uiaugateied at one ofthe huusea. 

7 glass in our concert rooms, was something — Puuad FieighUtoNewOrleany.aocperhondred. 

tTA tew .te=mer died the Keystone. pgo,i,.e,ed by -11 but his rr/aimra, that A-a In/ f H -, ' w 

ilt.tPauburgh, psmddown the nvtr cn nr.c^.VAf. would not soar .b.yv« A«nd6W/..oto- upon the spectators De.pur or « 

bnilt.tPauburgh, psmddown the river cn nr.c^.^Af. would not sosr .b.yve A«nd6W/..oto- ““e upon the spectators. Hespur or \ « 

Sa'urdEy, bcund for Si. L'^uis . . ^ . r **h order of nobility. The time is, when Soon \Miig yesterday leiuae to bei that 

CTT-e new r„metM..'.n..t M W.1 ....It ^ e j' l>« them i, a Bolt ol disUDC- the licou electoral ticket would receive 

a..r 1 .e new r.eaniet Mee:eo,et raiaed eieea. Oazr'.eet, .'.Nieet Hiwk" eoitor, end dtunl.. .. ,i . ., „ j „t...oi:... - .. 

on Salorde, even, «. end e.tne op to Stedef, tone, ere'. Poo, fellow!--:., feet ‘'O"; .. , „ 1"!' 

wketf. win led fot .New 0,U... dtp. .ecet „i.rj *, reretee. f. mt, ./ ^ he time wa, when a// the laJ'« choaette! He was detet mined not to afford 

* ^ ^ a grand concert, or in the boxes of a thea- in his person an iliustration ot the truth 

tjr The fleet Reindeer leaves for New Or eompensati„n. tad of wt,ion ne is .0 fond, will tie. were in full dress. The time is. when of the old saying, that a fool and his mon- 

leans to-day. Those » to wish to bs “whir'ed b - luc ru-u of this s’nitbie lad. To let yutr see bonnets are in (on) the majority. T his j ey are soon parted. Another whig, who 

threugt” to about five days, will do well o to v aai aeptkt of degradation, sinking gtuius it, jg to be regretted for two reasons: first, ( took the bet alter a good deal of talk, 

ergfge passage on her. aomemnea leooced, ana by way of au/rmn wjir*. b^eause the splendor of the tout ensemble \ refused to bet that his party’s plurality 

nr The new ateimer Princeaa and the Chau- yturself, I will point out to you one is diminished, and therefore the plea-sure : v\ould be ten thousand, or eight thousand, 

cellor, are both advertised to leave for New Or prculxurity of this unfortunate youti ; gf j^e audience; secondly, because it is or even seven thousand, in Mas.sachu- 

leana to morrow. An excellent opportunity for “ Ff* fo w»vrf</ e ic lA /Av o/foira. proper and belongs to civilization, that I s^tts, which gave to Harrison more than 

f ftMile, t 3 daf, of 6 l 0 hc«d at (5 3 Al«o,ivOm.>a in Tr n!c<i, Whlp«»Hof«« Oov«n I 

lug a«Ub:Uhi.ienM lu the city wi . 'Ud evr-ything perumingto the b-ismeiui. j 

*«17 i.3in I 

00* on MoiMlay, slio.lU tne wea^brf ■ ■ ■ ' ■ — - ---- - , . ■ ■ ■ i | 

. About 60(1 head have already beeu t'O like ieUilies ul LotllSVlIle, au4 
afthe hauaet. l]ge Public la iveneral. 

0 New Orlean-,2Sc per haodred. y- Bt.K tCIII.XG at.J FKK.S.'SlNG BSl aBLIBH- i 

MK.vr. coriirr <•! Fourth and Waiuut -.aaBta, 

11a Tnharr>o MarGAt ui"ler the Ch l tlai: Church, 

lie lODacco Market. S CU.LM U\, wiun«aiwava prepared to blear hand 

FaiuAv.Ncv It oress al! K-ndi of .Sti z.w iiau auti Bi« l ets, it tue ih vrt 

w a a a .#v a-i-a 8t I1'?t . ^Itil ID t40 lAtOilt ruhlOUAMe ftYi#a MUAI to 

NirebouaettodaycomrHfi^iiSihbdfA i,;y |,. loa ciy «««iuu*tFic ^ 

41a : aOO 4 76: 4 SO: 1 C iVi: o 3 : I e» h rjjiiiil pieu'og bonr.ats 96 Ctf \ 

: 4 90 i 4 3d: 3 96: 4 6t: 4 fOi 1 iJ: 1 '20: 1'^,* ’"'I"'* * *«>•• dl’^ldg black «> ctv i 

I -veur •* hui* tiie.«ekvB wad pre»«e« 40 eta 

an order of nobility. The time is, when Soon Whig yesterday leiuae to bei that I Louisville Tobacco Market. 

to be without them is a sort ot distinc- the hicott electoral ticket would receive I Fa.oAi,.Ncv it 

A* L c a I ^ A v^ttssaai:*.. • ikff Thc*tle«at two mrebouscf to daj hhdf, 

. , ;; I «• , ^ 7 ‘'Jr*®* 

1 be time WJ\8 wlicn at I tn6 Iftd iti§ ut chusettSa Hb wms clGtciininGd not to tiflorH ■ •& 45; 4 15: 4 u*: 1 90: 4 90: 4 3 j: 3 93: 4 6C: 4 fOi 4 ui: 1 2u; 
a grand concert, or in the boxes of a thea- in his person an iliustration of the truth ! 5 >* : * i6: s.^s: 6 i* : 4 v>. 

eompensottan, Itad of wt,iou ne is »o fdtd, will ^ere in full dress. The time is, when of the old saying, that a fool and his mon- 
b- lUc fu-D of this 8’nitbia lad. To let ytar see bonnets are in (on) the majority. T his j ey are hoon parted. Another whig, who THE 
to waai aeptkt of degradation, sinking gtuius 16 jg lo be regretted for two reasons: first, ( took the bet alter a good deal of talk, 
aomeiiroek ledoced, aou by way of au/rmn wjin- because the splendor of the tout ensemble \ refused to bet that his party’s plurality *’• ‘“•’'“"S*’ 
Ug to yaurself, I will point out to you out ig diminished, and therefore the pleasure j v^ould be ten thousand, or eight thousand, irrt' "veYmo 
si ikiug peCHhurity of this unfortunate youti ; of the audience ; secondly, because it is! or even seven thousand, in MH9.sachu- ei. were pres* 


ForlheWaixa Hocaa are before public . Bpeech- 
ev, hloetliige, Uaioacuei are all the rije. Ktcitenieiil 
lathe order of the day; aod eac.i party Is eager for vic 
lory. Yet months have elap-ud since ibeie livallead 
eis were preaenteJ to the nonce of adia.erilog public, 
tnd moiitba musieitp-ie ere thm same public wnl declJt 

puaeeogera going South. public and private, of hts aeguainia ets. whenever the people are gathered togeth I 20,000 inoj'M ily over Van Buren, to Clay who is to bear the pal.n, a-i i occupy tue seat of honor. 

4-ri..hnM At.i '^ao cannot possibly beany iiRfc to Aim, er for an agreeable purpose, such individ- almost 16.000 over Polk, and to Tavlor 

tr John .M. Ande aou. the gentlemanly mail nuthi. g. Ihext la u.i„ should r.mlnhnff. his or her utmoM OM nOO nliir«iitv over Cass NAVAr “* 

Agent on the “long horned thunderbolt.’’ haa our ^ , , ,, i “-<1“ Should Contribute Ills or oer uimo.i *b,uuu plurality over Cass. Never was ot- d .ao u B R K E ot v p i n r ^ 

thanke for CiDcinuaii papera in advance of the lor ifi.a i«i..n,{ ficre, lo the entertainment of the rest. More- a parly more completely disheartened m this city; foi th la same sharp, «agle eye-L iru'h dli 

It '* a laojiiy trait, that he inberits it from over, carelessness in dress is apt to be ' than tlie Whigs of Ma.ssachusetts at this '^o^efioe public, have oicixao, and !h» L.dii--, wth 
«vTu /--I . r- -1 ,i . .1 Q’S sucebtor^e Of uoutse falsehoods, witntui the s'gn of a deeper and worse kind of ’ time. They are in that condition that t"*"' '“*t^®“S'*p*'^^“"J“f8s,waich/ciMft.h'f»<nvd*a 

7 1 foundation, must be mixed op with conceit than that which we ridicule in the needs only’ that their enemy shall press he decum^ 

tr The Cincinnati Commercial *«ys that the i foundation, must be mixed up with 

“LoBlaville” ia receiving her engines An nd u iace/fau.ous eleaLl.i^a. vet so vitiated h; 

in three weeka. Moee McLellon, we understand. Let this be a warning to yju- 
ie to take command of her. _ 

diuonal number of hands have been put to work J^t bo vitiated i% professed dandy. It might have been ; them vigorously to effect their Utter ruin. Kimball’s Picturoa are Paramount! 

un ti ia ho t fh t h hor H / f tasit, 80 nufuraffy dcpraved h • appetite, added, the time was, when an uudi- net- They are conscious ot thtir weakness, Note wdi: 417 lathr !tu..ih!ir,ai.d i’s Pa- 

* “ * M 11** ^ <’r ^P^^ra ion fA'* only reudeta scandal more palatable, of well behaved people would remain and all that they say is intended only to pvr store i» directly aader the National uaiiny of 

ml ree wee ■ . o«e ^ c on.we un ersian , Let Ibis be a w arning to yaw — | sealed at a concert till the last piece was keep it disguised yet a few days longer. J. a. Ki wu aLi. 4: cu 4771: 

“The effect of this goixi Ufson keep onished, and not rise at its commence- I hey have no longer any hope of viclo- 

Cr Mr. Soyex baa a fresh supply of supeiior ; . menl and leave the room, to destroy the ry. They fight no longer for that, but WislUl’i! BillsaiU »f Wild CllPm ! 

Pomeroy coal i~ twill save you much mortification in after effect of the grand tinale, which is gen- only to obtain an opportunity to retreat The Beat Kemedr ever Known to Mnn 

j h/c, acd much wheo you d is- eraily the best piece given; but that was ■ from the batte held . — Boston Times. For Coughs, Cold*, Asthma, Croup, Bronchit- 

rr Jared Spetks is about to resign the Preai | Cjvtr that your 6uifd;n^ is tcifAouf /ouudafion— so long ago that no one of modern- is, injluema HiredingotikeLungsDigi- 

dency of the Harvard Univeraity. j -he sUuc'ure upon which your g/«ri<,u*/a6ric is times would credit it; yet it is soberly as- j Gbn. Scott’s Popolaritt. — General cult tUeatkiHg, Liver A ffection^^ 

€T Mr. Soycz baa a fresh supply ot superior | 
Pomeroy coal. ' 

“The t ffect of this ga<Ml Urson keep 
At wati.hiuaii to y^ur hcdi'i,*’ 

ITT Jared Sparks is about to resign the Preai 
dency of the Harvard University. 

CT The olficitl returns for tlie State of Dels 
wa:c, give Pierce a msjority of tmenty Oirte. 

■he structure upon which your g/orious/atric is times would credit it; yet it is soberly as- ! Gbn. Scott’s Popui.aritt. — General 
biit'd, one mighty lie. By this builaing, ib:s! serted, bv wise men, too, that we live in ' Scott everywhere runs behind his ticket. 
glorious fabric, 1 mesu the immoriaiuy sou^'/,! j an atre of progress . — Boston Times. j There is one consolation iu this to local 1 

] glorious fabric, 1 mesu the immoriaiuy sough 
i by eiiC jTopogalion of liilsrhood. But this ia ute 

only lO Out&lD AD OpporiUDlty to rGtrGSlt The Beet Kemedf erer Known to tins 
from the batte held . — Boston Times. For Coughs, Cold*, Asthma, Croup, Bror.chit- 

— is, Injiuema Bleeding ot the Lungs Di/h- 

GbN. Scott’s PoPUI.ARITT. — General euU BreathiHg. Liver Affections Pain 
o .. L u u* J L- 1 Wraknets of the Brta»l o’- Side, 

bcott everywhere runs behind his ticket. tirst Stages Consumption, 

There is oue consolation lu this to local <^c., ^-c , ffc. 

candidates; it gives them an appearance lu short, this Balsam is pecnliaiiv adapted tu every Uls 

KU’LUT, LI.NUE.NBEK«i;i£ A t”J„ 

\Vliole*>aie nruKgistk, 


\\7 ^ off;r to the tra le an umiiutllv haavy, varied and 
' * we ;-sc.rce i uuj-k of all x'mxIs io our line, wnii .0 
•>tv" q breu ihjiigiitexcMsivoljljr caah Horn ttrMhaiuls, 
n III.- njus' favi-ia-ve tern s, we aie enabieU auU iletar 
'.lor J lu i.ff.-r ttexlreiurb low prices fur cash, or ud 
h'" usual ctedi: to resp<>teeible and pruiopt !neo. 

Alisu' b I'eaieti wi:i fi ..' it to Ihr-r interest to eiain. 
ine our stuck. tef. ra inaaiE^ their purcoa-stadsewhere ’ 
We wl'i (.ou Vince inem by low prices that they cuold uot ! 
■xcupy (he tl .le, more to their advanUte. 

.411 kiu-.i< ol couDtry produce taken la excoaoxB fur 
wo-'s or III pivim-nt of deb:s due u». 
au30J'V«' Novlaiis 

Pants! Pants!! 


3 dozen black j 



‘2 dozen fancy 



Latest fashion. 

Tnisipleodld piaaecter ateaater wiiJlcaVB 
^ fPr thv aooTv au.i all icrerBiajiarv pofUOB 
4 £SS^bTH1S OaY loa IMB IBM , at lu a ai. 

For (leigui or paa-age ap,.ty on t>oar«l v( to 


FOK .1IOBir.i AND .>DW e.Mt.BA.>97^ 
Thasteaaier EL1X4 BATH, McCartBcy. luaatcT. 

TkU fine fast luuniog paoMugoi auaaiav 
-^■^KjAwUI leava for Ike aousa aad tuUiBiediatB 
ports OB SATDRDAY. SAblaat., at lu aai. 
For Iiet4at oipaaaaxe appif ut. immIu ui Ut 

FoK WkBk^yg a&lVKii- 
ThBStBamer PKlKXUSHlP. Ofo,., maa(B(. 

apUmiid, laat tuBuiai, U^i drsaBK 
«c Aw J .naaxuet »U1 leave at ah.,«a ua TbS» 
iSaSSabO AY. taa lUo’cluca, a. u. 

Fur pAssagB uiily apply ou board or la 
m6 f S. MOrjPMRAD 

FUtS Ml. LOiilW. 

The steamer NKW YORK, Gl-nore, aia«ct. 

Th‘'- floe steamer wli: laave for tha ahova 
;^&£jFaB<i lateiniediate ports on WBONKSOAT, 
SB^feSk l7ife luat, at 10 a m. 

For ;iai(ut or passaae at,pl| oa board or to 


■rUK ■'■T'rMUEMDH. 

The steamer TWIN CITY, McKelvay maater. 

_ , This new asd light draught ateanaei wfll 
Jltff J '***■* for the above and loteianediala puvia 
iSBkBlP^ua THIh 04Y, the lo:b, at 0 p Bt. 

Forlreightor paasaga apply uu kuar or to 
nl6 1. S. MOORHE AD. 


The steamer F.lN NY M.tLONK, DtUDa saaiut. 

, — This urw light draugh steaaiei will leava 
fur tire above and intcri-’ciiiala poiu aa 
THIS 0.4 Y, l6'.h lost, at 10 a ai. 

For pasaaje ouly apply ou board or to 

p-6 I. S. MOOR HRaD. 

Ftati' I I wg'lidntsV AV i.ok 4n 4 e, ' 

Htcamar GBuRGB C .vMFUHLL. M. George master. 

This fioe lifht-drsugfit kteamer wiU taaee 
;^£Up^Blfur the asove ai:J toieriuedtaia porta ua 
JB^SHsTUESDaY. i6th last., at 6 p. w. 

For freight or passage apply oa boeid wi to 
nl6 1. 9. MOORHBAU. 

O' The Varletiee Thea re, at St Louis, clcaed i less waincg to oue ol foar lofty aspirations aod ! How Gem. Fierce Kf.ckived THE Msws ; of popularity. General JScott’s weakness I •* produced by our 

on Saturday uight laat. 

n ble beoiicg; but let it leiuaiii for those most 

OF ms Election. — A letter from Concord. 

X' .A. *1* S > |F4»H .Bl(.VIPUin. 

“ • I The splendid, llgat-draagkt paitanger 

Latest fashion, ' ;^^g^steaiuer».4M CLOO-N. Sol. latterUa »aa- 
n /-V r> c- e T Cl V Vv iri 4^B*Sfc ter. will les ve lor the Shove acd til leterme 

r O Ic o L he LOW j diate iand:ngs oa THl.a DA Y. Nov tath.. at 10 a Bl 

— A t — I 8or paaoaga uaiy apply to 

No.40.T.tsaio!Btreet, "fi I. S. MOORDBaDe 

is their apparent strength. When the ' 

-f.l'C'.-.- -C-lll... I I V 

ever varying climate. 

piiijul of all frtftdfera— those who profess to N. H , to the Union, says the dernocrals : Qf this State Fhall be analized, we I * i^laaVr"‘‘’*w”r\*^s bal-<am*ok wTLi) ch<kbv*“^’ 

F,rx --L Boaifacious church, on Green iL, i expenditure of all then became wild with delight on ^hall find that the General drop’ddown; 

between Hancoek ana Jackson, took fire yester h., rA.. rvui na.d nr ri,» Tuesday nifiht on receiving the news of not that the whiff candidates ran 

•Mr. Hue.N, Kr , Inly vl, ISVJ 
Mfsrri. ttare-AiTl. H tra>d <|- Cs.— GffMif: '1 he “Dr 

nay moraing. The flames were extinguiahed, 
however, before much damage was done. 

' ' ' -- J - - - acQuaiuisnces — whe'.htr f^is bill is paid or f/iut, Tuesday night on receiving the news of qqj Uiat the whig candidates ran up, — Wi»ur s Hai»am oi wild ctioiry’’ ttm i bough; of you £ 

iv moraing. 1 he flamea were extinguiahed,' c i \i c t. , i the election of General Fierce, and lhal tK^ fr<^n.«nil,4ra «nrl i ’**‘’ ****“”• *••"** ’’*' •‘5t m ni> r*mi:y, ihJt I 

^ * • .soil icheiher Mrs. Sue Is-a one’s leasherteeman s lue eictuoii vi vjcutiai » ic, cc, auu » lai BeSiOea ine iree-bOllers auu Ifmperance to make Its viitues Known lor the benefit of tiu luhlic 

iwever, belora much damage was done. I fuZf la </uf ornuf. Njw, toe truth oJ nil these President elect was apparently the adopted some of the whig candi- 1 

CT P T.BarnumaadU D. Beach have form j vciy impuruni maittii bt asccriaioed, only telf-possessed, calm, and quiet man this, too, should be considered. 


No. 40 .7 iHaio Afreet, 

iSouth side, 

Betieern Third and Fourth, 


D. .Tl.aNNFIEI.U. 


•d a tperial partnership to start a new Pictoral : witaout eLquiiy of tfie pant a tficuiSclvts, and the place on that night. He leceived | Free Press. 

paper ia New Y’ori. Capital, forty thousand as fAn la nonifioayf done, great errors iB regard victoric^s u elms announcing iis 

dollars to tmm creep into little brama. success with scarcely a change of coun- 0^ Job Ola vers says that, ‘as the Lo- 

vY- A n ; , ,, , Aaotner fault, peim.t me to guard ysu against, tenance and soon alter quietly retired to cofocos are known as the unterrijied de- 

CT A new order of .Methodists has been form 1 ip, 1 The letter adds* 

) I r- _ u . .1 J . • ui, yoUBg tneud— lu« g^reof vanity. LuUttale , 

cd In Georgia, who retain the doctrine, while re ^ ‘ ‘ His habits are plain and unostenta- 

<1.. ai./.i..i:n> ..r k iiumuiiy, lor i-... „ i«-.,^ 

cr A new order of .Methodists has been form 
cd in Georgia, who retain the doctrine, while re 
jeclisg the discipline of the .Metho i«t church. — 
In government, they have become Congrega- 

cr John Croftt Coflield, an old man, of Bos- 
ton, receDtly died, leaving, it was rupposed, a 
small property; but something like $20 J, 000 was 
fsund stuffed away in old boots and other out of 
the way placea His will orders it to be kept in 
trust i'j years for bis heirs. 

• i.- . u. lu u.. -J I wbkhseuledon herLungi ThephjElciansiiroiit’unieil 

,tes; this, too, should be considered. benli:'easecoiiauiii|itlou she hailproluaeui^bt-wrais 
Free Press (oughs; sr* wasgivea up, for we <le:«pvre t of 

uer recovery, in.1 hsr cnilil partook of her romr.ltiiir. 
.She then commencca taki %“ Aitlur’t HaUamof WiU 

0^ Job Ola vers says that, ‘as the Lo- Mr'Vuj”h\"cbi'idVoi^^^^^^^^ *“ cure uun 

focos are known as the unterrijied de- l have no doubt that they wouU l.*ve now Keen li, ! 

_U.. .„u_ rheir graves if they bad not have u-ied Wistar’s Hal- am 

icraty, why should not we whigs, who oiwadthtny. k. sE.\utY. 1 


ffUK N.%MB4 II.L.K. 

ToefsteamerOBN GAlNkS. Cope, nuatei. 

__ This flue sew steamer will leave (or the 
, Tlf I 've and laiermediate pons oo THIS 
8ifl|flb0.4Y. IStuicst, at tOm. 

For freight or paaaage apply uu board or to 
nl6 C. BASHAM. 

“Of all the causes which cocapire to blind 
Man’s ciiick jaugiueiit, and i. isleaH tlie mind: 
Wual the uc.K Acad wiin riiontesi biasiuica 
Is FtlUe— r/,.1 ntetr Jailing dec oj fooU.” 

bed. The letter adds: \mocracy, why should not we whigs, who oi'wad thtny. 

His habits are plain and unostenta- claim to be democrats, be known as the 
tious. His practice yields him a large ferried democracy? asmueb verauU 

income; and he is generous to a fault. — ■ — . l-j ; ; - ..I, -.-ulijaj 

It is said in Concord by those who know I “r impraveii KxirHct «r 

him well that he will spend his presiden- IfBLLUW DlH’k k 8ARS. SPIRILLA! 

'CDtly died, leaving, it was rupposed a> I ouce knew a young man OMumrng and r.-iin, tJal §25,000 every year. The health of, I'HB compound fluid extract of Yellow Dock and Sar. 1 

rooertv bu’teomelhinirlike<2OJ0f)0v^aa * will adimi, wtio lost Bn plac-6 in society, he Mrs. Fierce is too feeble for house keep- l ^ aaparllla has been prepared with particular reference ; 

-» ‘0 “• a„. ,0 »i.h ,h,i. only child, a .mart | ' 

rplacea His will ordera it to bo kept in utB-nota boy of a dozen summers, they board in , lucontinence of Urine, aud geserri glouniy state ol the ' 

I years for bis heirs. j -No* tLw was going moaf too far, 1 mutt ^be private family of W . V\ illiams, a re- .njnd are cured by Dr. Ouy-ott’a Extract of Yellow i 

say. Out suet 18 tteouatjmof society, and must gpectable citizen engaged in the extensive Ootk aid sarsapaiiiia, «bUh gives immediate relief- 

.Seth R. Searcy, whose certificate is ahovc, is a man of 
as much veracity as any in this country, and a manor 
goo-J Judgment, an-J we place >-nt>re re lame on his state 


Robert Saoder.suo, Juaticeofibe Peace i:i Hush Creek 
township, Fairfield county, Ohio, acJ biother of .MaJ. 
Genaral Sanderson, an officer In the war of ISi-2, cured 
ol Consumption by the use of” Wutar’s of Wild 

Rota Uac,R rownsa r. P.lrfieid co., 1 
Feoru».y2S Ib’l- > 

Dear Sin As 1 consider that my file >.as hem gt'kly 
proionee-1 by my cured of Ci’iuu upli u hr ’he u.-e 

JUST received, by eaprsea. 
A- a beautiful a-'ortment cf 



“AriN. nnd fli.K 

i'llrii; VESTS! 

Cut and trimuieU in a strl* war. j 
ranted to 

Fii Perfect, 

.\i'd for vale low at 
4 93 MAIN S T K R B T . 
.%. U. .71 A.V4FI 1(0.0. 


i% itl , K A 1' E. 


fVvier 6'lr«l, itlisecn Piril*ui Scsanit, 
Loi'isvilir, Ky., 

•fl, I.H prepared to make URLLSfor Churebst, 
) Steem'>opt.>, 'Taverns. Ac., of allslxea and o 
kk-g supenoi toue,of which be kcepaan assortmeui 
<Kc3»o.r hao.t. 

•ALSO, hose >pd HaltRcrews.OII Otob«s,Cy|. • 

RoBBEEiEe— A returned Californian was rob- ' be boice uy tboao wbo provoke it to jfenea/og'. manufactory at this place of choaches, “r re“e'»'“e 'be foundation of health and strength. U»e or •• ur\ W.sur’a Ba.sam of wi d Cn«r»j.“ I wit. .-a e I .. I.h prepared to make u 

bed of $1,200, at the Virginia Hotel in St. Loulg.i leaf lesealChet; yet 1 s ill contend the pooi omnibuses, and railroad cars. The house it '•eutfUxe. bad •>“ ““t*’ ■‘‘-P* ““"‘tural se- the ^ Steam-'oe,... Tsverns. Ac!, of .llslxe. 

, . , a . a . .L. ” trelions, and gives healibyactiontoaU the Vital powers. '"V I ? , wiF.i,. „ .1 1 JfeA «upenonoue.ol which be keepaan assoi 

afewaayN ago. i you ig man kfiouid BOt have to auflor for the 13 a most beautiful frame builditiff, sha- : . „ . , , ■ , - „ peneuced great difflcuUj m b-e»thiog. ii.d me hectic ifiS5iao 1 hai..t 

J , ij , J 1- r 1 1 ij 1 . , A Cu"t oj Irregularity in periods oj Msnstrua lever with viuien fljihesof neitaim ficq'eot col 1 cnilw, | hnse .edSaltScrewi OliOlohea Cvi. 

John Newell, a pawenger on the Forest Rose, peecaUiUois of hi* grandmothtr , aud would noi ded by a line of noble old elm trees. | Hew. with severe paiu iu my side aud ureist, a coi. pmicdhi Unjgj'^ u’uage, ind Slop Cocks, ofevery’slMi 

bound for the Ohio, was robbed of $o0 on laat pctha.'S, but lor nm uncuntctonublt vanity and W e attended the South Church (Congre- | Rend thlsstateioeut of the cure of Mary Moore, who ' 

Saturday. ^ air ogant puppyism, Tj bttliu a correct style, gational or Presbyterian) last Sabbath, | was tiven up by her phyalclans as b*'ncbopele«»ly galionta nlaht, weitiu* m* I'ed completely tnr<-n€h. 1 1 **^i*cV'^fV'.“Tfo/'obU?o-per aud Brass. 

A . «!i Fume iJiviiifcB dothe b'blt and aiui Gpnpral Piimcp w as llinre as USUhI. ' as heitiu certilied by Di. A. S. Wa.der, oue of "••1 yui been a-ne t > work f-.r year-:, imi I w.ssi mc-i; ;vti'-tfi ' 

A atnuiger waakuocked down and robbou Jq ‘•'Su.. a. Eome Uivmta uoihe D.Olt, ana aiiU liencral * ® (.lana: , emaciated a.mai.nost neipmsa waeiilcommviii^ 

. M.. «r tiA iu, jifct i-oi ift* boiy book be unopened on yout a regular and devoted attendant upon di- " ^ u m . n* ,e-« . wismt »aai»am.'f Wiu Uuny. i have u.-ed in aii i.i' in.\v I imicy 4Js»odc ArriY'ed 

St. Louia, ou Monday night, of £14 ho ® ti 1 < /'< j a Bea-NDonyiLLi, Va., Aug 57, ISoS. 1 boiiiea, and 1 am now iree fioi.» all tn -ao comp'.sln'- nr-r^r. -m ar^.e. 

U Pitlkburg c 'ai was retciiirg at 16 cen'a auu inoi 

per bushel on SUurdiy Several coal b!.a a you ehould bind ab ni your heart, 
arrived duneg the day. Ttu* price will be down ShsKapeaie and Pope 6;Udy thorougbly, ifj 
to about 12 1 2 cents ic-day. jou would acquire a kao»ied*;e of that atrange | 

_ I medley, the huni«n heart. To you whoaie; 

Baix, — The grand liiliury and Civic Ball of j j‘ si comaeaeing the arduous aacent of Science 
tke WtshiDg'oB Guards takes place at* | «» h Ptr“it me to cfl r a few ust-oi suggesiions i 

let coi iDis holy book be unopened on your a regular and devoted attendant upon di- 
a;:elver, (ot lu it is lee perfection cf sublim.ty | vine service. Ue leit Concord ou VV ed- 
^ aud p^thoe, ai.d precepts and moraluiea which j nesday afternoon for a day’s visit to his 

her consulting pbrs.clsns: 

Bea.NDonviLt.1, Va., Aug 57. ISot. 

I certify that Man .Moure, a youog l■‘lil*le 01 la or SO , for my hvalth i« good 

gallons* niehr, wettlu> ln« i>*d oompieteiy tnri.iich. 1 I 
nail not been able t > work f..r year-,, tint I mu-l; 
emaciated, ami almost heipiess waeii I commenie 1 tM<-; I 
Witlar'i Ouliam'/ Wild cheny. I have u.-ed In all 13 ' 
boliirt, and I tni now iree fiui.t all ili .-se conip'.tin'- I 

l -ipper Klvrts.Sprltar .Soidei , and Bras* C*h’ 
lugj. of every -ics!.liptloi:. 

C i 'dl.’flufiji otil (topper aud Brass. 


»r.irh ! np«Hav affpr-nnon for a dav’s visit to his ago, has beau seiviait i<i my f.uiiiy lor several I am now 66 years old. and have not taken any of the 

Which nesoay aiiemcwn lor a any a Viau (W ma ^ 5^^ hecame diseased some two or three jeais Biisam aiocc lUlS bscau^ my neadn is ro g o t as not 

brother’s at Hillsborough. . asc by Irreguiarlty m periods of lusnstiudttou, during I o require any meil cine Hut If I shou <1 have anr irturn 

-Other’s at Hillsborough. 

TI iTrrmr IT ™ . .... loflastApni.yourag-ntheic.VVm M. Klremlur, fu'- 
RejOICINO of the Boston -DEUOCSACT. | Ui.Guysolt’s Kx:iaitof Vil 

— The ffrand torch-light procession of the i ®* '^ersapdi'i* on tHii, au-t in lesa nuu a 

, i f ir .eak sign-i of letoveiy were apparent She continued 

Huston democracy, whicn come on on 1 usiug he inetticme until she had taken five oortles 01 it. 

winch time sue had takan a :-*«ere cold. 

Friday night last, was a grand affair — 

ingtoa Ha!l tc-nigbt. An eicelicnt band o 

, ’ * ‘ , ■ 'I'he Boston Post says: ' sulan pronounted er case incaraMe. Shs w ts, aii 

Never set doitn to ici ile icithout your lexicon . ™, „ u.;ii:„..* ,n..iL.. i nad oeeu lor a long time, Jaliiious. 

. , ; , 1 he procession whs brilliant and enlhu- * david spikkr. 

— „t,d tt.n.r tise a trartl unless tinu l . . ... . . un • 

slid considered beise'.f perfectly well, a'tho ch when , VVistir, M. U., J h 

rheco:n n^siiCeJ uk-ug this msdicine her auemiiug pny- i ale phu, and “nanf-ir 1 A PirK,’’ uu a fine y ex.-Cu'.i 
■Ulan pronounced er case incaratle. Shswts, end I ,QC|.|^yed aricoer. No otrei can he gtuuioe. 

iritlar's tJuUain'/ Wild cherry. I have u.-eJ In all 1.7 W I (MICY 4J«aAMlw ArriS'etl ttt ' 
juica.and I am now iree fioi.» all tn -*o comu'.*!n'- ‘ .. . — — — ......... . 

,rmy haalthisgood. MRS. M-VHG T SINCLA1H 3, 

I am now 66 years old. and have not taken anyof the .y-.. 4Pi Wa,-krl itrcct, k-t:eeen tsiiV, aaJ Ptfi.h. 
iisam Since ittW b$cuu-*e loy ncaitn is ? -o-t sa nut j .. i . * i 

I require any meit Cine (aUI I f I Nboii «l ha?e tnr leiurii i ... , THa suo^cil *er Um t* e r. .oor ta ic.urui tfee 

Abou' tbelNtiOfm former symp^.on# 1 ^bju d uie Wni^^r's ot ‘ o. ne cisv siiU as coTirocSg th«- s^6 

Klremlur, fu*" ; vVild Ctieir?. 1 prucuie the mediciue oi Vc»sis. ts..' rej eUnl irem *,he k*st the uewei 'ssh 

U^TSitofVtl : ^ aVfcCrackeQ, your sgeuu In L^i t 9ter, OftHia } n ue . y lio-jda They con»iAt is s i 

II leia tiuu a' KOHtKr SAN OKR^O.V. ..i k'l d .of u imer B.-nne i. ol all iiun. ard , 

, D , , .. . aCix nvi-.r-! sii-l a wef« k -It. oe ted, a- d em- 

(heseaulue Wutir’t Ralia-n of Wild i seiiy ha«t Ci e-sr. ’ ch: .1 en’:. ail raahiunable 

.f (J ove* r -r cm dran, youths, mlases. 

Bhustc is engaged, and a splendid aupper »iJl ; v(«ck ond utvtr use a *^ **”^*** , be various delefffltions cheeiia2 j read Dr. Warder'* staUmsnt of toe ahov* case 

. . I ...r/ .../I., ,, 1 .. M icannlmat 1 . n I ' . < 

ale phu, and “naiif-rr 1 A Pirfe,’’ uu a fine y cx.-Cu’.ed i * KinhrulJerlug w.o(, ■ 

. . .... 1 DO!'r, »i li alt o'her artic r« in the fan > :in*. ; 

-ilaal (Dgrayei. wrapper. No otrei caii he genuine. j ai the siincioie vse lec m'-iemi.* her c-<tahllsbment ; 

Mr Fnca fll per buttle — sisouiucsiui f-u. ! fnrcleal.^•.t; piestln , and re-set'.iug Hoot ets and H'tn | 

be tCTved. 

know perteetly tcell its Misapplicalu n 


I OI woruated bad orthography are unpardonab e, | 

I . r, A M..ith r.ri. litti,. nare mav be avmde-ii. I 

every point of interest along the entire ; of Mary M^ore; 

BaaisDONViLAK, Ya., Aog.53, iSSfl, 
This Is to certify tbit 1 was cal.oJ into itee ttivah->v* 
nsmtd Mary Moore, during he absence of htrre.ular 
tttendieg physician, found her in acritUal aud danger 
on> condition, and, as 1 iboush , hey >nd all hope of re 
covery Ater this 1 was called In consullatlon with her 

Sjtd ny J. 0. P.aTK. Ciccii tall, U., 

Northeastcomer of Fourth aud Walnuistreeis— ectrttc 
OP ATaiiiui iireet— to whom all orders must ue ad 

^*suidhy Wilson, Starblrd A Smith, Sutr'iffe A Me- 

Vaughu A B;ackwell, J W’. liaiub'e A Co., E. H. Hay- 
craft, Louisytlle: Winstandley A Newkirk,. sew Aibacy; 

i-ir pinions were that her 
latriied 'hat her disease 

Meriiwe’her, leffnrsonvllle; and oy aopoiuted agent* i -o,, hi. , .iu 

I Dal Df r ’i.. IVXVW raj.e 

O^Tbe Cempbcll M csliela gave Iheil last isnd wita tery little care m»y be avoided, to demonstration closed at about turned M»ry Moore, during he ab*ence of her re.ular ^i^e^r*!*RoblMo!i^°A^*C*r^^ 

enterUinoieDt in thi. city, on Saturday. .jlit.--:os^atow.;A,N.<>». of , our aturnlijn ou tbi., tii LiJnight, in Dock Square, with three S^LolvUie- 

They go lo Naabvilie, where we bespeak lor fiir.g aa it mey appear, an J if biiliiaicy of style ! ^.^eers for Pierce and Kinff, Bishop and Ater this i w.. cai.ed in consuiiatioi. with her .^^rriwe’her, leffarsonviiie; and hy.opoiut: 

them crowded fcouses. auu ongi .aiuy of ideas eie lacking - which is j hompaon and the Union. Various build- ,movV,V l ii»r.?i3T.rh%r SiVeasi | *V67eSweow*“‘“"^^ 

ai..! too often tne case. u. you aicare^^t jj,, i;,,, the procession were -VrV^%^odTo7^^^^^^^^^^ ' rTwsTwT.'w;;;;^ TarT'i 

CrOn s.tutdf y rootnicg an inquest was held itere be .om^tbicg. however amall though it j briilidn'l) illuminated. Among the mottoes -old. i d.d mucnuVlu\^'Vithf^^ P k“ J pvrrV ® k7"p ib?"o lo* 

1 the body of Prank , a native of HSf t>«* l‘>r which you esa receive J jet piaise. upo,j transparencies were the follow- at coni l have caused thi* sudden cle*conMaauyoa hand , and pi-dee ihem»elve* 

Ai the siine'i'ii^ •'(8 lec m'-icr.ii* her c-<tabllsbment ; 
fnrcll>cl,^•.r; p.'estln , and re-sct'.iiig Hoar ets and H'ta 
for but:i lidta-r and i;eai!cir.eD, ai the most reaoaoabir 
pi ice* 

A II her srticle In the 'ancy I'oe are of the moat mo-i. 
ernand h gh'y approved pattern. and rrcommecil them 
reives. L luking over them wi.l cooviuca the ladies 
Ibt’ <hii asset -icn i* tree 

Only the h-st a!.<l ablest warkicg-wureen la the line 
are - mp' yed in her rsub^'shmect. 

I hhe taker Ibe ilbeity agaiH to request frcq>ieiit and fa 

roK wr. t.uc iM. 

The Bte sleamar L.ADY PRa> KLIN. Tucker niasta*. 

will leava lor the ahova and laterucUlat* 
ports oa THla 0.4 Y, Ui* ISth .laK. at Rf 
O^IBE^MO’ciuck a at. 

For freight or passage apply oa board iw to 
Pl6 C B.AaHA M. 


The steamer RBINDBKB, S. Montgomery maater. 

This fina rteaaser wUi leave (or 'ha ahovo 
<^£^^aad Inteimei’laU ports oa MONDAY, taa 
cSPSHK 16th last., at 4 o’clock p m. 

For freigat or pasaage apply oa board or to 

Fuu a*i I'rnai. ita^H. 

Tbe steamer P A VL ANDKRSuN, R. C Oraymeaiev, 
This lice steamer will leave for the abovw 
_J|£,>and laterioe.'iate puns oaTUBhDAY. tlM 
19.b, at tu o’clock a m. 

For fifight or posa*.* apply oc hoard or to 

nl3 C. BASH.tM. 

FUU KVA.’YsvVU.K.k A U K-Y »kH wvi!Y. 

The steainar ADRLAtuB, Vaasickia. master. 

Tbis Ui a pasaangar steamer will leave nm 
^^gl^lhe above and Inieiuiedlat* porta oa Mo.v 
MPBSbb.YY, lao 16 b laat.. at 2 p. m. 

For ireigbt ot paosage appiy oa hoard or to 
n13 C. BASHAM. 

FUK NBW 4»Mg.l'.A.>'* .4.71 U .SI4*BiLflL 

T'm now and <p ecd.d p.v.aeoa<i tteamei 
Ma.wSK.sGaK, Bel! mas:rr. 

This bne stoamvr wi lea.e or the ab-ava 

I ,£j£^^aad intarmadiate puits uo WEoNeaOAY, 
tbe iTin iosi., at lu u*c.a< k t m. 

For I. eight ut paiwaga, t,-p<a on boaro or to 

DU J. K. MOODY, Agcata. 

F«sU NwW waiLflLA.V* 

The tploo.iid steamer CHANCBLLOR, Bacon aiassei 
Th:s flue •'enioer wUi leava (or lb* tsova 
all Intermadiate iaomogs oa TUbfl- 
^^HB%D.\Y. tea iS.o last , at 4 a. m. 

ror ir, Igbt or pa:aag* ap, 1- onb.ardcrto 

FUR. .NEW UiSA.oA.7l -. 

Tba aaw aau sp.eadfal paieenaor steamor 
PRINCBS8, T. C. Hv-lmos mar'er. 

■ — Th'- fine s:eaiaer will leave for the ahova 
jf^^_ft*nd iBirrmedMU! poitsoa TI'a,^DAV, tW* 
jyS&lSib lusf,. at IP a u. 

l-'or (tsigM or yasssg* app'V oa board or to 
I H< GG4 A hU:>SSLL, 

b 9 Ot 1 S MOORH- ad. 

Yuealan It oFpeared id tvidci-ce (hat the de- 

.fyvto a nandbili oi ULel ;■ rendeied even a.cte j(,g 

rold. 1 did not -ee her again, hut soon alter leari.ed 
that ahe was getting well. I wa« much surprlseJ at this, 
Mid, on iiiq-iiry as lo w.iat coiil.l have caused this audden 

lu evrrvtnwu Id Keutuckv aad Indiaua. i 

oc56 'ieod A weow | 

r)KBPL' *fi<K.Y at Whoirnnie aod Keia I. 

1. Ka.YMONO a P-STThN Keep the to luwit.z ant 
cle* coiinaauy oa nand .and pl-dee themselves to ael: as 



ceased came into .Mr, Meira’s cjmpiaining of i co»“.to>Fiibie by the use of iueppto(ir.ate word^, t.’jjjg Jjouf of triumph ia the hour of mag- 
cramp. ID kis legs and wa, shown to ».ed _ j Jescriptiocs in them cu.kt , nanimitj.” 

Next morniug be was fo’dnd dead. Vcidict/ ^ “Heart of the Commonwealth.’’ 
••Died by the vuiiaion of OckI.” i ®“““ “We go for the Ten Hour Law.” 

chanue, waa icfoimetl (by Wm M. Kitendur) that ahe ; low as any bouse west of the mounuiiia; 
hadhe ntaking Ur. Guysott’s Bxtractot Yellow Dock <W 

and Sarsaparilla 1 have siuce heard of lU great < ffsets TO ciffireiit ( dor* f-’f th® herchlef; 


Main street, betweeu Second and Third. 

••Died by the vuilEtion of God.” 

ITWe learn frrm the Misscuri Btnnswicker, 

horn :hu oiosi igcortul and degraded olsaa — 
tbe envious and malicious. 

Now, in coDCtuaioii, permit me to warn you 

‘‘The hour of triumph la the hour of maff- l •"'* Sar^sparllia l have sluce neanl of lU great iffsets I 
. r . .. ° In otner cases 111 this vUl.ilty. 1 have no iiidu aniani lo j 

nanimitjr. make thi* sutement, other ihau it may induce otliera i 

“Heart nf th*> rnmmAiiivealth “ ' •ffi'Cied as w* ne >u >leoi of this atateiuent. 'o try tne 

neari OI me t^ommonweaiiu. , Do band Sarsaparilla.bclievinx.Mldo.lhU't j 

“We go for the Ten Hour Law.” , l* p..*ses«t! ot manyex edenl q'lHiues.and aJapUdto i 
‘Labor shall be protected by Legislation.’ ! ‘he human ^ ^ | 

of tbe 6tb inat, that a family by tbe name cf against that meat laialof all victs— intemperance. 
Stewart, fti'm Owen coua'y, Ky, were Jsnded i Let not cTen the pleadings of youtbfui beauty, 
at Bruuswiclt, on S'^alay, arveral of whom or tbe taunts of reckless companions tempi yc-u 
hid the cholera. Ou Wednesday evening, the j to ibe intcx eating bowl; and avoid ts ycu 
mother, a son aged 12 or 13 years, and a daugb- j would the most deadly poison, the perauasiona 
ter died. There were eight of tbe family down | of !tnd olds and bar keepers to a social glass, j 
With the diEcaie, and none expected to re- 1 Let no’, yuur brealli be tainted with scAiskt-p’s . 

“Bishop and 'I hompson.” 
“Vermont and Mussachuseils sure for 

“Fire in the Rear.” 

“ Boston, Democratic. ” 

CF* Put op lo quart hotUa*. ft per bottle. Six bot- 
tle* 'or go. 

Soldhy J. D. P VRK, rioclnnatl, O., 

Nortbeaat corner of Frurth and Walnnl streets — en- 
trance on Walnut streat— to whom all orders must bo 

16 Hair Tunics aud Kesluralivr*i . I_J AVt.>D 

Svarielieso Hitr Dye, insiautaneons; Ti. forr-*. 

16 different Cosmetics aud Powder* for lb# com-' tor-ne, cu-*t 
p exion; •' ‘h« 

A gra*t verie’y of Pomades and Oil for 'h* h'lr; and m -i-: p 
Depiia'ory Powder, (or rein-»vlrg -u. nil loua hair; ' vt--irrii uie Ba*ter c!tie«, to mane couipai ison of good- 
A gra.t variety of Tooth Powder, Ta te, Ac.; ■ * »«•“" “• inrush’ "• 'ofk- •' 

UrTDtcrue’v ToAhand Gum -p c.ncj he ted ol ty>, q ,diuv. or price, ahouid this scrutiny i 

Tooth Hoap, Mouth Aroma-i, «r maiic Viuo-,ar, H»y rc*i*-t t" my advantage, 1 do not a.-k or expect ti 
Rum, Florida ^ a er, liolo-ne Water, i-x mU» lor fl - mvke « vale 
vorligPtes, Pud-liugs, loe Ciraiu, Ao , Yeast p.iwjcr.j Dunns tn- 

H AYI.7G.-low cuiiipial'd tha necessary preparatiou.- 
. for re.-ii<au'Zi< s -’M.41SON D'OK,’’ I invite tbe 


.nUU.N 1.7144 Lfl.TiK FOSS Cl.TIl'l.TI.Y 4TI. 

for-iie. cust-imers if the‘lshm--Dt tu an Inspect uu : a*«wai«> ssa.-v FKA.NIlL>JA....vari 

.il the -pleiili.1 « o hot g-AnU wnirit la now In stoie, 
and iil-.i-: p rt-cua-lydo I dntlie Ih* ladies who haw i 

I)urii:3t*)e p-'r'od of 18 years that I have hoognt the 

i wauid the most deadly poison, the perauasiona I Knrtb nt> ^uih no Knat no W#-At ■" » “• "• , nn 

1 , i ivO ivonn, no oouin, no £,a9l, no vvesi |ji,d a g,aitii Su*cliff3 a McAllUier, Rjblns.m a Csry, , m< 

I of itnd Olds and bar keepers to a social gissa. under the Constitution.” 1 j. a. wuder a c-j., Beii. Robinson a Co., v*ugh*nA ^ :iu, 

A banner was borne, upon which was! Blsckwell, L ••aiw-l e; WmvUnJIey A Newk nt. New | Antidote, Woli’s A 
, cf O lo,«-o I •''5^. i Blake’s .sroo.atlc Blt-ers, 

Fmrth aod Wslnnl »‘ree‘»— ®n- : Powdeis, Lemon -.yrup; Pa’rl, Sherry, .n-l ' ‘uf 'n® •’’‘''’e®*'®’"'""’'*''*' •»""*“***''* •*•“*'! 

eat— to whom all order* must bo ! Ma-icira Wines, pure Importeil Brandy and Giii. f--i mj ‘’®'“ ei^ergie.s and »i«ill in the s* lection • 

- m.-JicInal and culinary purpove*, sacramental Wiue have tiever anowli.ely - ermilled detep.ioi to be used lo 
! Si&r CADtllC'*] Htiuul K«i'e I'np iic, for uoUshhiq giiws ; me sut*' of tt-ena It u ne^ Jiew to %tlJ IbAt I ein Dow too 
0 , K. H. H.yeralt, WiUou, Star- J , d .ilver warcVs'ove vSrnieh; Rot. R-Ach, ai.o I '*• advanced In iite lo cn.txe the habit wbicb baa beau 
A Me Alllsier, R ibins.m A Cary, , ^ous* H.aces. .vbdominai • -ur. e of^prlde. if i.o 1?;* of my .ood. tar 

Beil. Robinson A Co., Vaughan A ^ “^2rB^,„.’,^.tarrh’ fnd Headache Si.uif.' Wa-ts’ Ner I"" ® »"» ‘ ‘ 

Amebicn Anchou in ENOLaND — At a trial of 

the otrenglh of anchors, just coucluded at the j unitsi uutn bo the fouada loo of a.l yout wri j 
Woolwick dockyard, we notice that Isaacs’ j ung;,; for unless you have ihs finest imagicaticn | 
American stood third in order of merit. It bore ' txcr-I in delineation, you cannot disguise 
a strain of 61 son* without fractnre, none of the , falsehood. Nor would 1 advise you to aitcinpi 
olhors bearing above 54 tons It broke ncro8^, poetry yet awhile either; if you do, let youi 
however, at 63 tons, two of ita competitors re- , subject be abxve ridicule though your meira 

i’latiuome fumes, if you would not be spuruto j Jjjg picture of a large building at the head ■ .gent" m JVe^Mown’lo Kentucky and ludlena 

as an impure thing by the virtuous tnd good , River. Under it these words—' 

Belter not allempiautnorship yet awhile either, j ‘’Scott Hospital.” ' <.UNri,F.»itNi<4 -hoe. — a 

unless uutn bo the fouada ion of a-.l yout wri | ^ large transparency on wheels repre- ' shorn* uotice"'"*”* **"n*3i' J- p 

iing!>; for unless you have ihs finest imtginaiicn genting a man in a dilemma. Under- j ooi’r*’ (•nit# and **vcr-4'oiu#--Fareiii 
aud txc^I in delinestion, you cunaot disguise j^^^th were the following words— .^^tnTmuoraVyV cUSlJg G«^h^^ 

fsisebood. Nor would 1 advise you to aitcmpi ..Uja breeches will be the death of him >’*®' eftabiunmcnt of the We»i, truly noted 

vous Anildote, Woll** Aromatic Shieoaui schoai-pv, | 
Blake's Aroa.atic Hitters, Oxygenate l Uitterx, i ramai. ^ 
corn P aster, McAllister’* Ad htalii gOimnieni fh irn’s 
Kxtract. Ca'penler’* Kxtract, Buthu Cm* Liver Oil. 
Spencer’s Pit's, UsgOod’* ludiau C-uolagoyen, anu a 

dnihU. 1 ina-le vpecUl orilert in the aprlnc furso- la ncK : 
aixl fanbioiM'ile quo-l* whicn could not otherwise be had. . 

You will not h« di*api>»irted in examining the stock I 
of Rich 'tiiks, R-.ibridderles, Lata*, Kvealneaint Dlnoei j 
Dress Maisiia’*, Kri lal Oovu, with the hast of every { 

eath were the loHOWiag words — tonmeiU of Hoys’ Ciotblug oat the. M»mm -ih the Pio. 

His breeches will be the death of him.” , n®®' efiab-isnment of 

btrsalut In j^ourtJ nwii substtaulinl * | 

xt no other establi hment can i-isslbiy compo't ■ 

K . ^i.OTUl «I4,— I w.iu d respectfaliy invite all those 
^ V>/ who have bet C:othe* on the eicciiun to cad ai d 

examine my spler.dlJ a'S -itnieiit of Uvercoat-, Dre**. 
”7. .” ’ y**'- ciiucij tl JUU uu, ICL yuui r-'c..... . R o,-A ,v,« ! Pf'C®" 'hO "*» uthrr *»*••*'• '’7**'®'^ Dr®"* 

however, at 63 tons, two of its competitors re- , he tbave ridicule though your meira VyONSTANTisoPLE. oay aru l ay lor, me , aoj smali profit*. An exam ^ Ve*ti>, mado by the house of Vv . r Jeauiugs A Co , 

.n„nn„7'<i nnR 7’, L/ f/1 na paa rw>/> t i VC I V tn hraak At., . Ik K J ..ij I (li*tinffuished AlDerican travelcr. now m "'**l at BU«,e couvlnce purthaaer* thaithe plac i itroaJway, New Yolk, whose wrl-kiiowu rerut-itioL 

qunng 7dV.j and ton*, respectively, to break | o„y he. A bad poet, like a bad cbild, de- -n-mcricau traveler, now iii maxing and irimm ng lashiooahl® *aia enta 

Others snapped at 4*3^ tons. 

AonicrLTURE at the South — A meeting will 
be held at Montgomery, Alabama, on the first 

Monday in May next,to organize an Agricultural j “Yciahaii yo-i ne’er me poet’* i^w-si attain, , „ of the two Continents, guarding the mouth , Mh»*s*to‘uoM°” KoJl A’BROw'Nr”" A ZOK»^ TutkI.h Balm-rheoniy certain m 

^ / » e m »-liae»vea ue’eratiinped you withtfie inuje’amaik.” , rt j n ® - pnevs to uose. ‘ „ mivminhat tV uy lor Baldne-sanJ for pieventiiig and am.-ping the 

Aaaociation of Ibealaveholding Sutes UDdersuch| of the Dardanelles, and are now enieiing "'’6 falling out of the Hair, a* a toilet article, f r beauti 

.. 10 tl... m., .p,o.r !.» I «»' *'“■ the Grecian Sea. To-morro« we ah.ll 1 

U fulfil the purpoaes of their organization, which 1 ly t»uch for a few hours at Smyrna, and then ; GruveMilUin *mi ^ I^qr^KXS * ro., loltowvi i t-It fites me Hair iiom dandiuff strength ] 

.k.ii I.«id i.. wiaatiw.^1 In a in .11 ,h. aud amiable lud geuUetnauly deporimeot. t„rn westward, on the track of IIIc-«9P«i noC Sixth at, «.eiween Msm .m Market 

j serves chastisement for bis love of turuieuting, 
I tnd doesn’t ofUu go witnout bii deserts. 

•• Read, inedllate, reflect, g'Ow wise— tn tain; 

“Tty every help, force fire from every *,ixik: 
j ••Yeisiixlt yo-i ne’er toe poet’* powst attain, 

•’If heaven ue’eratamped you with the inu>e’a mxik.” 

Europe, has recently left the far famed , Tj [ ^ “ cannot Oe smpasfo* by any hou«e m tne Union. 1 am ! 

Citv of Co 7 tantmonle and bids farewell to ' V/VA* • K*'— A f®* * i*** above »t-ak of -.upe-fine noumgai lOio 15 

Ciiy or L/05ianimopie, ana DUIS Idreweil to yv s itutlon atoex for c-«h. to fl'l * lorJer. o*r cent. le*alha" the same quality can be mme lor m 

it in the following language: j "q 8 j>o w. o x ^'hlr a co. 

“We have passed between the Castles i ooika r44.(4t,4i**K-.-we hive a go...i .» 

^f.Kuturoronr.n-nle m. arH 1 nn- f SOUmSut on hand, whiCh 

prievs to close. 

No. 83 Fourth at. 

I per cent. le(*tbai> the same quality can be mine lor in 
I this city. Call al 49> Mata stieet for barg-iih!). 

; no4 A. D. MAN'FIFLO. 

A ZOK*n TutkUh Halm— I'he only ceruio reiiie- 1 
i\. ily lor Baldne-s an J for pieventliig and sia.-ping the I 
falling out of the Hair, as a toilet article, f- r beiuti { 


■ball hold its meotiagrs In s ccession. in all the 1 sud amiable and genUetnauly deporimeot. 

■laveholdiog Statoa that may participate in th* 

•MoeiatioD. | 

- I 

Mew York and Brie Railroad. j 

With due lespeet, yours, 

I K nowall. 

turn westward, on the track of Ulysses j I 

and St. Paul. Farewell, then, perhaps 4inerira 

forever, to tbe bright Orient! Mon^tgea'^Lea^ 

to the gay gardens, the spicy bazaars, to ' Deed-, lowers or 

'* lion, and prevents th# Hair chin>ing co «r or geiiiiiej 

o Form UO..S -n* . eaalr.siu,.- «rey 91-it causes the H.U to cuii beautifully « hrn ; 

New Tork and Brie Railroad. What has been Done « kdeb Demo pjagh of fountains and the 

Tkiai. iheccrap..i and oa , d.itci Tou»e cbatic Administrations ?--T he purchase goi^gn tipped minarets! Farew 

... r- _ , golden lippea minarets: rarewell to the Ajiruav.i.u--- 

from Cincinnati to New York Passer gera t.-.of Uuisiana Uitnlory by Mr. Jefferson, perfect morns, the balmly twilijjhts, the j rilfiuiun Faienf>, Fension*, Pub;lr. Lands, Land^Wap ^ 
kiflg the morning trams of the LiitG , comprising ihe States of Louisiana, Airs- ,^5,, ^eat of the blue noons, the splendor 

Rsiiroad at 6J A. M , arrive m Cle.vei.nd, cn ; souri, Arkansas, I.nca, Minnesota territo p,_re^ell to the glare /n^J.'e'.gmarw^f DeeiJ^.nd other wniin,., under 

tbe same evening. Thu spl.nd.d aieamei. ; ry. iVc6rasfca terr/fory Oregon territory . the white crags, the tawny wa.stes ol ‘^webb a levering, 

Q'jeen City, Capt. Richards, and Airbsma, Cspt ; The acquisition oi /^/oritfa by xMr. Mon- the vallevs of oleander ibe hills Mo. 49 Third xt..i door from Main. 

Q'ieenC.t,,,cb.rd.,.naAi*o.m..v..pi me acquisiuon 01 rjonaa uy xur. dead sand, the vallevs of oleander, ihe hills «o6 «o. <9 Third xt..i door from M..n, 

Posse, leave Cietveland on tbe amvil of Ihe roe. r mvrtle and soices* Farewell to the . .. . .. 1 and filled with article* of every kind lultab.e lor a sen- 

! r- . R.rretD. The snnevnflon nf 7sTaa and the nf- »P ces. rarcwcil lO me OOKO’* l-Hiuld H«lr-U»«' -The art neoian’s war IroSe, c.m^ilsing over-c<.aU. fine Cloth 

eara from Cincmnati, and proceed direct u. I he annexation of Jexas, ana the ac hath, agent of purity and peace, and pa- ^ of dyeing Homan Hair Is but Imperfeofy under I dress coats, cloth frock and businex* coata of every de- 

Du Dkirk. Witbo it ItodiOff. Psssengtrg are la- qui.->ilion of Co/l/ornia, UtaA and oVeU' J/cx* _f Helinnna rlreamR to i he rhihnnb »:>od,vvenhytnorewnam**ethegre*tevtpreten*lon* .crlption, fine black aud fancy cataiinere pant* of every 

XMinaira, WIIDWIX isuuiug » m j , rent 01 QeilCIOUS OreamS — to the CniDOUk, rhe most of the p ipuUr Hair Dyes of the day may for mnd, together with ona of the finest as^ortuianU of veat* 

kua theoce by railroad, through to New York tco oy ftir. roiK. whose fragrant fumes are bathed from the the lime olacken the hair, but soon to he aucceoded by a u,*; can be found in ihe city. 

... f«iin«M„a.n-,rnin-. wifhontibe txoenoe O MakiDff 3#t’en States tiud dvs territories r —T... a . Coinpieu wedding AUo.afuii 

kaa theoce by railroad, through to New Y oik j tco by Mr. Polk. 

lixulm FaienD, Pensions ruh;ir. L*nua, Dana vv.p TQ T HU PUBLIC. 

III!* and varluux other Forms, with full direciloDi for xisjj x-usauw, , 

.wVe and Mealing »a<"®. •'•o- «>f Ac- 1 WISH to cal >uui ..imiioii loui e ol the large*! nd : 

noJiedgmer'nr Deediand other wniings. under 1 >nost fashionable siockaof clothing ever brought to! 

:al, for every oute in the ^ LEVERING, ^Call and examine for youpelves, It wlH coat you noth 

bo6 Ho. 49 Third xt., I door from Main. Ing. and probably you may Mve a great deal. 1 

* Ily store rooMi is upwards of two hundred feet deep, 

and filled with article# of every kind suitable lor a aen- ! 

^KlMT* OOK4»’« I, (quid H*lr-Uye —The art j iino, 4 B>. war-lrohe, cumbilsing over-coau, fine cloth ! 
of dyeing Human Hair Is huf Imperfectly under dress coats, cloth frock and busines* coata of every do- i 


r.^ / ' Every variety of 

■p'l'S. 9-DAT AND30-UO*R 



40. 1*4 ► *>•••• FIFTH 'THKBT, 
Uypoalte Denniaon Houso, 

au9TdiKw3uiinf i-lllCl UOflll, U, 




New Haven, Couu. 

Wfitern Ageaey, 


Main arazrr, 

!ET. 1.4k dim, mo. 

Alao — .''KTH TBoxaa’*30-HOURCLOCKb,aa4 Biao 
Pick. A Ce.'tF-DAYS at low priooa. 
au57 dAw3mir 

«x«aaa*r r EL EUlt xF ti CavT. aicL«DDua. 

Gao of Iho-ie <piaadld asd fast sceuii.eis, wiU leav* ta>9 
Mall biu* aVaac dual, irom the loot of Third sueat, 
Jaily at IU o’cloch, A. M. 

For ircight or pbXaag* apply or to 


KWtx 4l'CtN>.4Ti. 

Th* ALLEGHENY UaLLE .No. 3. Haooa nsaarov. 

T 01 * fine, new, poasengar stexaer wW 
leave lor the aoove aud infer.. leuia.c poru 
aod b lalU.A Y. at 3 o'c.och p m. 

For freight ut paaoaae apply oa board 01 to 
cl* 1. d. M.-ORHBaD 

aVILTi 1.7144 KSTIk FOH e'l.7(Dfl.7I.Y.«TS. 

I — The ci'W aad olasaot pachet ttoamat*— 

W. KPAKIIAW E....McL*ik>o. Matav, 

AlHb ANB FK. 4 NRLIN Benodict, Maotor, 

wilt Gave taguiady EVERY KV BNING at 34 •’ckwah, 

Iy31 Agasa. 

1.1,71 B— ST. KAft-kB HUrilL 

8. D. CHOATB, ‘ pj 


not l.oai*m.LB. Kv. dtf 



EMMA DEAN J. G. Cl taa. asaator. 

MARY dTBPHBNS E Paikx.iv»,maat*r. 

O N E of the abov* boat* wiU leave Lf>ai«viii* daily, at 
8 o’cloch.(Saada)* axcaptod.J arriving at Madtoo* 
at 7, P. M..coan*ctlag with ib* Maiiaoa and laduaap. 
oil* Railroad. Kcturaiag. will leave Mouiaou oa iho 
arrival ot the cars, at 4 o’clach, P. M. 

The Madlaon aod lodunapclis, Ttrre Haste sad Rlch- 
moad Railroads run la Cuaaactloa with the above >tc»ai. 
era, forming a direct line from LoauvUie U> 'Terra 
Haate. and conaectina at Terr* Hauls with ths St. Loaio 
and Springfield (III J U. S. Mail Stages, oa the arrival 
of theciiaat that point, grang through without delay. 
Bv this line paa-scagera can poaa from Louiavtiic to 9t . 
Louia la half th* uue that It require^ hy aay other route, 
and avoid Ihe daa'ers of the Upper kStim aippl, which 
li ao much dreaded by travelers. 

Traia* fro*. Mutwis. Beilsfootains Railroad, aad th* 
tralaa froa th* Nobicsviii* and Peta RaUroad, rosneeg 
at IndtanapoUa. Traiaa to dhelbyviUs, Koightatowa 
aad RushvlUo, coaaoct at Bdlabargh wiU th* aaprcsw 

Paaosagsrs rrtu piooas ho aboard at the hoar of xtars- 
Ing. oc«3 AU 

. . r..iin«r.. . «-ithnnt the eTaoDBe o MakiDffidt'sn States and /Ira territories ,■ e . a .... v tarnished green o-- some other equally unsghUy color. Complete wedding suiu alwsy* on haul. Also,* full 

toe followiiig maremg, without the expense o j tuita ag sav n o^ies uua jivs territories j ^ patience and contentment —to the CrUtadart’s Hdr Dye ta Vbld of me-o noxious proper- xssortment of hoy*’ clothing cxn be found atthiaesub-l 

■tesoDine tbe overnight cn the route. This la acquired by the Democratic Presidents. _„,„i,;ioh crowned with that blessed nlant itinauntiy dye* the hair * beautiful natural black ,uh«ent. I 

^ iVhiln the whiffs have never arirlori ftrto DargUIlen, flrownea Wlin mat DiesseO plant orbrown.whlchnelther water noi sunshine can change m addittoa to th# above. I have consUntiy on hand aj 

undoubtedly tke quickest, snd tilO the cheap- »v niie l e g ve never aaaea one grows la the gardens of Shiraz, ortamUhlnth® 'east, warranted as reprinted, and fan assonment of fine rravellng Trunk*. Carpet-Bags. 

. .cemt nl.uMn* Tn.ita tn Kcmr Vnrk foot of laiSO tO the L QIOU, but ffAVe wav L-1 f .u _ for «*'e wholesale and rotail uy G. NICHOLAS, Umbrellas, Oanes, Shiris, Drawers, S»ckt, CravaU, 

Mt and moat pleasant route to Ne» koix , r u no * ^ while a fountain more delightful than those At hi* Wig Manufactory. Peifumery and Fancy store, ponto Albert Tie*, self adjurting Stock*, gentlemen’s 

Through tieketa can be procured of P. W. pwt ol Maine. - Samarcand bubbles in its crystal bo- Nu. by Fourth *t., bet .M tin and Market. noS xnu ladle*’ Glovea. Uiir Bru<be*.T»olh Bruabes, Hat 

a_ a A A AU M.' # L T •* FnL a«-« tkij — ~ ' Bru^hct* 8bftvtn( Brunb^Sa p6ffuiii6Typ dkc« 

SUBd«r, ticket tfeot, «t the oftiSd of tbe Lit- Ihe country nas daa iwo wars — one som! Farewell to the red cap and slip- rpmiHK t<|.aMoi Pr©mi«m Hai* #i Mya^vonmentof Oum bia^uc Gt>ods is entiTciyiuii 

Uc Miami Railroad. E at tide of Broadway, with England in 1812; one with Mexico in pers, U> the big turban, the dowing trows- ‘‘S^o^sindOdd Peiiowscan aiw.ysflnd afuii..w>rt 

accr Front, in Railroad building, CiBCionctl. 1846 — both under Democratic adminis^ prs and the ffaudy shawl — tosquattiog on brought in compe'IUnowuh other Hitt, and atwayaUk® meat oi Regallas.Swoidt. and Trimming-! or every va- 

» „ J cf •akl/.k «r.o i J- * * ■' - U1„_I. a- - Ihe 'rout ranx *• Dress Hit* with gentlemen of i*»io*iiJ iloty it Geo. Hlxn' hard’s extensive cloihing and for 

If r* rnw traiions, and both Ot which was violent* board divans, to sipping blflck coffee in Jud^,n*,.| The demand (or these supeilr Hits is l> - nishingttore,No.497Mxlnst.,h®trb>rdsDd Pou'th. 

POLICE c scar. 

_ Ssiurday, N v 13* 

ly opposed by the parly new called whig acorn cups, to grave faces and salaam •-reasing dsiiy. They are “ih*bin'*tb®y xii buy” now. ocsi 
i It ^yflatdy be affirmed that had the aleikooms%nd touching of the lips and «>" »»»<« »» sfiortest^no- _ - 

IriutI, together with on« of Ihe fioe8lft»3orluj«oU of TCMf •YRU?*W.FIIfcLU4cCO«» 

tb«t can be found In ihe city. COMMISSION MBRCHA5T8,* Am r 

Complete wedding suits always on htnl. AGo,a full No. 11 Ccirv sTnisv, Naw *Toni, I I Nptc 
..(wriment of boys’ clothing can be found at thia esub- . ^genu In tbe United State, for- to m 

-a- "Si. 

r.'sr’Si.'ifs’biirK'™ IS ‘“K"” SSI 

anu ladiea’ Glove*. H nr Bru«bes.T»olh Brushes, Hat Cowan A Co ’* Rnclish and Scotch WriHn« w.— .. 

Brushea. 8faa*ing Brushrs. Peifumery, Ac. They «ents f« 

M y asaonment of Gum Elastic Good, is entliely full , JeT.'; ^untr, . "nd off« for 'Sie by'S! KtSt iggS TTi b. 

“S'ato "s ind Odd Fellow, can always find a full .sw>rt 

menioi Regalias. Swords, and Trimmings of every va- J ^ “^ry. tkinofai., 

rioty at Geo. •"‘*,1" They occupy the large and commodious Warehouoo. 

nishing*tore,No.497M*lnsi.j^^trh'rdard Fourth. jg©. 11 Cliff itreei. No 6fl Cliff street. No. 94 liMk^n lo# my iiwch, wl 


• T NO. S8 Third ei rekt, 

OffwsIso th* Ap*i|» Bwwms. 
r always on bnad n loro* aoeertmas/ off 

^Nk I Sptced and Pickled oyoMrs, for tb* so— iiy 
trod*. PrrJk Oyatrrs pocoed la >c* aad aeat 
to any port of tae country free M ■**•■■ aod 
cao*. JNO. H. McLAVOtaLIN. 

oc14 Afsat. 


Champ for Oiwh. 

,1-1 , - A* » uewuT’b, gfli Mnl».^_, 
Pc« » iH UMtrmmmrn Mecood and Thud «* 
JMI\W\lwi*ai*4t#a*vea* soaotl a mock *( H 

^■[IXJ^ork leitoa heads aa pomthle tiM Y 

coming * oxer, I wfll **11 any a.UcIn 1 knvn'at a vnvy 


^ whigs been in power, they would noi forehead! Farewell to the evening meal ptaiAPpan h., 4. 

Joseph Bongus, drunkeness; bail infllOOfor have purchak d I^uisiana, acquired Flori- in tbe tent door, to the couch on the friend- ^y.mph '*'*'"* 
one week. da, Ttxafl, Calitomia, or New Mexico; ly earth, to the yells of the muleteers, to chspplug of binds and fac 

WiB Jeter, charged With perjury, diachsiged. but woald have left the Mississippi, like the deliberate marches of the plodding “^‘ht*V‘lnValuaMe prepx 

Saiok Kelly, petty laiepuy, disebaiged. the St. Lawrence, in tbe bands of a for- horse and the endless rocking of tlic drom* used by *n who are trout 

—Retrirn. have been received . . edary that kooweth his master! Fare* ^Snfijen’t wh®”once u*e! 

I T In Phnehintf to thiok h iw many pe i sous injute , , . , , . .. . i 

their skins by using com nou -^oap*. Thisisespc- Their buiaiiimit^tTlctty wholosaln, and WrlUngP^ 

They occupy the large and commodious WarehoMoa **>*11 proRc. aad many artKina at cent. c*a aad axaa. 
No. It Cliff streci. No 38 Cliff stmot. No. 94 Bookman’ '■* ®®r stnch, whioh ■ terg* *ai aoxbrncoa nonily avoty 
street, and th* Lofts aver the large Imn Btorea 7 and 9 varinty of Saddma, Hainana, Trnnhs, Ac. 

Cliff street. oefl ■. OSWITT. 

—We o\ll Ihe aUentlon ai th* tially true ofladios aom!! of whom ha e tkUs which are F*J?*r* *®l!L**^^* 
I’a oever lailing AMANDINE rkccndlngly deiliate JULES HaUKL’S BAU DI- 

Fu>*.o».-IUiurn.h.y.b«i.r.c.i«d ,, edary that kaclb hi. matter! F«re- .«aa.. 

■■froro thraeof tlie moat populooa couoliea '***.” »e)'. <» ennoyance withoutMpr. 

- PI A i necessity of having a deoiocrmtic admin- delay without vexation, laziness without Nymph 

*“ftt Ib^ 1 "‘*1 Pteleetlhe intereat anaui, endura«, without fatigue, appe- 

o!IJocrtt. erW the State by a of the country and a«:ure a. pruaj^ily, tite without iutamperwe, eujoymeut 

enahlo thorn to oflbr all IT*** Wniak*#,— Th* •nhocither ho* juA roceinnd 
0 . at to* lowest poeolM* ^ aa nxtminivn amoftment ai OoU aad SMvnr Lnvnr 
Watchns, nf tan moot appravad mobaffa, cooed la tha 
or weight. LIharalad- boat MyfouhmaUog aad om faca. As my paraaMan 
r Paaar, Paper Makars’ or* made aotlraly for caoa. parchaarra may raty apom 
goUlag a flan artiUa at tea lawaat anca. 

tail majoiity. Tbe Telegraph adds that 

Albamy Atlas. I wMhaut pall! 

the majority in the Siate, will, probably, j-j. 'pj,® omoant in th# United States’ Treoau 
'ba from ihree W> five hundred tor them, ry mibiject to draft on tho S6Ui of Ootobor U*t 

Iftry HuBi KDOW6tb Ills ni&St6r* coDttJeHtwbcnftncc uMd thoy will be coaTiiK^tl o4 the 

ejl,6nally. to annoyance without anger, 

day without vexation, laziness without Nymph soap.” To be round st 

inui, enduranee without fatigue, appe- Wig Manufactory and Fancy store, 

;e without intamperju^e^ enjoyment “®to as Fourth **•*“•?•* **••?**■ 

ilhnut pail! ’ I.ADIBH’ Sbaca.— Oar*irtngenieal*r*r 

- ; ^VBiPtha tflanuftcture of ladies* Gtttera, .shoes, and 

rr Mrs. CnUMrioe N. Sinclair, (lata Mrs. slippers are complete, and 1 am preptred to msketd 

L ead wad Whas.— 960 bxgtEhJt.asjoiUd uumoei*. 
In ator* and (ot sale by 


;\/|IN1ATVEE Plan —1 nave s beauaful aisurt. 
Lvl mentof Plot, Lackeu, and Braceleti, puitahle fur I 
maUturea; alto, a p<eity lot of Hair and iet kar.Rings i 
Tbeae aro of th* latest styles. Cn:i and see the.- , 
nolO i t dFMON’S. 

r3K4ltL BrMal wvia — I have a few piece* u( thfo 
I flue Fean Wbrn '*(1.* It la re>liy heaniitul 

J ». I R.MON 

ortiUe at th* lawoet pnea. 

403 Mata «t . hatweva Faanh aad Fuik. 

m.. W a want to b«y ONE HUNDRED NE- — . 
19 OKOVt, lar which wq will pay the hlchastlD 
^ cwaaifrHaa: ». ARTERBT'eN. ^ 


It. *'(t*t|U First •treat, 
TBVfl dOm hotwvan Mar hat and Jaflhraor 

V aSSY WaparMr hiSa ai* ToKoaew — 
SI boats >. L. BwHa)** Uxtin bacaataOk 

[ M da da da Eciipaa. 

Ttmoa Yohaacaa ara not laObitar to aaj aiaaal 

ed tor them. gnhject to draft on tho S6Ui of Ootobor U»t, j <*“®**** *® 1 Joo^l^y U'riuZito^u'Midtia^thoirordeA* *** 

Cin. Enq. 1 was $16,768,881 86| 1 gafflmwitat tbs ThflaUtto-alfbt | »®* ~ ^ 

W HflXKT — 

VV lUi hsrcoi* roctifled WWaky; 

SPEC raCLK$ nf ovary dHCtlpt».u cauaiaaseho 

do Boa b->a 
do SOtpM 

Kv «%** by 

I M kA EYA aVYl^ 

S LPBCMHSSA Ylrg|(Bl« Tahwaaa. - f hagm K 

ravtoff jam rccaivcd aad (ar m a by 

VlflAwSPUisI TaUwaan — iflu aoaoa ■teaeart Ea 


- - 


u. a. **iiM!**i\ , I 

A's. Ml K-id »;.'iet, ■o’i teiU', KeMtu/%f. i 

\M re il-.i t h^ia i!i' i<uia.iuu nt « tcro* ' 

Johnsoifs Dye'mw Estiiblishmeiil!! 

r ^HH aubiciib«r reapectluUy Mnnaoc^t to ibe ItdtM 
And grnuemen ul Louiarilla and vtcinity that be if 
«'lll at hia welt koown stand, on Puunb ^dteet, between 
Jedar>on and C>rcen, wheie be is now enabteil to do 
U YKin J in all ita branches better and cheapci than an? 

X p’e»e •' ic'« •>' itr ' . ’t. >'tr.i, u'.',bui..ieia,. . 
cooi'ac’o’- V. : ' i i: i :i;‘ir laieic i lu ct^i' at d et. 
era oe in} as . t la c, ;■» ut pan o! ftpjlis, 

^hJ»eU. rtse-. I .^ueis, \;-, V .i e» , tieliowa,'ri-rie 
Saoaa. . •laito *■», o«b r«. &f . 

r*aT<N' Jtia.ce*. — i-iiiia-! ’ Ih „r .n luind wc 
have oj a :1 i'll •'.at ijea .li l um i.m tu l,udu ibs, lor 
wei|{a<a j uog$. t . t »* e iu* by 

K. J. OKMi>BV, 

ea21 i'jccesaor to XcCivin e.- .•oii.kio. 

aT! 1 I el* - .1 = ‘ ""j i rlor Yeait I'ow :er-. as e cei 

vl J CO-W .1 - ■ r-i. .1 ti 111 B»jrrtn!e.l lo niaiec II 

'»• ^ : flour is used 1 

f itr ' . t. .‘>tr.i. u'.',bui..ieia,,.! . pHv:;’,.,..; ft IK-I** •' ' i 

• I i: I i;.‘ir tattle I lu c>=i. at d et- j ■' •‘A 

* ^ fc a »1 I. n Jk A *• « ^ .>K t »l . t, 

.. . .laito as, l^,o«b r«.&f. “ ! TXO h-T.%Tl" lail TF. 

Ill r.utcK • ' nrcaj.aa a oau aiii-ic .a lu.uicisoie , . e,.,,„ra,,,arT modlciiiei properlias) i UYK1« Jiu all ita branches better andcheapci than anj 

i^ "2.p A’r,.rr 

! rior \t»it I'ow er- ass teiUlu and tmcaciLUs prcpira- I America. than by any ou.e I rets. I<:bb..o-.<j£0.,d7ed to any abado or color. Gen- 

:ss& j , 

s t.»i.jtl.eP'’''Oer’*'. of «..4 b«>t q...ittT..iid .1. ; 1 Meith.i.i- good. Will find It to 

! put up ir. Mr-!«bt Ilu boxes so as to prevent ipoil lug or i ^.s nu^ oa?v 1“'** «>•!• «'»« him a caU. 

_ . los-ths ttieir pood cjuaiities. T''.e» »[« recommended a. wjjti.jbie. •* »l>* noi od > a remedy lo cleaned and dyed to any Made 

riircu >us,us cnects are promi to drciucu. suu ....o...- j Merchanta having damaged goods wilt And it to tbeir w _ ^ • --.w-w.i. as toe n ai ms i.aicsiauii ^vn 

I Ws reliable. .»nd ilia nut odir a remedy lot these raal. , Interest to giye him a caU. I ciyilne that has eyet before been tntportedtbto tbit market. IwbuldicvUe my 

1 a ije». bu: in alt caaeala which they are praduced by | Ladie;** Ciape bhawla cleaned and dyed to any ^hadc i generally to cal. atd exain.DC my stock, ariuck 1 an daUruuDedto sal. al rnicaa II 
Idrinkingbdd waieraiTMcHisa'm>s(univecsallytUecause or color. Straw Boat a s dyed drab; CarpeU, Hearth i a® *>e»tiraJethatcoiuaala oar raaraet, tty atock ambracealha foUowlcg arUclaa: 


No. 445 . corner ol Main and Fifth etreeta, 

/.« ViS A' 1 .. 

Importer aud Dealer in feuddlery Hardware, Hameee noaatiage, 
I'raulg anal Coacli Irimuilng*. 

r A M now racelaloa my PaLL BTOCK, waickwii. ba t*ia hanUsuaiasi and kastaalaatadstoch af GOODS iw 

market. 1 would invite my old cutomerf and :b© trad* 

T^KW YOKK ANI> K-TIK K • ILKOAl), In cor-KCC- eqiiM *o at:y ma'c tu Ue lird'.ed States, and perfect Sat 
X- « tlon with OidvcUiiids C Jlu.,*.t^U3s end Cixivtuusti ' la, A.*ti .in la ^ ua aiitird. 

J.a tlon with l ie Cicvtuud, t‘jlu..»tu3, end Cinvtuuati ' utctuii is eua ei:iied. 

; Kailro. d \ prnpr e<oi it anxious that hie Powdera shaU main* 

Lailie.- Clap. bhawU Cleaned ‘"J | Ml. al r.ic. U.l caTc^fliUoMCn.. 

Kufs. Piano i overs, and C'ui tains cle.ned at tbeshuit 
eat notice. Aliordeis prompCy attended toby 

JA8. JOHNSObh. Mik ao.l Fancy Ityer, 
nr4 dim Four.h st.. bet Jefferson and Green. 

nga.n j uugt. t .r sae iu a by r«o« -iiv Kailro. J | The pfopr e-oi i« anxious that his Powders shall main- 1 "P'^aies as a sure prevesitive. „ j 

•■• . , K. J.OK.MbBk, I' la t'.'igers IneviiigCintippalibytUe nioiuing rfxpteS!- tuin a iitgu repuletioii for puiity snJ exc*-llence. an 1 | >rP‘>” 'I”' , pi ' ,.a joHNSUh^ suk an-t Faoev Dvar I 

_ ‘ - . JCvCMOrtoXccioin wJon.KJB. Tran, at O eveianlat *! '.’does. P. 11 .tuuiiect. ibeielore ri q-it.ia that i-t all cases where, alter a fair »'*‘<t'rr ol lia.elen, new rel.lenU, and ull persors^^^ nrc dim ■*** Fo..^^^aV‘^hit Jeffernin a^^ 1 

g]tr'i''a<uf-u('_^{Oo> I ‘r*8‘'*i'.l' 'oe liniied .Mali .-ic. iiierr..— trial, tUe Po-- dais have failed to give toe desiieil satis- 1 sfi-unfobied to them, produced by ^ 1 ' '* 1_ j li^ak.i; fr»f. c- -n.To. J Qu'en < .t«^, lachards, or Aiabacta. Cipt. Pease. ^ ^ ! »na"AlaS.Tr%".‘\hriVrge'^^^^^^ ' WINNE HOUSE. 

No . &1 h' i.n gtrert. Lcuisrillt, A>. | l>OJi*rTk diret'. v Mhoot larding, icv.^tir.g^tb pure metcrisls alone. ' table m»iter contained in tnem, lu a "tate of s-'lutw^ | Broaduau awd Third itruts, 

!^Tl£. V *;lowc all icoOrUsoi Kchtuck'- Honey ^ ciornh e l*sp*t.. j* Tr^iu whu la arrives in ! »nii ijot adulte ale ( with 4'ihcr tOKredienU toiocrease I ; as isah^o thetol ihe waters 1 ^ ^ 

o> coroner ?’ e“)^.'fc!lrair"p1eMure. ^*'*^ olne; route e.udv.i.h IheieMie cheaper, as a leLs quantu} la i Grav. I. Talcul!. auu >lone l . the j Wncloanll, Ubiw. 

KiCBang.ou’alitte c:U:>.)- toe l^niie-HutcsfurnUh- ! ctkeG tVr “^ihV“ nqjired to pruduce the desired t fleet. ' l^teco^recova ‘■’‘'‘‘''i'' Vioua^' ilrm er THIS new. neat, and commodious Hotelisnow'ta: t- e rates, xlso in small and , laavotat Front a trial isa I that is asked, a* the use of a airflebox is ^ ‘“tec^reciive of all these _.mca > opeu to the public. Beicg located on the south, 

rje.u £,on Ah part- of Hurope and Great liriuin. i'*’'''; 'Th-'inn*- I ompany. hio-dwa}, ct.i convince every one that they are really good | * c«,on V.e riuie^ntf^rvent JliLeist corner of Broadway and Third atieeis, lis I 

TheBaaaSov Stjrk.aod bulUoLbasiue'stra.isacted ' pvij.t’iin, ‘ u w f.THCGKK Ticket .Agent. ‘^*^‘* * ^ . j i Ive of Fevei ***^r'*”'^nuintcau -ed by the con I sdoaiion is at once convenient and plea'O.ul, being near 

ilhe m3. lavori'U terms. ^ J-x “ir Tor*. , teUil at the mana'ac ’f,, the f'eamboat landing, convenient to the railroids.and 

Collect! .'i.. loa... >c al pains ST tv But- a' r '^‘"een .Main and via, bet, ' ' the immediate vicinity oi the business loca- 

We aie the a^- ,fs of the PiaMem' Farlr of Tepnee- n,fS-u“' ot, J ** I In which it'^nrin^nlir !“ The ArainiticS* iiie! i tions io tne city, yet aufflcieniiy removed from the j 

v”’”’ idam.-vchimppsts cm^equenli »« Brest de.i.and ny per- ' u-‘»e^ tetreal tolhe j 


Saddle Trees, 
Bridle Leather, 
Harnesa Leatheri 
Hog Skins, 

Call do. 

Goat do, 

Morocco Sklea, 
Patent no, 





Coack Lacee, 

Coach Lamps, 
tluboer and Oil C'.OUe^ 
•kxiesand Bands, 
Trn.ia Boards, 
Mal.lrci Ac.,dk«. 

Biding Wbtpa, 
Buggy do, 

Vagoi. do, 

M.l;pUt Springs, 
Hainesr Kount>. gs. 
Trunk Tfliumings, 

cent. Iiacoju'.. ' 

O .oar rennessee Money bought at met F.-' rates. 

Nertu cudisujib Caioline, Georgia. Alkbauia, Vir- 
ginia, and a. Uasterr Bxuk Notci ^nrebase a* low j 
ri.ev. lyMdir . 


dental S U K li E O N , 

40ft Jcli«iae.» rt., be'v»ct:ii e onJ .,Dd 1 bird, : 

L .USVlLLi-., KY. 

11^ B iltl) tf’ -ifn his veTTi.r* tothe 

rl| *--,s Al. u-vi’is, with tuH Cuiifidriii e 
■ uct.ig -uie to j;ie s»'l*-fac’.i- r to i-r.y 
w -,o ::.ay lavor u; u w;j melr |>at't-ii..*a 

•CdC.lI.tlJx!. c A V 

K^rs.^.sc^>. — Ifev. C. B Pa'fco«, Fev r A- .'.ci- 
rls, P..-.OI u( .seh.iio Cn pe., Gr. K. »-• UuiUni, Ur J. 
W. r.rsh:. 

M B. S PALL Pli^*. Ag’t. 1 CcitlafI ft .»:>. Y. | 

aiAXYTUaiiftL V t.vM K PI -AIM KAC'I OK b , , 

97 rh/XD STBEilT 

JOHN MAONESS, Merchant Tciilor, 

Bj.79 "Third tt., ntildAor tolhe Ue mocral efflee , 


f A V, n- w in receipt aid re eiving, direct fiom Pfew loaiicai.*so( a Liiupsicsl ' is generally ih 
York. >rom whence I have rttu ned, a laige and '*niy remedy required, when adopted in the early stages 
g'-nrra' assortment rf F, I and Winter G i»di of suoeri of the disease, to Uyepepttc litiiaJtee, whan taken in 
I qua'itv, ctinsistiRs in part i>< Ku;»erior Broidcloihsand propvr quaiiiiuei, ts a diet drina, and especially at din- 
I'.i-simfre*, 'll v-no'is coins, pi. In and fancy Vestina ncr, it is found, by iiHifoini experience, to be etaliiei.tly 
'-I'k-.ixc. i feel r onfi tent i Miall b? cnab cit to give i cfticacioua in the most ubsiinale cases, wbeo even the 

yeueral -a'.lo|,c:ion to style, maieriti, woram .n°hip, 
di d fle I Keep c instantly on hand a general assorliiien' 
of (iriiurnicira Rain'.'.hinc Gjo.ib, such as Shuts, 
Uisv ers, S.icki, Cr ■ la's. f'o''ars, 4rC. 

A l .. anting trticies in my line ate reepectfa ly invited 
toCa’t and exAt.dre iiiy-lmk be'oie puichasioR e)S-. 

i dam .-wmimppsts c‘i,.r/e:juemi; in great demand ny per- ! “ra'Tbns.nMA^iVen « J 

“!into«^hl7v%^“^ '.V *®nvmy!,y"re%??>commu' Tne pn re.ymg op hM sueces. m. a caterer 

! nrw^c^'Th': pub ic wulle at the caplUl nf the htste. trust, to 

jusotnei remedia.prJ^rtas. !"* support of bis fiierds and the tiavehng ; .Manufacturer 

' Of a iTiop'^cM •endenc. It Sener.ll, ih “i* ‘ ' i 

required; whfr nilJptCiHn fhe e*irlt stages „ K. Wiyy K. j 

e. Ifi UygjKptlc liiiitdtec, whsoukcniB P A I P ^ St3TNo. 494 

iliea.tsadleldrina. and especially at din- r A K ■ I r. -A.# avw. tww 

Id, by unifoim experience, to be emlnei.tly JOSEPH POTTKK & JOH !f ADYMS; 

I the most obstinste cases, wbeo even the WCj^jlj'iave this day formed a partnerehip fur the ! 
isual remedies hAve tailed to aflurd mure if 7 I yipuipo e of manufactuiiiig Piino ForGs, I of tne usual remedies hAve tailed to aflurd mure if 9 T yipuipo e of inanufactuiiiig Piino ForGs, 
ihanmere temporary relief. In cisr-iul PiA’ ! Tuning aud Kepainng.dic. Factory on Jeflersorstieet, 
IS an iiiiiucdtaie an.i invaiiab.e pccibci auJ it may be I Nurth side neat Fourth. We will always fe pleitwd to 
administered iu dilute ten.f pr.ii-orttonate qu intlties, | see our friends aod customers. The liberal pair-. nrge 

Ai.tu,keepscncsteiitl70i> band ageBeralaseortmentorSaddiea RriAi-. a ’ . _ 

AT. B^Allcrdor,, giUnded Io .1 U« aaorJai morfa, * «»«*••• «" Tfueke. 

j JOHN \V A T S O N 


Saddlary Hardware, Harnesa Mountirge and Ccaab 


I .Manufacturer of Skirtice, Hamedd, Bridle, Sole, aud Band Leather; also all bind* 
I of Moroccos, Paddinsj, and Seating Skins, 

! rt^iVo. 494 Main ffJrgga, {m>rth mde) one dt>vr fren corner of fo^tk $*rerUJEA 


11 my line aie reepectfa ly invited eveu to young iufauts, in all these pAroxysnuol gri(<ing j iijyi we have sep.irately received from the Louisvi.te I ™***''SfhelrFurcnso»— at tee .same Ome asc’-ti-g tuir- iba. ir xTOCh Is best sxitcUd e*-i trorviB’v 

.iiy.tmk be'oie puichasioR ets-* i>«ln in lin slomacti luii bu.icir.tu Abtch luey are e.-pe* I public for iisst yeais, induces us to unite o'ji rfluits to j “*^jj**f • c’ltrythine •-uerreteu wi'h tt e bc-tuesj. 

where, as I am tb -t Gdh goo, is and terms wifi -l Ur subject, as well as in the colic of grown persons. p!ea d «ieiil a continuaace of ihe same, for tvl.icb , ‘’J SKIiiTl^G is ackiiowlfc.lge-; by T .t>MyRL.and atl who nxve Esed be to aav rraiafhctsi 

he e tir. ly satia'actuiy. Mi aim ever has been, rnd lu ludiclous cdoptioa in coiHiectiou with the princl- ; we are ever thankful. POTTKK & ADAMS. i ibe W eat, which ! wi.l !*eil as low a.- any other noii*e ir. the city •- an sell an Ixiferl-r ••t^tie. Saddier- It wact 

rett'n the old ard m-k' I ew cus> P*‘ ‘'lek.Siur when a sense of exh-ut-fonJlCistesiis use, N. B. We have several fine lostrumen*. on ha. d, j '*““'‘1 Ju well to call and esaiitine it, vs if.ey caiiro! ol'. ir an arti.le a: A.iy other .'>re 

I he e tir. ty aatia'actui y . Mi aim ever has been, rnd I Ic* Iu.»icloUA cdoptloa in coiHiectiOU with lue princl- 
sh'Ii C' Dlihue to be, lu reta'n the old ard m-k* i ew cus. P** mek.s,ur when a sense of exh-nt-t'on Jlcmtes its use, 

er thankful. POTT I 

VVe have several fine insti T. K.*iM X •.# 


:«i. Johesbnry, Vt. I 

A S BXPEB ' o. tv.'e..ty ye rs haa enab'ed cs . 

*;o t.a jve." .uiiif piac J . xl ueieclun the op.TAiioi. | 

o' C yut^ oi.ii t rtiJ cnees, ei 'll wher consiiocird u.ici ; 
collect mail ematic-i |<ti.uiplcs. The*, defects ca.. 
only be :..i .wu ;iid ie.neJ.cday i .ng experience cud 
gre.t pr. c icA.sniu. PUitorui iaa..cei, Abich '.oan in , 
exrtcner e ; los'cver, ap)>ea - t > se exact iiiitljiunia ol 
our,aie often uuud when tested to be veryiu* 


A -;i . anety of PL f r.'Oh'.M S.aL.aACfcSare uow 

oTeri J •. r s.' e, and r.t .ry ar- u-e.l, -nich cannot be 
reiiel u|.ji!iorcorr -el wt;;sl. In man;, n •nncei he), 
will . .It a .re • wii i • .e:r. e vcs. 'ierciianis wno havr . 
u«ci I e.iiii' .1 c- ! iS. s.;oijii:t .hem correct, haw . 
loriuiio-s y di»-o»‘. leu that a n.'a'. y 1 oxu, wfen diviuei. ^ 
•ltd A eig'i -* i 111 s.u .i! !'ra..s. woulJ viiy es r ntia .y. in | 
tue lie, fruui w « astn i.c ile t sy me a. n.e -cele 

wo-'u we.-' !e I at »oce. Ffcq .enuy .ne same ,.talfoiin j 
wil g ve I iferenl we rnta apoi every cbsu.e oi the f.o- | 
sitiu'. o; tne b j.Iy weigne.l. I'h-- conseqreu. eso' thes*- . 
vanati-jr.iareoaen vcxaUima, audaiwayf invoiveoot 
paiil in pecuniar} .on. 

CartrA'ale «' the littreeL'r-t cf 'ATeizhttend Meianrea in 
tht City-H \ej kor^,jrcn Ihe y-'ce ItiJii to ItHS. j 
Sev. VoSi., JuX. , ISaft. 

We.l'ie jnaersictied, !.avt.ia had o' c»r-on to te-t tne j 

.B y stock compri.res the faduii 'ng — Skirfirg, H :rress, Br d! 

t haw i hU'tte-ji, : , which and thctr >pleaind ' y i'sr< 'u-:, siio a j 
, ’ . . i 'iiv. peu; le will ace the ad vant-ge < f i atiihg on | 

I*" . i ' I *‘•'••1 tv serure a good likei:ei.s, wl.h a ocau i- i 
fulpictui.-. J 

'if,*' W. & B. are receiving new cases from S>w Yurkl 

I 'he^-o «Ysry few deya, of the ve y i »■ es' qualitj ai.d fiiie.--. fin j 

O' 'hes'' ' *'l*' '*'•* ld®l '“^l‘ fh i;a- ,u. t lelbiiie.' fio.ii the j 

u'veunc ' '-I'Uie he . seine rici'ti..'. tiuiiiip whic i. li-iie 

■ I he made a nur..hrf cd selectim> f.'.n- ihe ri ost complete 

I a-sO'tii.enti., and now ihi-i cxl-ibit ih- l. rReat audbcsl 
j 1 a; SOI tine' ' oi siKh evci hefureseen in I.' ui.'-idc. 
itaV 'th'. • I l'A\0>.*’ or VIo.nkTI K DAOUKHKKO- 

” ] ITY’PK 1 .'s I'lte'y hern lri’TO''u< ni b» w . A K . wnich 
, 1 Sa 5. i s ^Oll:cthll.g new end beauirul ai.d r ust he .ecu tu ne 

II te-t tne j pr.- r-ted 'f he ah-jv'e Pu loref esu oi 1} he ptoiore.l 

Cia IRe. — 

Sd.lS'O impoited Hsvana, large and small siiesj 
Us ISO Retiiiia, large .lisc; 

3" iXMi do, do d-j, spotted wrappeisj 
10 mai Piirclpes, lerge size, do do. 

31 '.IF II do. La .Nu.uu, La Palma, LanJrcS{ 
1 i.S I (XI Casa.tures: 
l-O.O'iO Half Spacisb. 

Sji'.FF — 

0<) barrels coarse Rappee; 

3t do fine do; 

23 do do Maccabor. 

itenGcky Leaf, viz: 

IdUiii zeaCC .ifissouri Pounds; 




nan 4 

Co 's 






EK p. 

iiuiiil Lump ' 












No. 1 







1 3 


















60 do H, Laiigiurst’s B Poun-i Lu up; 
60 do do 6 Lump Tobacco; 

TsryjA* Pliaf.*r.c h. • e.i ic use lu lire t itj ul >ew orx, j o' V- & a., fort ey have pi rrhascd ti.e ejfbi*irt rij^hi 

•re p C'Sed . i >c ' .ji .e».uuojy tothe .-uperij. chaiar- for Jrfferso:- roun’y,lae|iroces“ etng'i led. 

tei ot tr .'•e 'na-.uU'. lured by K. ik. T . Fai'ua . ks & «‘o., ; Pait.cuisr sttenti'.!. is called toib.-ir col e; f;cn of soe 

cl^rSaG,"?’-'' And^pr7paratran7r,rfn'mi^ in -tore and f< 
^cuKima'^crwiern _ ale— luo boxes extra tine half po inds, put up in nei 

160 box 's ^ofierlatT, blue nanev 01* packages, by .MU.S.SEL 0 .A-T & CO., 

l“) iU • jv2d Sixth St., be ween .Main and Market. 

i fered severely, and the htate of ber legs was 'e'Tibte l| No. Tlniii brlws>i>n Thiral 

. bait nfien read your adv- rtisements. and aUvi-cd be: to i ® .■Hill Wlreatt, UCaWCPIk lllirai anal Fourth, North SldO, 

I trv your Pills and Ointment; an'l, as a last le ource, a(- i manufacturer of and dealer in cigars snuff 

•ter eveiy other remedy bad prove-1 u-ele-s, ghe con- r-xr-i x-.... rr..,-.,. . ,, Oivt-'r P, ?ftaUIklINU 

i abided to do so. She commenced six week.* ag.i.and, . AND C HE** ING lOBACCO, HAVANA, CURA, FIOBID.A. 

I stfange to relate, is now in good health Her legs are , COWKCTIC^UT SFFI) AVH k PXT'I''r’ t V i c> a e« 

painltsi. *«iibout seam or scar, and her sleep foo'il and j t.u*J.*Ub r.Cy 1 tC/G 1 OHJLU, A->U MLlNltLKl LEAF. 

I uudis'uibeJ. (fould you have whnes e.t the suff rings AL30 

. with b*r pre ent eijoyment of iexitb, you wiiu'd it .'“"j CHI.\’.A, WOODEN. .MEERSCH.\U.\l, WHITE CL.VT AND STON'R pipKS 


* (aigucd> WiLtflAM Ga\LPi:f. TT.WING taJicrthf »bove lofalUy on Main street, IhtTe fitted up and now la tbe recafnt Df j v«r« 

! ii. 4ve *Hli of p*i’t4in!T3f to my line of bai^lccw 

o S' joi.!'*bcry, Vt ,tni do cheeriu.iy i-. ' liniei a t-ii exp'bi’lun at their Laliery. Adn.I'i'-ncpiree. 
them to me public, as the mo-i per oci weighing ma- Chiu'.reu bcil pret, t Z v. PKH el'. 

chines I'l c'-c. 


ri'rt.H K.-iid : R'JL. K.voch 

JOBS W. 'A'BLI R. KO'ilLi.ND Wiict.6. 

JclSsti BKUuH. 

au« 1 H. V.hUsn-K. 

j ^ B. Llkenexfies of invalid orucceaied frit;h.,8ta- 
.,en at ihesbuiieei i.uti e Cy ieavu.g the a-Jdic.>x trie 

CczvELAirD, Jan.30, li«0. j ISTLAM MARBLE WORKS* 

Me-ssra. R. 4 T. Filrbauks d. (.o., i Green Htreet, l;e:s»een Klychfo K.wa M&ib, 

vVe la.e U;'j niuuy -jf us have had for quite LOI.ISV.'ILF, i:\. 

number :i ye». , ;oar Pate'_. Pit't t:n Scale, lift rixHBsur.scrlbe-" have tei ‘.u.t!;. fcxve'ided theirstock 
t jrj j os iitjcii p.e -.ui ; to aJ'l our 'esiiin ••’> to their pet* ) J gu j . -.creased their facilities for riiHnufactiirliig.f r.-i 
lect scperioriiy ovs. evci.-'-ttc.g oi the kind wil.r.ii the i piep.gjf ,j ;c d.oail kiciiuot M A H BL H VV OK L, at tin 
cuCiC of our a.q-iii.ta ice. .\ii.l iu doing tru, we c«c I ghoriax: |•o^Sibk notice and a! I- asttiir prices 
bute- .uow.C':te ila^ty, o'w;i g you tnd the bjsine:.s I M.tNTKLS, TO.MllS, ‘ ■'iO.MJMKNT*!, 

pub ic,lo rtccc.imeiii your eccic ax the ony o-ewoi* hKaci S i'O.YKS, and b-tildirg worr. oi every deserty- 

thy of trust 

BK v>'< H dr Bf’BGhdS. R. KUTCH1S50K dc Co. 

K. Wl.''LOW d-t O. H-'-Nir. A 'i.*KM.A?(. 

L. KA .Vsi-J> d I'O. k. T LYU>. 

\V. BINGH AM di to. 

VklTNU STATca Bba>c« MtllT, 1 
>z** CacaAN:, .Maxell 23, ibol. j 
Mesen.E. 4 T . F i.-.pan'ix 4 to. 

Uon,ofsactiqua'5tic*asm4> be 'ler.-.yd.ri mi the nn,ot 
i il .tl.I .t A ard KiiYPn .1 is >l.ARGl,K Ictni Coiiinion 
1 INDIANA M.MEt'TONE This Ingt di'scrip'r.i, o. 
I .S'.u-ie isti'.c most le sirp*»'ean;i best t'lspicdfor oi iljing 
. purp'otits OI ti.y Sic.-ie fo'jiidin tne 'Vest.. 

col e;f;cn of sue 1 "’ashiiigton and Kocauth brand, fine 

Aifn-I'i'-nceiree. ! „ , , 

Z V. p'K“<l e 100 bane 8 Fine-Cut, loose. 

I V. hUsn-K.’ CmwjNo T obacc*.— 

eaied fricn. ata- 60 b. xei Virginia an-l Missouri, beat brauds; 

he a'^dicji" *'rie ^ f'ooi; win’s YeJow Bank, Patent and 

S', rscparll's 

PirZB A'NO -Nttre Boxes. — 

rUADl'C! I 150 boxes .>t .i.e Fi;»et; 

VrUMi'tOi I 1*0 do Y'eilow and White, fancy; 

It. HI..'V ' 10 b«rre's do do, do; .-siavB,. 4oO dt zen Chtra, Wooden, and Hung.-rlan Pipes: 

I rooni at d square German, French, and ficotch Snuff 
t'tdeil their stock I B xes. 

Hiiufactiirliig.f r.-; ! V. B. City end country dealers are invited to examine 
.H VVOKL.attin the above -toes, as I leel assu’ct taat my goo'Jseiid 
pflfes pilces cannot fail to give salUractiun. se29 

■'!0.N’UMKNT*I, - — 

OI every deserty. FUni.BY’ r01.l,RGR, 


St di'scnpi.r.i. u. r/sit /MS.'iiulion hat new keen re-organited. 

apicdfor Ol ilding rxcci-Tv. 

And to preparation anil Will sn-yrtly be lo -tore and for ' (aiguedy WiLLlA.M G.ALPlJf. TT.AVING tokerthe above locality on Main street, 1 have fitted up and an i-bw la tbe re-a'st of j varv avt«n 

ale— loo boxes extra hue half po inds, put up in neat I ‘ II five si-Kk of g'loi’s p'^rteinin? to ray line of business varyvxien 

Ol'i packages, by .MU.S.SliL 0 .A-T dc CO., A PERSOia 70 YEARS OF AGE rffREH OF A Jk^Uesiersare respectiui'iy invite>) to call, stock, aa<i 'earn prices. TbsnkA:! fnr tk« 

jv?) Sixth St., be ween .Mam amt Market. I B.A U LEG, O? 1 HIKT Y YE A KS’ -STANDING. , rcnigeeve.ided t-o me hert'.ofore, I hope fora coLticuanee !>• the -lAine, bow Inal the 'aci*' « 'a BiibuHaT^s^'rii 

• i Copjo/ a I.elivr/ Ofit Mr. tFiUiarn a*»s. DuKder./ Sea : *<'"’»*«> in the re*t lor alitv rnr93..Awtn . y uiMSsara 

JOiliY W. 49A m Ul.Bsi .4 i a»., Ortnt of HithcliFe,r.-ar H.Uirtjieid, i ^ ; — ' * 

liKEF c.iutu'itly on hand a general assortment To Profes'r.r Hollows v,*^ ’ ^ .'1 OLD ii STABLi^ilJ til SAliliLLRV W ARZflOrSJi! 

I -j* of Drug's, Me iicines,*':!' uiicais, .Surgeon’slusti u- | .Sir: I stff red for a peri-ad of thirty years from a ha'l 

'iS'denti, Glassware, Wiutow, Per- i leg, the le-'uit of two or Hues diherect a cldenU at Gaj IX L2? ^11 £ \ tj" CT 

i fuinery, fils, Faiuts, Dye stuffs, Varnishes and Brush* i Works. accomp-uied by scorbutic symptoms. I had re-; % V « XX • X * *lV.X?4l5, 

I es, .vhicb they offer at liberal prices fur cash or good ' course U> a variety of medical ad vi< e, without dcrivir.i, ; * 

1-": to E. a W. H. stokes, I.MPORTER AND DEALER IN 

Dobyns’ Itagiierrean Uallcrics. 

N 'O.iS'J Mainstreei, over Eitts’s Jewelry biore, Lon thef»ci 

isville, Ky. Tnetrui 

No.l, Fovvlltes’ How, >leinphie,Tsrn. Rcgl 

No. 3b Camp street. New Orleans, La 

Corner Camp and CauaUtreets,(. Maguire’s old cot- A DRi 
oer,j New Orleans, La. 

Comet Fourth'aud ClicstnD'»strcets,St. Loul8,Mo. Eiircci 

By calling at either of tco above est.riHisbmenta you 
can procure such FiCtur'JS r.s i;:ii5t please. We respect To Pro 
illy solicita call. fau-JI utf] DOBYNS 4 CO. 1 Uiaa 

and Ointment have effe-.ted a cmiple'c fure in <o snoii 
a tin!#, that few wb» bid nut witnessed it would credit 
thefaci. (Signed) wii.Ll.A.M ABBS. 

Tne truth of this statement tan be verified by Mr. W. P. 
Rcglsnd, Cbemivt, 13 .Market street, Hudueiafieid. 


Ellrcct ^ a, Letter frem Yr, Frederick Turner,^ Pen' 
thurtt, Kent, da:ed Utegneker i3 A, Idd). 

To Profeas-.r Holloway, 

Diaa Sts: MywHe ha-t suflered from badbreutsfor 
m.irethau six moRtbs, and curing the wh >le peri..-l had 


!p.|No. 445 INAIN ST.. KLT4% EEN FIFTH ^k i»l\TII. LOFlifiFILLE KY. 

• I would inform the rustt n ers cf tbe late firm. and the public in general, that, having ■ urcha*ed »he in eres 
I'SE rirotner In ihe above bj;.irc3a, 1 wi.l i-urit.iiue the i-ime ai ibs *...1 e« ab .• n ! and h' vin* ma '• 

Urge .■d.’itionaiothcluriiier rxiei.sivo ilrnk. 1 have lc** ins., re ai.d stall co-ULue lo keep a ic„«MOi a.'.xltn.aBt 
^ I of All cl’ahIa cin.*>r4ceil fn the it& »ve br«DCfi- • i«l ba4irii: '9 ^ ^ 

<»• : kteiLl aiiikai.U nia ufari jters w. uid find it to ihMr interest t » exvnioa my a ock bafore makisi. their oar* 

. t haiea, at d a I r-.nir is lien: a irtancr wt|i be attended to a.-* if ma 'e In pe<s-in. g| 

I for ^^^^^**^^****^***^******^^^******^^^^^^^^*^— — — 

bad 1 Hn uGMA 1‘ 1 : . . I . t n- .... 

irp'otitsoi ti.y fouudin tne .'vest. A. Ccentz, Docter In Ph'losophy, (late Principal of fiSfiiXKSS 1 the best medical atieodance, but all to no use. Having s* U sg. ■ ■■' | ry st gn.' 'rijF KiaMkIS'l 

Wrarecnabied to iiiimsli everytninc Snour lice at] the Louisvi 1.- CiasMcel lnvii;utc.) P.'esiJeut,an'J Pro* before hea.el an awful wouid lu mr own leg by your un a»ea» « e> w- aeo^wmr . 

I price ;uc’.i tower* Lari when we sawed and manufac fervor *>r Latin, Comparative Graiuaiai , and Modern CHKl IKiCATES OF t UKKS PFnFOKMKD BY ; livalled medicine, I determined again t*j use your Pilia T1— IT W7P*lVja 

luredbyhand. CaU and iearn orice* and obtain great Languages. 1>U. J. T j and Ointment, and. therefore, gave ibetn atrial tn her Ayim UACAA^&WCAXa 

. :>arg«i»..-. u . . .. Rex. John Stbvemox, M.A., Profesaor of Mathe* I Philai>klvhia . Mav 17 1349 j" i!*“? V CODiDOUinl SifUD Ol’ Stlf-Aapirilla » fcrMJOla. 

I r-.r:ik.'ji orpast.avori, we hope. o recelvet share nia'ns. Natural Pml-isophy, and .Astronomy. i 'nPISisto certifvthal 1 hte lonE be^n affliced with ^’*'’**^*r*^®‘ ' . 

r puliMc patrorage. Col. E. W. Moeo*k, Graluate of Wrst Point, Pro- ! J fr.r.i.Vhicn i\.avp/uiT«rr.i .. iVhn.!!iii^ family nave derive ’ from rpHlstorapouBd contaitamore acuve luedicicalprop 

1'lO.ltf 0 WFVlNArn fesior of Practical Engiueerinc, Surveying, and Field .7™!“ li* i A I now strcugiycommeBd X etiiestban auv other ever introcuetd. licoiubi..e' 

Work as vvcilas meuiai pain. * ‘"‘“J f®‘aedte: I .. the moat powerful alierativea, geo».e tagaiives. aui; 

fNI’TED STATES MEDICAI* AGENCY ' w a Pr„r- — u j withscarceany bouefil, and applied toseveral emiiient | fs.anej* PRP.nRHlCK TUHNER. I certain tonics ever rut toaeinai from the vegeuou 

nentlcmen:— V.’c a., ve re':e:'.'cd and put up the Plat- 1 :iK.'jl.or past.avori, we bope.o receivea snare { niaiivs, Naiura 
form -ii. -'e'.xe''' us by order o '4r. Brookn, late C*>incr of puliMc patrorage. „ | Co!. E. W. .V 

at t“e Bra." iT.M'.ni. ir Ihia pace, an I after n iv .'if sub* <*10 -it’ D »FVIN A Tp lesror of Praci 

t'iu fi“d 'c UNITED STATES MEDICAL AGENCY ‘ "’^'.o.osSch 

•Lj-pileJjt M>'.jsr;U. CorsMcni'gtbeir cam city ! No. 00 F turth s rr. ei , and GeiniBii, 

.'•il'.r.’.II'.b." «.‘.m ; C»mpouu J Slr-ap ol SJOapanlUi a f loieolii. 

kcuv.-e.i "J o. jp'. iion thit they are i::ote ueucate 
audpei:^* Will ahf s = f* * 'lave ever siien. 

Ver* !c .p-CLfi.!}, 

A. ij -.V V , Coiner U. S. B. Mint. 
Mr. W. 3. Hvik'.-p ou. igeiit lu L lUisvii e, Ky., 
Wdo « • «•- ft jiu.di.'.ir cii iwi; J, or fuiui-.!! at shirt i;o 

lice, ir.e 'ouo vl:.£: ■**'..'en -ase .stale!-, t'jriuai.t and 
poiL'c e ^. 're -.Ja. ■: , Cju-.;er, 'jt-in .Sta-e-, 
Rai- K lad • .c» ar.J Uep-j. Scales, Orocer'k Bcvjeo, 
Hcya.i) h I'luer’ , .Viiee.oarruw Ca et, l-aikii.g, Coal -Jetlei ’• !•■ ales, .wc.. Oat. 

h. *:. 1. F.'*IRB.ANKS 4 CO., 
pel '<l.wtiaiU >.:■ Jounaoi'ry. Vt. 

JFAo.jT7 K in J.H i*-» ... CGLN.Y. 

.g.«0 a..e» 1 »i d to . cV, a . aiij.r f- nee 18 > 



E. It . It A a (' 14 A FT, tfev. John VV, Vsnablb, Instiuctor in Drawing and ; 

G enre .A a* AGFNT f-ir th sa e of all the Popular Painting. .... 

Fsmilv Me'';C i ev < f tilt- -.'ay, wl:o e ale and retail. H "iihv i1ai.l. Instructor m Music. 

A b I . .anuf-itlures the ti.icstq.Jaiity of Yesit Powdeis. William V-iot. If.structor in Gymnastics. 

. PH-raxA rosy dspabtmsbt . 

— ■ — ■ ' ' - Df. A. Gl-xhtz Piincipal. 

C-ity Stove A <»r;«le Futlkxdt y. Joun Lxiric.aiid jeveraluf the Bfjrsmentloned Pro- 
'i*Hbpr .pricLors ncc leave to; toin: '-cir ujMcmerr (es ors .Assi>tant8. 
j. aLo we ; ub..c lu general. Wei 'we> >ie rowready l i‘« 

*in I Natural His* ; mouted to maket n.s public, in hopes ttatoiherBUnror 

i lunaie .nay consullhim withiike Success. 

Je20d4wtl JOHN JOHNSON, Jb. | 

j Tarsistocertlfy that Dr. A. J . V.ANDEKSLICRat. | 
tended my mother, Fraucos May ,tn the loonta of Janu> 

of l'a/:J VI. e uiopi-e, Li.d I in !e .Soilho h.jn rr - ^ 
vd < Nevei fs ;ng -pri g> .nJ ...cut, of vlowk : 
WidOesoiJxhb J . 3) R -p.iCt-.ioi. o I 

J. .V. CKAIo, tfeo. rl'Ule .Agnt, I 
ael7 dtf - • ■«< r-iird I 


DBU-JOicl 'D U . I. .. I -V ;i 1 1 S , 

C crvcr of Jell<rk*.a uud i-irsi hirer is, 

H .A '*£.*. wa> 1 on nai.d a aud Ircsu .-Aioit .i..i:;ot 
'peas ur.g ' tu. ocmcas, will; nlaty have Ftie * 

J. aLu we ; ub..c luienvrai.tnei -we> >ie row.wdy 1 .ccniicai course wi.i.m eveiy respect, oe as , 

ofuri!i*h.swves. Crt.^.c d Ctai! of . very -e' '.rip ! con-p cl.cnsivc aud ts Ihoroush as in any of ourecstetn ; 

^wL’^Slavii'g joL^rdVhe"! M*rtel * •* '^rertor Oiiemfo-y, with a splendid and powerful I 

Fuuii -ry wito lUo>e ot ihc Fa'i;* Ti y Ftujndry, ft'.ac c.- Telcscui e, & Mf-tnrruallcal, >*hilosorhit«*s aiuJ Chemical > 
us .o nave a full ami C"H'.piete aasoi"':- i.i • t i-.ioves, A ppafaiui', of the flr^t order; a Library of ni-jre taan , 
f-r.-/*. H.I ..W.wtre ni.l n- . f • 1 hii. i* -or-'rixll I *■•'« tb -i A a ' V'jluiiies: and agieal variety ol other val. | 

^oh‘.-«k ‘‘ Mc'i'hlf’vri'n', ^ cG^j/vI.- €X V O. I ® »Pi' ’*!bCfi-, aftord to the siuJent uncommon ad- ; 

••Kerwcliar^’"^V;^u.V“V.:^ .V’" I m' cil'c e uri'e- wUh ’ho highest and intermediate | 

..f’l J, .V hV ■ .1 .'Mirw'.lfrAfDi’e'tv ol a thcrc-.'gh .Acadeni'cal Kduration, ai 

aui. . els '-i.b ac-ar- n illovei ; 3o acir.i'.n Blue ; pj,y|,.;ry witn tl.e>c ot ihe Fs'is Ci'y Fouildt } . e.* 
,r . r .li e »i 'i "I 56 niur-s It nil '.he oi y ol lo nave a full ami C'lii'.piete assoi""' i t • t ‘.loves, 
...e, on I ii v...Lf> of ri.,>d';. e- k, linieN'.i'h Gr-;c*, Ht'liow-wbre .-'lui ,. it;, n- cf c;l Lii ''* lor • "ixll I 
;J VI. e uioi'i-e, Oi.d I III !e .Soilho t-iS.rr - ^ j^,}, ,, OPH‘'l,iT I', •. CG-Ieii.- r\ i O. ] 

Nevci fs ;ng -pri g> •nJ ,*.cut, of slowk Wolsr. | b. — Ae are llie etciusf.e. ■- auu < > i.u( i& i I tne i 

Isoidhb; J I 3> e- -p.lCt'-loi. O i “ herd iiCkiaC,” *‘1 tie Simr .”»mi l*ie -'igncfU 4:'ty.”., I 

1 Cr.tei. for Job Work oar; be k:. at .\o. 'J3 juuiUi ol, a rncrc-.-gh .Academ'Cal Kdur.tion, a 

Tfftuli't aSa'ssCoI jifT ii ill ^ ^ ivH Au^inctTs^ ana pToJi* 

~~ ' *“5i. 1. : i-in I cicl.'J :n ./ duv'iisf pursu: 's. 

All O.CerS prOILt-L.y a.ter.-jei- to. JVlo l / .m. ar* nm ..nia tanoht 

JcSOdilcwti Phlia'Jsiphia. 

37* Ur. A. J. Vanderailcs — i fCcc No 101 Preston 

J. M. ttittJCUKNI A; t'tl., 

'^t*9am PlanltiB Aiillaud Kaildtrs’ Wureraoias, 
..'Vpclk Lumber Yard, Sxsn, Door, amt Blind Fac- 

M lory. Flooring .Mill, Dry Goods, Starch, iji|j|r; 

and .Soap Boxes, -SaoL 

Nortktide of Main, keiiteen Pirttnnd Brook ttreett, 
Louisvillb. Kt. 

virio'Us otner branchtsol my family nave derive'’ from 
their use is really aatnnisblug. I now strcugiycommead 
them to all luy fnenJs. 


The Pllla sbO'Ud be used conloiotly with the O.itfmeBlin 
most of tbs (ollo'viBg cases: 

Bed Lags, Gunt 

Had Brcasla, GlmdularBwelUngg. 

Burns, Lumbago, 

Buulons, Pile-r, 

Bito Ol .MoBquUocsBndSacdRho-umatiam, 

Files, SCBlils. 

Coco bay, Koie .NIppiss, 

Ctiiego t :ot. Bore Tbr^a’a, 

Chiibia ns. Bklu UGeasss, 

I'hipps.i hands, Scurvv, 

Corns, (S'jft) Bore Heads, 

Cancers, Tumors, , 

rnutriated and Stiff Joints. Ulcers, 
viephauliasls, Wouuds, 

Fistulas, Yaws, 

SOI ! at the estiVlshTieatof Professor na’loway, 84-; 
fttrand (nearTeiiible Bar, London.) and by all re -pecia 
bie Drugr'Sls au'l Dealers m Ole.JI':lnea through .ut tne 
Krititb K 01 pi re, snd of thorn of the United .states, iii 

i'LUlFlEU OF THE BLOODi: tALLAb ^VlM'LR I j\ Al FA i (j.SI 

SIhCKI^sII’s LOi'ftNViLL.K .?§.% rcKfci* 

Compouutl Sirup ol Stiriapurilla » fenieola. 4^ i / \ ^ I | j I 

rpHlSCompouBdcontBibsmureactive ruediucalprop. \ y \ F | ■ ■ I j M 

X eiuestbsn SUV other ever inrrocuccd. Iicmubii.e- ..Jt.,. .... . • 

the iiioai powerful alierativea, geuf.e lagaiives, auu I CLoritt vr i '^* wu 
jcertaiD tunics ever pul togcinar from the vegetaolt , llctiiii. u is itih— 

liseiflCACy can he attested by a Dumber of pnysiclans LllllPll iSliltPS i-ioihiUS lA QfthOQ.NC* 
woo ha-.'e used It in Ihe-.r practice ! u iku rttv ; kudiiom TtIK t LOni'.Nu a ;ie ;b u J. i. 
can be better relic'l upon than tuose w no have used it. warra.ited to be better , m m-V*. 
i We might here the names of aou.e of the mo.*i E«:er; woVk Wm u *A! 

I retiihle citizens .11 Lout, v'lle. We offer it to rhe pubiic, ^ ‘ 

1 n«wg conti'ieui that Its own intrfasi* iportA w ilt 00 for il SUYEIiSOP 

I wbal certi.Acsre* have lone for others READY wMAnt*' Oi f^iTUIKJ/> 

t Dr. Bull’s Sarsaparilla, at one time, was lutroJ'jced ^ ' IvlMUt oCO I riinlCa 

I Into sluiOHi ewoiy family In Louisville ano Keutuesy. ,wj ,'*!!?* '**'**^ '”,“* ' ‘**'5 *•' -'’-c . Cooua^ from 

I but eip'ir'erce, tre beat le-icher , has laughl iher.i that , '“-■bri'tDt s waiieii’r-j L. be sour d ami pciicct . 

the ail-heaUng kaim bad uoi then beeii toiroouced. P“ thi-er i-. ie.*ue*icd t-j is.ara a, 

I Dr. BlaLkweil.s-reliig the Orhe-eney, hat supplied it. -ber ex-nsrige or te'U'. i atuf,cy. 

; and fee'-scontideni that h:^ :rirnd hull ** 111 not foi one CrknrttrNT T\«T av*/sV« mB 

muruent. seek lo conirc'Vcrtit; Will you. Loctoi'i Uou’i klU LA Jf AV4CACUaulS 

I 3*y yet! .Ars pa.i.- •• aiiy II.-..CU w «.••. i.-, x -uah ms 

j This Compound is reconinieoded in every ca*e of !m »'oC- heio. e n astng i. eir pv ... n, 4* j ,ni seti-'-iefl 
I purity of the Blood. It is uuiqutded in i*3 aiteiativr ln«t 1 vac self them 1 LoTlll >G .1 -d pet vent, lowsf 
'and purifying effects lu the foil. '**; l« i::,e.'.s<?s, ind than au> other est-h.K,. men. W .ncouii'r* 

I 0vWbrlaM« r*rihr>kai»dsns4A>sl fr\r fSara*tn'4 a.r Warii a /wns * J • 

I reiiihle citizens ,11 Lout, v’lle. We offer it to rhe pubi'c, 
1 news conti'ieui that its own intrintu worth v. ill uo for it 
I wbal cerri Acsiea have lone for others 
I Dr. Bull’s Sarsaparilla, at one time, was lutroJ'jced 
I Into sluiOHi evo.y family In Louisville and Keutuesy. 

bui eip'-T'erce, tre best le.ich«r,has them that 
I the ail-htaiing kaim bad no: then been loiroouced. 

I Or. Blackweil.s-eliig the Urhe-eney, bat supplied 11. 
: and fee'-soontident that h:^ :rirnd buii *tili not foi one 10 cunirc-vcrtit ; will you.Loctoi'i Dou’i 

specially rccommecded for Sii.jlu s or King’s Evil, 'T’U,- ft « i- 

Dy.spepsia Female lomplaini", ^we:.inx of the Gauds, 1118 vQS.OlIl LfeDSFlrnprit 

Syphilis, (kc., 4c. Firss.ewh .vsa.eari.' r, vi-dVAll, 

V.AUOH vN .V BL.ALKV.KLL, " !h V ^ * *“ i- tiL-l 

XX ocmcas, V. Ill; maty !iivj rue * 

ted'cbi .aic. Tat-y 4 ,0 k - P a h-e as.-jiiment p| 
of 1- Ue) Good!-, ahicn li. y W'li sel on a-c .i imn Uling i 

terms. I he r :.'.jCi; campri'icJ; ever* triiiie usu : 

All) -..J 1.. D ug .-iioics, consisting in part or tne lo.l.w. ■ 
lags li*-ies; 

Ali oicers prompUy attei.dec to. ivio 


lll.'K li»N4;iu A l'«». 

I'u.e M dern Fn.-cirn Lineuortt are hot only taught 
the rcl'tn"y, tiut » so p-nefc’/lu. 

I XI.l MCsLt TUB Guaxis LaNOCAOZ. zxclc- 

sivBLV, IS sroKx.s aT tmz Gcbxas Table; the French 
at the Frbncb 'I'aclk, Natives or Germany and 

bivelv, is srpKz.N aT the GERMAN 1 ABLE. THE rRENCH j bcir testimony lolae excellence ot the materiafs 1 
j at the French 1 aclk, natives or Germany a-J® • »nd tne 'vork Joue hy them. Their builders’ 

! Fiiani K rr.EsiDiNo, and NATIVE Waiters AT-iENOiKO. By .,|,4fgfuonisc.jutain a very arge sssorioieiit ot Doors,: 
this arranzemuui Uie .Siudeul, in a very short lime, ac- , i.vinJow Sash, and Venetian .S.buUers, which we have 

PPlCB HOURS, PROM v >1) AF". HK NOVBJ’BMr ■ this arranzemuul the Sludeul, in a very short 
Ih IST.k t.v TO 4 r* M. i quirck a pow cr Of speakiug the Furoigh Lauguagea 

THE HAIL.2.\0 SBS4(F. 

Low’aB- .w .Wiadior.Sojp, Fiver’s Lunrale, 
ri ey do, Fsiii.s Co ..y-ie 

Ejj---rei;’i «■ roe’' do; F rer’. .-•iF-phir.s; 

Dj /..luaDJinei Iv-Uiectl’s ».a; 

L Ih .1 s Ex'' i.iSi 

F..ti’S .a. 

Fo.'t ilo.'.l.s:-*: 

Ifufft I .Ji - ..da , Corahs; 
ivuiy c'.iit: leain tia; 
Fyiig -r.’. . 

■Wawf’ i aetii Soap; 
Tests Blushes; 

N A 1 Ua; 

•.'.otftes uo( 

H- r do; 

Fa.-u es; 

Cold Ciram: 

F. Ter’. .->aFapbai<s; 
iv..u:>jutl’s t.a; 
Low’s i'o I'SlomS; 
Jsv lie’s U... I'ou'.c; 

Do If A.r Dye 
Alexa'i .er’s , itcobi 
VVkx Ve.-ls- i 

j quirck a power of speak lug the Furoigh J-*“Khagos , 

Willi flueiicy. - . . ... i will bear favorable comparison with any wort of the 

I I hi; Prep .rat -ry SekooflB unuer the iininedla e ch»rge | we have ever seen. The perfect machinery 

1 of Dr. Gt-SME hiiUielf. All pupils board with and Uve i ygeji t>y these geuliemen will .uake as gdod work akauy 
;ii- Dr GiieniE’-i.wi. tamily. „ , .a donebyhand. TKMFLK GWATHMEY, 

I 1 tie enjiUH g ftcssion wil! commence OD Monday^ the | ^ KOBKrtf Sf KW.'iHT * 

’ 6>h day ol Be; icmber next. I o qTlKPWALT! * 

I For lurtiier pirLlculsm apply to Dr. .S.OUKNTZ, . niDKOV SiiKYOCK 

' Pre .'drill of Siielhy College, Sneibyvilie.Ky. 1 JOHN M. DEL PH ’ 

sim rioxrs. jaade. 371c..8rc.. an I «l 6<> erch. Waol.-sai- by ’ _ ,9^ “V*** 

Northtide of .Vain, keiiBeen Firti and Brook ttreett, principal Dr'jg h luses in tue Udloti, and by Measra..\., Botanic DrUo»iaU. N >* si I niid street, 

{jQDisviLLS tt dt 0 Sandit Ve*v VorK ocuweco xfArKea %^itu jciTefsofia 

t pHF. undersigced^oiikieis Aud‘ pr’actlcal mechanics j . C»- Tueie IsV coiuideraVs saving bj takingths larger i ^ aiid bVw* j’ ‘l‘^rdwvll*Mai’n '«“ie^“^be'w«i 
1 oftheciiy of LouisviU^, have exainiued the work ' «*es. ..... , , Ja'kaoc and Hauc'oek ’ i-osIidAwf 

mxnulacturedintae eztensi'je FUneliig Mill >f Messrs. ' B. DirecUonafor th» goi lauce of pa’.ienia In every Ja-asoc and Haucocr. .^audA 

J. N . BreeJeuA C j.. of this city, ao'l with much pleas. | disurter uie affixed to ev-b Put. oci3 -lA w __ . 

ure bear testimony to lae escelfeaceol the materiafs i uio/i lo a v 'raii.'n 

used, and tne 'vork Joue hy them. Their builders’ , rtnej i Kic.u j 1 .A.. , 1 '4/ 

•wareroomscjutaina very arge assortment ot Doors, : •Uhsq InUfl IliaVllP RpIDpHtI ’ a, . JS i. 

WinJow sash, iiid Venetian .Shutters, Which we have X lUO lUVcHUaLllC nciUCUyy , P— fc - — S /T \ 7* 

carefuUyexamiaed.aud do not nrsuatc-.o say that they i AND WOULD NOT PRBFKK IT TO ALLOTHBBSt rr F ■' < a ;7 \ 7 

will bear fivorable comparison with any work of the I I' e-.HtC % Kst |rOK I'i', jjy 

VAUOH »N .V BL.tLKV.KLL. .‘L. u . ces',5 i an eipe .-.i,. -j .n..B of 

BoUuic DruggisU, N >. hi I bird street, J. V I'-Gc-cn- »■ 

between Mamet *i.d Jefferson. a ori' i " '* * 

mr by Bell. KobU!.son * Co. , .No. io3 Mai'se ^ * •••'■ * « >“*• 

•’.reel, aud by W. J. LardwvU, Mam siree;, be:-weei o.Vh i 

......I .-*u e-. Uil will be ICUCU ICC Airp-tass,,!... , ,.r 

tj HEUMATIbM, Tumors, Faiiisiu ineJoiuU, White | 
£V Sweil'ug, Heru'.a, Pile:,4c.,in h-utn, and Bighead, 
PuUevii, Fiatuia, Swelled Uoughs, S'ire Back or tmuUi ' 
ders. Scratches, W iudgallNii. horses, the Mange to D-ogs, : 
and many otner diseases of Man aud Beast, Neuralgia j 

Do Da r Dye ' mastcrl} mauuer. lellci Omifii p m n all kindi' ■ . 

A!cxa'’«,i,cobar.b; i Sn*itbmg done v-.-rl rioi.iri* r»v *i:d do 

Wks Vc'ls- i patch. H M F A U, 1 b rd s.., Stimgl; niySdArlT two do r* loitK.I p..!d..rtce 

■ .lecvt auu uj ▼* • .# • aM«iu •vivckg iic.wcct „Af a.* #%.k w * 4 «,.it a ^ **«ir«v*- 

Jackson and Hancock. ep3U(3*wf ‘'t-osiisarM.iLeLiol 

- ' Ciuin«, Ut .*1 *src' • aoii u» ibr» 

jOk N Lnie»l and luowi uppioYed Style*, 


^ t ^ in ' 1 --n coe-.Ai fi, i. tcivi. g g;o,., o, tue .a -.s, Gsfc 

t ^ -Jy \ / :o> a tnrou.ho'u. int seas i,. 

a m jaLc— J a_ Gjiitienitniie;iiOus o’ rep errhir* tbeir wirdrcbei. 

"TT uid -I'l well to caL hefers oiA.\lng t.-ie.r sc aciIu. a 
elsc*.Lsie. Ko'neraber 3u per etni. can be saved by 

LOUISVILLE coiiugaune 


Teem F« ode I Si 

Gl-.iin’s Teem raste; 
Wngn'sC .aicoal uo; 
Lip .'^AlVt; 

C'AsU.e 8uap; 

Paiui uo; 

Aliiiuiid u(i. 

Tney a.-to seep a lot of well vciccted unc! valuetne 
Paleut tleJtciucs, *uco a»— 

Fah'ici 'J.k’s Vcti-JAie; Ayer’r Cherry Penorel; 
.McL.oc’s c % 1 i.o np«!3!i'* tye 'A'ii’er. 

N?r»s aaJ Bone L.mme-.t Rugers a S’.nip Livcrwor. 
Mustang do; cd i «r . 

ti o*n’-' ExtraU G;. *er; r.a.i’a SAr<^ 
H-Mi-ier’tdo <Si, Dr. Hoofiini’s Geimac 
Ai .M Aon s >< :xir Op.u n i B llaiA, i!"., 4c. 
q'uey ani» *rn n.-ii ; a wetl- -elected vtock of Li 
qu tit 1 0! . :C ‘icnti pur. o-as, cc- sf jiig of |iul.- ('Agnac 
Bran J,. pure Oil Foil -v N'K-riy; Madeira. *c 
k-g >1 .r A' TO * ‘V Kl.VGtjl)..D 


H aving : -t letOLeo lioi-i lUe Fa* e II < I’les, I ill 
. ' ts atGi.f.op 10 » new .oip'y ol vV.^li UHS, 
JE A Fd Y. skd .'-IDVFh-'v. All r , which neve been 
celp! r.i witn special caie, of Ihe latest hiyu-a, eucl are 
"fleied < n lea-onAh.e ten shy 
. q» Vt'M KKNfiRTK, 71 Fouilh -t. 



gothicTarcade. i 


%% liolesuie and Keukll. j 

I Qotexcluded.areassertedashAviDgbaearadicaliycured ; ;riR£i/OU£i.'.432a3riAttde .Vai«itr««rAalir((B3<aa \\[ i I) Ml 

{ bythe Bagllsb Home Linimeut. Ycs.thcuaandsin Ken* I and Setenih; l|/ Ik F I 1 1 I I ^ li ' 

»» xi iiio ii u u o JL . 

.Giileau r»fu« I.ia 1 a.u HuaurKu, 

sieetstbeapprobatioL of phyktcians.raimers, farne.s, ' be found al anyone house in the western country, cum- a.aui.»i»ic, Ky. 

indstableheepers.and no one has yet pronounced unia- , -rised in part aaf-oliows: couu.iy.cum 8HE.4M..N p. WhaLUr. Fropnetor 

vorably of lu curative powers. More iuau a nundreo . 1 MlinhaBUni-BA rnr vnn,i »uSl dtf ** 

Jozenhave been sold In the last monih.showiogthaithe I '*"^1 * 'V‘Va.t ‘tao*a,for woodorcoal, » 

several sizesi 

1 iI.aaBe,for wood or coal, 

a.auisvitic, Ky. 

BHE.-tAl.AN F. Wti.kLlAr, Fropnetor. 

• 3» W'M KKNfiRTK, 71 Fourth -t. Clothing also made to orrier on theshortest notice, 

IF ‘ * .vH--Ie* a.M i vffee sets; 1 of the hesl materiaU, most 

D'7;W Fi;ch«T«, G :bl« ta. 1 1;,-)-, FufA;, -pjons, •Vc., F AbHlONABLB 8L\ Lb, 

4c , of taie.-it nyifs, tr-e iioat Ol wu'Cii ate made 1 at MODKICvrfc afvU CNIFGD31 PK1CB8. 
to ..1 ler,aud werranud good __ ' Importeis and Whole-aie Dealers in Fl.ith*, Cashruercs, 

... . K'r.’sUK IK. : Vestiugs, and Trimmlnst lor Cioliiiers, Country 

i: Lyo:d Oo’d aud f:iivertiVfr at ti'ghe-t rasa nne rs. | * iieichar.U, 4c., <kc., 4c., 4c. 

WA iCrst.K. «!}i<>«'U.i* Am* J*1.U i;i KA |Y'TBSSRS. codes, GuAShR, 4 to., the Propri- 
THF !‘>'i<cribei would reapectfali; inf*irm hi* etors of ihc above nan ed e^^kbl'.^hllleo insolicit 

etors of ihr above nan ed e^Ubl-.sblllea in solicit 

ane (or the dead, would c li the attention ot tne public llruBgists generally 
to their great 8u eiioiiiy oyer ihe rorimon wood Coitin Pre'.-ared ny the 
now in me, for all seasons of tue year, V'ault pui poses, Karkeistieeta. 
trausportaiien, beauty stylo of 6i i»h, and durabiiiiy — 

They are unrivaled, and V* here ver the* btve tiecn intro Price 30 csniafo: 
duced it has boon to the total ezU'jsion of a:i othei Cof HAlf pint, and il fo 

ruErists xenerariy.' Stoves. 90 different sizes; 

Pre'.'-areu by the proprietor, corner of Tenth and •’•rlor •sie*ea,( Air-tight,) foarsues, new aadoeaa. 


J. 8. BHTTISON, Apothecary. 
Price 30 csnisfor quarter pint bot'dea, 60 cerrisfor 
naif pint, and §1 for pint buttles. A vary liberal dis- 

- I cor.k k'/maT J .neof of JEWELRY, WATCHES, an-.’ CLOCK; 

■ sr-n.' ''IT sale, to -able h he invites the atte-tion of 

( EiOV AfsO Wt’SITKKiV L-Sikti. ) ff. B . .4 |l irnrk is warranted foi one >ear 

O N THh CANAL and K»VEK,trare» New York | J. J.HIRBCHFITL.L, opforit* A p !lo Rorrms 

anl fvuffi>lo '.Aliy, ruuuii.g ic counCctibU wUt ; Jit ■ f*'f ■ ■"*. ”< ** Main mhI MbiIh 

Bteaioe-s *-iU rr .pe.i. r. on the Lakck. No tranship- , — — — — — - 

men .♦ .sis* •* ui I roj. j U. F'Kijri GkJK, 

« -!2b i! eacD OAs: ’o-.y lnsi;red. „ ^ o • • T'^E'LFRln Boo’s, ^ .vies ci. l KrTg-m, No. 80 

Frcaf"-t'i b — K ica. < l are 4 Co., New York; r. L L/ F .unb --reet. bet'acrn Main and Maikrt mieet. is 
BTkHvaaxo 4 fo .ba'fa'o. j in tne rec> ipt of hijfDi •nj winter ii ocK, consistin 

ror Fr ir.. jf Fa»s.-Be -pp'.y to— „ „ . l psrtasioilow-: 

Rite, -LAPf V C 1 Coeu;>e. ft..- New Yo*k; . fioe I'-aU Boota; L-dies’ FiUi an.l Wo- 

Ctia-Las A. Poi-ena 4 C-r*., Ihl I'ler. Aihai'y; GaUers and hi'.f Gal'e 

F. L .Ti;*i.»srao -u wO., ooruei From and Dock sU.. do ( kif do; Lad e»’ French -Mo Boot 

BiffAlo. ; Jj do Kip d'*; d'o rto co Ltjsh 

Tbomas A'k I Bins, Ja., TcleJo; j Yooti.s’ Cal ard K r RPOta. do Kl'l and Enara 

N. dlTCM-LL, I'lncii.natl. a u. A .Mrii’sCi f and K p Brov .Iii; FclsaS; 

•1 ifk <* .ck-tg'a • - T. 4 W. Lite, and ah.p da*iy fron. ; itn-s* do *-o do do; Vis ■*-’ bl e, green 
Ho.3l C-ACi.oet S;lp, *e« Y’ork. I V'oulh’< do do do; l..«'ii g i.a-teiB; 

■:jPr^r- ignt by in.i Hue !■•* ..e* er delayed fo* wan* of ; ^..,ykP,kr Mis es Mo Buotsf i; 

fac’lttirt or atientioi!, and coniratta are striciiy a;'. Ch'Mieii’s do, all qiaiitieB; 

heredto. u », The public ai<- leauectf lly Invited fo call, and he 

We H;Ve seen appo'-r.lcd agenta for the above Line, : j .yj, them borh ic quality and price, 

anl are -•e*Al¥ to make co*iiaiu ei.d receipt tbrougb j oty ,'3,n 

I tifulpallern; 

Iroalug, rroakay,ita*l Kmaklla *<iaTaa; 

I Together with a large and naadsAimeasaortmentofslI 

;t.he Utes; and moat fashiotable MANTEL GRATES, *«cAuiue.-. ffoiu.i or. v.eaimei viiaay au/««a 
enameled and plain. .joac ul iietiia.; a;l of l -Miir, nsi .len*. aa- 

.4110, a complete stock of Tin, Cspper, and Saeat -<n!Aa.Ck—cui;L* tue most‘avevaAe affeiteycai- 
1 Iren Ware, Japanned and Placished Ware, ic. *aus. siuiuetu > ra-.ul-. laecoco- 

: Otkdif WRIGHT* BHlDoEPORD. Tj. .4s a proo: ul tie Doct...-A ai- ::G -_u ,eo.a* »ij 

— .edeiiaaeiae core of a:i pauenis wiuu-j., ex- 

\ ’’’ X \1 ' I N X ^ 4 |> -eptitstaeci.o: o 1;L4 osufiiLe, lemiuiL# Boiee ut*a 

X.M IaVT \ ■' 1.'. -fur me reito.aUau of taeix a.f;E...uuiSv faiigaii., 

W »QQr— ai DDI F' F' 6 4CnoBlolacpaue;,l’sciinu o ic. bei:e ' ICccieii-A'f — 

/4r\rTlir>l DrViVJllJI 9| pruicipi., epou waica Dt. Vauderaf:c« toy: 
^ ^ ^ U qP lined ! n aliCBses wl'iu ais prac tiCk . 

finwir aw>i az-iii'i'se xviet' %’iNRnxR FerAOuaarCiCUo with baliiwua,4c., 4c., caa aave 
CinRil ANJ W*IIIK WINK elNAl-AK, aaineQi!relyri: jovcu tuo i>eimaueuUj cciau w.i.;0*it 

651Malaat., bet. Bl 00k anii Ployd, 'Sm. TaoMseadauiperMEtaavcJec-.curedhyDr.V.. 

4ndcanSe4Mest;a.oi:> toaG -^'-eder r-j.»ucce*k. 

Louis. lUc, K.ciucky. y«m«ie* suffering wita irregcidrifies, uer-.*/us..esB, 

I S prerared totnpply a pure articie for and, 4C., can a« poriaaMcoU>cc»eubyvx«i,e»i. 

uM< Ksa. at wn oesrie to any qjantity. at IuwcaI cash .eLtuiDr. Vandaiailca. Ladies, let auscrcples nor 
priten Dealers generally are le-pecifuliy i y'ted to alee de*ica.;y hihuer you fru-o-appiyiug in proper pci- 

examine h't Vinegar a d ccmpire prices n<7'i:T un. when yoa ceu be eorsaoiiy rc-.uireu toli.ait!).'^ 

rar. ir‘*T I- - a T L« » v- r* D i. ri> ,Ti wueojek af a pecudar caaracic: ate guaramced tc ba 

WHOLhbALL AND RKT.-ML cmoredic • row days, r*dlrai;y. .iitaomorfeasiye Oi 
_ , , Ill •a‘«ie»‘<-*5aciedlciue. Lr. V.beiug •»!»•:! j sue ceea- 

\pw Drv liOOllS rAStSbiiShlllPllt! ‘‘-‘'‘■^‘.•'’**“«®"'Fr«Lce,.aiuei.‘.4aoa;diaT*c;cca 

ilCW E'lf vJiriniN toSaUDii*. iiiULua* .i:4tandmonej,to*ay uothlci o* icxtaty *»i B*:nj,by 

_ , ~i XT ~ CSa.— — Jlvl«5i>D-i»-caxiy cail. Be wartacta ts all. g*. B-at; 

J^UTKOe B riew XOrxS Otore, -er a«-»«vcre and ion* aunoltgi.uiai nave bean, • 

_ . .aorougb cars, ornc pay. layaiide; youiti-tictcreat 
N. K.COsN KKOFrulitD.A.’iU M.ihKiir » T---., jjc apply lo Dr. Y. al once, who hastaa proper iue4t 
Next !• Whaiey’a f. •* ITo'.hiag Warckou-e, inesu) meet allcasaa. 

kt Dr VaiideraiitebegsleaTetoeayfarthei.inaikeaei 

uoi]isyii.LB, KT. mh.almremediss prepared in ascieutific sad vkilfa 

N OW open with upwards of five hondreJ caset ol larner under hlsowu eye, to cure eaca kod ai.uueasas 
Foreign and Domesjc OtiY OGOOS, am-ng u w ales nizaUeiiaon ha. been so toe g dlroctcd, wlih 
which are — oflJitacUocx how touaetham; teeraibiaihvaitdsfioa 

40 casea .lark fant-colored Prints, from 6^ to i9c; j sections of Ue country, by addioaaiiig siclui.pos 
10 do Musiin da LGnes.fTom 64 upwards; Iho docuii.sisiuih syrupUuri, 4c.,an0 eooioo- 

BleachC'l aod Brown Muslin*. Iroiu 64- up; lug atce.caoawvi. advice auu mctUclLaaentthea*. 

Cioths, Cassimeres.Jeaos. aud Twre-s; XTOClce Bouisfrom 7 to 19 o’clock. A.M..aEd 

Assorte-J colors Fienvit Merinos, ParamaUas, Co- . fiou) 3 to 6 P. M. 
burgs, and -\tp.iccas. ... Mi^The Doctor may •• foaadaiaAitlmaahyaxajalo- 

Alao, a large lot of plain Black BUks, of tho boat ingtzg uewspapera. 
makes, trom 7*c up. j^rOflcx No. ti)l Praai(tBS4iaet,hatwsocuieabaad 

i hangeable Turk Sailni; Wainat. lavUdd*** 

Plain aii'l figured Satin de Chlcn; — 

French Biucauo.ln patterns of tba latest styles aad NTBA-HUOAr .AUKMC V. 

nebest designs. , ^ 

Alto, while Crape, rich embroldereil Thibet, and other *•■•■*>«■ .... a. caxphai-h. 

itylesof Shiwu. Alto. a large lot of Flam els, B anh .HOOKE * CA.MPEEI.I., 

I eu. and. lu tact, a general stock of good and seasonaole gggggiboat and Ueoorai Ageoi*., i osalaolM 

I Hivlog a buyer constantly in New York, we shall bo ' Forwardtog .Tierckaato, 

I almo-t dal y in receipt of new GixhIa; aoi we pledge __ 

.a, Fits.uropsy, Uyspcpa.a, Liver LompltiiiU, Plies, 

7lsiulaa,Gom, ■ihe.iuixi;aiu,.scro.'a.a, W aiUbwci lags, 

o-AeasescilAC aki.!, .Ivrvous AUecDocs, Fever atd 

ttbeiwitb alaigeahJ naadsiimeasaortmentofsll vcuo. Siift'..aCw.op>..t:ts, d,c.,*c. 

es; and moat faihiotsbie MANTEL GRATES, i ne AUXi-ejs iffiic.i Dr. V. ea* met vita ay hi 

led and plain ol tieaua; ail of 1,0x10. ns;. .m 

by t nercrlicaliv sivinc the m-Mit acrupolous attention to ' Coinns -nan not eii-eea ma 01 any otner ju,,*, ;&5,. j 

the leqnireniCLts ol thetr customers, they tope to ensuie *nH wm m’rn'ish Anv^nu^he'r'of'carTla*’ P'Ojeaor iJiUeway—SM: Your Pills and Ointment I 

lo ihe.useives a iaige amount of patronage. j HmaViD atieoGon sUeo to ***** '**’ Proprie*.ary 

GOTHIC .4 RCADE, j get ihit miv be desired. Feisoijal atieouon given to | jopne years, a customer, to wnoia 1 can 

181 Main street, between Foonh'suu F.f'h. j ?‘’o“‘aV, ****** «arirfmm **”^ ‘*** j fefcf ““T ir-qnliies, desires ne to let ycu know the | 

N B. Wd have engiged Mrs. -Marcus, an.i William ' “‘*“^*** nr,o „ pa.ticular* of her case. She bad hern troubled for >eais 

in tne rec> ipt of hlifDi aiij winter s ocK, consisting in N B. VVe have eng iged Mrs. -Marcus, aiui William ' ’» “‘**5^*** 

oMtasiotlow-: and Joseph Childs, as As istaiit Managers aud Couduc suit <vwti 

Men's fine <ialf Boots; L*dies’ FiUi an,) W’o'Ftrd loisof Departments, who solicit the palror.agr ul their Tates (tV aSiltUPA fttlii 
do ’o Kin do; GaUers and h I'.f Gal'ers; fnendi. au30d3m y x v 1 .tr.., h....,..*-! iA'»i 

do < alf do; Lsd e,’ Fier.vh -Mo Bootees: Second street, 

Jo do Kip do; d'i do CO llASkins: BO 4T STORKS! BAIlsTtlREw!! no'.v open agiia for the n^epo 




cinrfR ANo Wiiri'K wink %’inriiab, 

651 Main at., bet. Biook and Flojd, 

Louii.iUc, K.ciucky. 

i Jo do Kip do; d'i do ct> Ltjskins; 1 

j Yojtr-s’ I’al ard K r Roots, do Kl'l and Enameled j l\/ 

! .Mrii’sCa f and K p; Fclias; 1*. 

; Hots’ do co do do; Vis-eH’ bl e, green and , we 
I V'oulh’'< do do do; l..s'ii g Gs-tca; , wh 

i •teivirts’ Shoes; Mis es Mo BuotecS; 

L^m^sueetS\M*p^con8’a^Dy'*inD*h\ntf a**arM j season, in a varieiy of diseases, gives a^'oiauce that ^e she haii gieil redef. She continueJ t 

i»e%ctedlssoitiurnt of Boat and Bar Stores, fmong | Mtablisi.inent will he visited this year by a large number ,00 aithaugh she used only three th.xes. 

'.V open again for the reception of patients. The un.ier it ; fortucaiel'y she was induced to try your Pills 
;able successor hydropathic ireaimei-l dunnglasi me informs ma that after the first anJ aacn succeed' 


which may be found— 

for produce and mcicna' Ui » ot every deacrii Urn . 

apt 44 Wall st . tre twe^r, Man; and iivr-r 

NOIIaK T« mtfill'Kt'Mis. 


W Earepre,i«i ui > ri*-: laiougn receip <■ on Goods orwn F»1 Pa*h!or s al her ! Among their Bar Stores may be found — 

*a l •'r->*;u e Thi.rpedio .hew York, •’hiladelphia Mihinrry r-tan’l hmrnt on Pure Otard, Dupuy dr Co.’i Brandy ; 

and BV.tiuaita at reduced rates. Call and fee a list ot F ur h tUeet neir Jtjerten, Antoine Gearurea do; 

eurpneet. "***" ’a^S3C'‘t'r on which "cra«'on a vanciy Cnampagne do; 

J. C. BUCKLES & CO., U of Siik »nd Satin Die-* Bon Peach dO| 

feb94 Agents for U. LEECH 4 CO. JJ t V _ nrts.GImpsnl .Striw Boo American do; 

, . . TTTTT nf nets. lfii>l>,ins, F owera, Poa* New Vork do; 

Un i P’CiT UFTH V I kiMIlli i!^ll ^ tliera.4c.,4c..will be reedy Cherry do; 

ijUDir OCi r U Li i.1 1*3411 All Ilv/UOI> rur mspectiop, and ihall be Old Bourbon Whisky; MonongahoU d0| 

In nnaiititv nualitr X- nrivFl tn init lilf tiuifik. sold at such prices as cannot but meet the saliafacii »n of Holland Gin; Cora-’ion do; 

IB qUiiUlU), qUBlUf 4 pricci lU sun tUC inuca. I,„ oid Burgundy Port Wine 

~ ' 1 — Pure Port Juice; LP .Madeira; 

I Ct INIA'I’Hh'RS FOR CALIFOUXIA via MC.\IL\GUA! champagne, Clarel, and .Malaga winei 

• vA , i*Tx\- X LAT-oXvi.:?} I A general ass, >itinent of Cigars and Tobacco; 

S4ft fIBata Htreet. belwrea ’■erand nad Third. I TITTee Shortzst, CiicararT, aim HekCTUterr Roirre Together with oil articles utuallv kept in Liq'ior Stores. 

■ ■ . — I - - - They respect'ully iiivile dealers to Calf and examine 

MRS. H. D Ml HULAS Kalsina, 
has the piea'U''e of informing Catsups 

her tu'‘ti>nieis. and Laliea Colored 

of Lou'i:vi"e as well as -Iran- Citron, 
fers, that she wi I, i>n Saiiir- | In fact, eve 
(lay iiex .(Ocm er th*3i,) i department. 

esteblisiiment will he visited this year by a large nombei uieui.ano aithaugh she used only three b*>xes, the is! Vqiw IL’Y (Lllllld It ^ 

ol patieiita. i now In the enloymeat of perfect health. I Could ha*e I ^ " IM V UHUUS CiSltlilli.. llUlcill* 

Tne proprietor would, however, call IM attention o ypu many more case#, but tue a*vjve, from the __ - 

the Ir.ends of Hydropathy '.o tko fact that the early uterVy of the at:aek, aud the tptedy cure, 1 taiuk. IJTlTlgftft'B nfe’C^ YOrxS StOrC, 
Spring, before the hot Summer weather coinraenees, is speak.v much in favor of your astonisninf Fills 1 * 

the most favorable time f'»r hydropatliic treatment. (aigned) K. W. KlRKUd. 1 N. K.CUsNKK OF TulrtU A.iU M aKKET sl'-s.. 

Ofwn F'sl Pa*h!or salher ! 
Mihinrry fc*an!l-hmf nt on 
F ur h tl’eet neir Jtjerton, 
on w hich "cra«'on a variety 
of Si!k »nd Satin Die-s Bon 
nets, Gimp an I .Striw Bun 
nets. Ifihb.iiis, F owera, Poa* 
tlicra, 4c.,iLc., will be reedy 
fur inspection, and ahall be fv.’iDi«h Means ’ the most favorable time for hydropathic treatment. (aigneU) K. W. KlRKUd. 

u^/uf ' A large number of Bathing Rooms, for warm Slid cold 

PlL^Prulta lobster’ Butter^* bat ba. are also conoecuid with thU eaUblishmeul. EXTRAORDINARY CURB OP RHRUMATIC 

AlmonJa ^ * Sardine^’ Eem ’ For farther paniculart apply at the esubi shment, Ot FEVER, IN V.vN DIEM . IN’S LA.>D. 

5 Kalsina, ’ Macaroni, Brooms, tween'w^nut and Cnert^ e om s ree , be Copy tf a letter intertU in the Hok .rl Town Couritr,e/ 

S Catsups, Vennacella, Bxucea, mrl6dtf E^t AS f.4e l.l .l/oreA. 1831, ky .Maya/ A W«LA. 

I Colored Sugars, Riisseace?, Salmond, — Margiret M*Oo iidgaopaioeieea years of age. reaiding 

• . Cilruii, Ice, Kic..elc.{ \ arjsrLjjijri PTAVO-PORTB TATIOHT at New Town, bad been lurferiug from a violent rheu 

. In fact, everything necessary to supply the Steward’s SINGING « » vtD lUf i\lll\VIi’7 ^ ^ c f*»®f UP'V*'«»» of t*o months, which had en 

; I department. _ _ ... Or MAUAjIDi AdLA.uUu ILIi. tireiy deinive-J her of toe use of her limbs; du ing tin 

Copy tf a letter interlU in the Hoh .n Town Courier. oj ' °f*" '*';** ,“7**"'*!;. ‘*^15v H?Sr.r*^ 

t.heut.\iareh. 1831. ky .Vajor J. WaUh. ’ M V Potagn and Domesoc DkY OUOOb, 
„ ..... • » / I q^gich are — 

Margiret M'Oo inigaa.nioeieea years of age. remding ■ gQ ca,^, .lark faaucolored PrinU. from «* to I9c; 

at New Tow n, ba,t beea auffering from a viuteiit rheu Hj Musdn da LUnes, from 64 upwards; 

mat c fever for upwards of two months, wibicb hart en Bleacheit aod Brown Muslins, iroiu 64- up; 

tireiy do;rnveJ her of toe use of her limbs; du ing tin cioihs, Cs'Wimeres, Jeans, and rwre. s: 

peiiod she was under the care of the most enuneut Assorte-J colors Fienvh Merinos, Faramaltas, Co- 

medical meo in Hotiart Town, and by them her case was burgs, and .Vtp.sccas. 

ul MAUaJUu ADDA.UU«i iCxi. tireiy depiivej her of toe use of her limbs; du ing till cioths, Cassimeres, Jean 

iWTTin>iMi> M 4DA31E .A.begstoaunounceie^nTBajr,, peii'‘d sh« '*!•* f**® enuneut Assorte-J colors Fieni-h 

iSIMBita-t she has removed from tbe^^gO medical meo in Hoharfrowii, anJ by them her case was ourgs, and Atp.sccas. 

rfff||,.ountry into the city, and will de , -onsnlerea hope ess. A fileud prevalieJ upon i Also, a large lot of plain 

voteTbe Whole of her time to the INSTRUC’TION O.N 7? Ho loway’scelebra.ed Fills, which she co„sen eJ to makes,tronn*c up. 

■THE P1.4NO-FOKTF, AND SINGING, atihe pupils’ du, an I in s'o incrediela shorlapa.a of lime .hey affected i hangeable Turk Sa:lni; 

THE PIANO FORTE AND SINGING, atihe pupils’ do. an t in a'o incrediola of lima ihoy affected 

residence or at her own rooms, accoi ding to igreemeni a periact cute. 

TauMS — Forlessousln Singing or Plano* Forte, al her 

ownrooms, 115 per quarter; at the pupil’s residence CURR OP A PAIN AND TIGHTNB.S8 IN THB 

J b. MArHE-tSmoctrespectfuiiyinfoimshtafiiends . The New-Orleans and San Francisco j their stock, as they are determined to sed on arcommo- I 

k and Customers geuerally, that bifs'OT k utbe largest ' SKMI-MONTHLY 0-lirig terms. Remembei ihhl competition It the life of i 

In the West, ivub every grade of c arpylirg of foreigi ; m gjg t -1 a IkJT C XT T T3 T T "NT X' I tr»de. MOORE 4 CAMPBELL, 

•30. Pupilsukins lessons in one of the above branches 
of Musical instruction, will have to pay only j6 extra 
for heingii.structed in the other branch. 

I Madame's me’hodis ofthe pure Italian School foi- 
towert by allthe greatperformers ofthe day. 

I -J>r .4 [inly at her roomi, north side Jefferson street, 
qetween First and Second, next door to Odd Fe!lo*gz’ 
j Hall. lanndlv rewseSu 


From Mettrt. Thtw 4* proprieiert of tht Lynn Ad- 
wertiter, who esis emch f r the fillowing tiaiement. 
AMjwai 38, 1861. 

N. K.COsNKK OF TulRD A.1U MARKET sl'-s.. 

Next le Whaley'a I'. M* lTe'.hia{| Warckouse, 
Lomsvit.LB, Kt. 

TyroiV open with upwards of five hand'eil cases ol 

aud Jomesuc manufactore ;wi' bother bes-JlituI goods he- 
tonglago rMyiine, render it one of toe finest and most 
Co.up!ebceitah'.tsh*nentsiB tae country. 

The f Miowing Its part of my sto':k now on handt 
rtoyal Afilton,and Tapestry Carpetings; 

Koglish Brussels do; 

Bug.ista C ply aud 8-ply extraheayy do; In great va- 

■xuasipei ingrain Carpetings, to suit aUtastea; 
Cm ub Cloth, of ali widlaaand prices; 

Check aod plaui'itraw .Malting; Kugi; Door Uats; 

... _ .ail sA affK A%f vaiietv. aualitv Aniinrirgi. 


j Sleamshipi DAX’L WELTER & PAMPERO, 

O N tho line of the ,N-w A 
north of vVh'te River. 

-_i£da' leave New-Oiletns on the «'.h an** y most exteovive .ManuuciurerR and Importers, 
t ^TiY r ^39i of each m nth, forban Juan del Norte, ^j^^A'ATCHKS, JEWELRY. and SILVKKWAKB, 
wHilMiG&fNica^^ ‘^ADDCctiiig wiib Vaodeibilt’s fl A i ED GOODS, 4c., of the latest and most desira- 
Line ul sit«m!!hip> on the Pacific lor Ran Eiai.ilaco. hie styles that can be lounJ, wbica I ihall have ready for 
1 heie li hut 13 miles of Land travel on this route, ovet examination in a few days, 
a g-Mid road, wi'b co'Tiforiable meansof cuuyeyance, of JNO KITTS, No. 489 Main at., 

feiir.g in-lucementa superior to any other route fur lami te27 dtf one door above P<>iirth st. 

a gKid road, wi'b co-nforiable means of cuuveyance, of 

"" ” ”” 

“’jfS! sawiiKs. cJka , >=»- *'■» "'„»•*• /.*»«• S’fJ’T'SSl'.VoN 

erma. Kemembei ihal competition it the life of .a sm* > a nnit uru WXNX'KU storaacn, wnicn wa't a»sj accorapsnieo oy a snoriacss oi i 

MOORE 4 CAMPBELL, .300 1. 4 BOIlKK-s sv ^:s a k t* breath, that pro veuted me 'roiii wDkiiig abuut, I am B. We invite no 

Weterstreet. 3d 'loor fioin cor. Fourth. /'^N tho line of the ,N-w Albany and Salem Railroad 8t years ot age.anJ notwuhstaudiiia mv advanced state huye rs t-* call sn exsn 

north of White River. Tne highest wa;es, in rash, ofuie,the-e Puli hivo eu relieved me that 1 am de*i ; ' 

WATCHBS, JEWELRY, &C. wiilhegiven. Men -wanting enployierit will procure lous that oihere shoaU be made acquainted with their W JStax » J 

I XU . . 1-..I . iee„r, ,h. nf fs. ticKets to psss ovoT thc Toad by applying St iho umce in »utue«, I am now rendered, by their mcaus, coiupara |->n» tha TOT41 

I AM now selectii'g from the sUKki oahf ;gew Albany. , . ^ lively active, and can lake exercise without incou^ui- F^^war^che. Aot 

T^TC^KS 7r W h^K V ^ FHn Kh’ ®”“»races grading. » snee or psia! wrach I couid not do befura. f IcJ'eU VV.rrT! 

A Al CH KS, J KW KLKY. anu SlLVcKW A Kg, goory. 8«vcral heavy seciioiw wiil rcqjif# OriJicri fsiauadi URXftY COK -» * ! 

ID GOODS, 4c.. of the lateat and most desire- g^d Ous^y men thVuughout the winter. IMgneaj UKaKr^K, 

es .bat can be lounJ, Which I Ihall have read, for offinT.lfo?ia?rP: Irwin’s N_^h street. Lynn. Noriolk. tor for the^Ul 

ation in a few 400 «t **' *^' ^^ '*^ *^«^*B^*fi*^**/i ThsMt e^lthr^M Pill$ art wonderfully eficacUus im tkt Reference^**— Wa^hii’ 

JNO KITTS, NOe 489 Main 91., Radford Oct 4 N. A. dk S Railroad. .. **'^‘* .7'' . L '1 

Itf *t. D^iiy LouiaviUe Democrat, copy one mouth and tend a yua. ^ ^ Cwum Pm 

PXX. xanexxonn. bill toSe^et.ry of Railroad Co. .1 New Albany, oc^ j 2,*„%“p^'i^:r*"BVS.d . 

« - hew Alketty t-edser. Hllicus Complaints, Liver ( omplalnts, k.uU S<* lA Wx-hlncti 

No 73 Camp St. 

». a. or EXE 0X0. T. xaxeTxoHo. 


A ttorneys at law, louisvix.i.r. ky. win 

practi e in the Counties of Kallllt, .Spencer, Shelby, 


M r. WILSON, rac artlsi, no* the piea.n’e to an 
looi'-e !aa he h IS tak-o a room, (No 141 Lonia- 
YU e Hotel,) for a short uma, where may be eeen epecl- 

■tees •( . . <* 

Partraltnre la C rayaa. 

The last trip from San Francisco to this cRy Oldham, Henry, and Trimble 

w*s made by inis Line in tw«*ty oatsI 
New Oai.KAas. Sept. 1849. 

. LOU18VIX.I.R. Ky. Will ^ ..w o , oowei i/ompiainij, 

of Hullllt..Speicer, Shelby, ‘'**®““’ 

e. and Court^ Appeela. ^ Rstebllsbnwnt of Mr. M. 3TBVRN3, corner of ConaiipatliMi ofthe 1 
Second and Jeffe-son streets, will crt'itinne the busines; Consumption, 

• * T J. ' anJ (Hc pauiu, genrrxiiy. cnai tne rrearon 

These aortrnltt are «eRe as darabie oe oU painting and House has been great ly enUrged and Improyed.and U 

thalistn-sa-s . „ “®* thoroughly fitted and furnlahed. He Is fully pre- 

Rxetcheaof Ladies a*id childran taken at their place oi p«red to accommodate permanent and traniient board- 
faeidence when dealred. era. His bar is supplied with aeoest of liquors. Thank- 

***'•' at the old estahlithed stand. Their Oonfectlona, Fruits, u«biiity, 

esF^m m CABKIAOEN! Carriage .!!— as Preserves, Jellies, Ac., are of the best qiallty, and they Dropsy, 

■idhffTttB? iiiTr I I II III liiifj ii pledge theinaelvea that as none b^ the best worhiner 0y.cDiery, 

« wpp .. .*-, -„* ***^. NNNUJai-.. very low prices, ibe remainder of my are employed in their Bakery, and Candy ms'iuracturln^ Krystpelaa, 

friend. .Udiil?** *®®^® ,V’ h““6“nc« Jil* Ski—— S2— ,;i>cii, vlx: Coachas, Rocktways, Slide department that they ahill not be aurpotsed by any Female Irregnlerltlee, 
nd the rmbtic generally, tbat the Preatoi) |{ug,iei Rri-keea, Biggies with and without tops; house of the knd in the city. j,u..w Pevere of all hinds, 

ily enlarged and Improyed.and is hand Carriage# at Birgaini. Merchants, Families wishing anything mey rest •'wored that they p,(,^ 

«Mf«.itaaJ altangeraara InvlUdlo caU and aee. 

Of fo ?*'F'“t‘‘r “ T liJe^y «i;ie*?eipVr.®afo t^vaed fo wiKl”ye’'l*s"?JJ 

rul for the ^tronage “««;et''fore beitowed, he hopes to ^ Vork. made to order, of the best mete- those fond of good cream, may be tare of getting it pare 

_ iBeritacontInnanceof tbeaxme. o-r-rtr. ini- K.raiiin. aPBiur.RR ’ who urldea h mself on beln. o.7*o 


(Booexaaon to Joxn B- Hall A Co.,) 
Baetelde Third street, * ween Market aad Jafferaon 

L««uniu, At. _ 

Ol yoAisui «{(c,au.4 nuvwuniuMiuins my siAic i --.g ’ . - - ~ AXFllBK’ Sti 

of uie.the e Pull hive to relieved me that 1 am deal I T1 gt.ft rm 1 Tl a t-ftrf , George We!by,Lou!av!:)e; Foeda A XoiTis.dO; Iffal- 

loustbai othere ahuaU be luade acquainted with their » aw rw**w* aaMwv-a . j ;gte A Litbgow, do; Cal. Wm. hlwtila. Oo; Cineo, 

viilueo. I am DOW rendered, by their mcaus, C'jiupara- |-*oK THE TOT.4L Exiermihaiion ol Rats, Mica, .4’glnzos A Co., *is; Mdiei A UcOitiEis’, do; Pan. A 
lively activey An J c&a lAke exerci^ kvitnoul incouvcui- Cocnroecbei*, Aots. Groiiod Mice^ %lo!es Bect'et, Kurdociip Cincinnttl; ScutbsAte, HA^ihtn db 4e.»do| 
aiKe or imu. Which 1 couul not do before. CileiieU.Ac VVxrraoied oot tnjuiioui to the tauiuan i laxiah Oicaey 4 Co.,Pi!'.sburgh; Cept. J. bun.lselUni, 

(Biguad) _ , HENRY COB, family Adi not die in their nolea—alsi*xn exieinalua- , P. M. Tocher. Hamburg, Tens.: .4kasi.uri A 

North street, Lynn, Noiiolk. (m- for the t>*tal xnnibiUtion of BEDBUGS. , Dooobue, BevanaaB, be.; Terry A ^ica, >aatpcrt, 

... ^ . I j:y Principal Deti«»t. 443 Broadway. Miaa. ; J. G. Kchlbean , Paltua, d«; I ol J b. Bu*ck. 

Thttt etlekraltd Pillt ore wmderfnlly efieacUnt in tkt References —Wxshii.gtua and Centre Markets; Mr. Tascumbia; W. A. Rogers A Son. D* cator; f ( a peon 
feltoming eomtlamttt Hodge, Cariion Houts; D. D. Howtrd, Irviag Huoaa; A Pattaraon, do; Baiita A Brown, Gununvilie O 

Agua, lnfi«maaaUon, Captain Flowers. Facifle Hotel: Snei'ey’s Haloon, John- Greenwood, do; C Goohin. Florence. aeI6 

Asthma, Jaundice, ion propriefor. Broad va* and Anthony sts.; t has I b<* — — 

Hllicus Complaints, Liver * omplalnts, bault. No 16 Wa'dilngtoa st.; L. Deintonico. '36 Broad. ' Wwnlrin w Hnnoa* of O H. Monaorrat A <V> 

UloichesontheSkln, Lumbago, way; E. O. P iW*rd.5diior of the «on lay 1 imer. West- ^ . “OMArrai « KJO-, 

H«>wei Compltlnts* Kile*, chaster Hou'inp Bjwcry aod Broom# sis 4 W Hui'^ortoiip BTKKBrp LOUI6VILLK0 KT# 

I'holica, Rheumatism, .s^ Broome st , and 75 Maiden i,>ne; Rn>;Hre fTty T\B.4LS iu Drafts, Checks, and Acceptances; Bank 

Consiipatlonoftha Bowels, Keienilon of Urine, House. P. Y.K'ng.ll -ijuth st..4J0 Broomest.i Oeo. If N..tes sad Corn. 

CuDsurapaon, Bcrofuia, or King’s Rytl. Union Place; But) >min Wool. 4U McOougal st., BANK NOTPS on all the soiveut Baahela the UnRed 

Ikbility, Bora Throw, 1^ H. Hinase. 43 J >hn st.. and 3t . M >rk's Hlaee; TBom- States an'l Canadas bought at lowest rates of diac«o*il. 

Orupsy, mone and Orayei, as Th-jmas.jr., Archiuct,304 Broadway. DK A fTB. Chacka. and .Notes collected so all iho 

Dysentery, B^^ary synipfoeas, ry For e»ie hy Oicott McKesson A RoNn», 191 principal ciiies aod lows- o'tlieUBtua. 

Krysipelaa. Tic Oou-ouroux, M<i tee Une; Leeds A HxxirJ. 131 Maiden Laoei A . EXoHANOR oo New Yi»k Pbiiauephto, BalUmore. 

Female Irregniarltleo, Tumors, ^ ^ D. Bands, toi Fulton; C V. Cllckeiier a Co., 87 CiiM.iaBa:i,NcwOileena.MeoiphU,Nasaylite.oc .Ac., 

Fevers of ail kinds, U-cers. Vesey street; J Miikau.lBS Broadway; Chas. H. Ring, for sale. 

Fil*. oorocr Joha and Broi'iway; umiac A Co.,Wt Broad , LA.ND WAKRANTB.-WeareataHtliaeehoyl t wd 

Gout, wmww ui^nde, way, and 3604U1 A venue, aod »U tne wholesale Drug- ' eelling Land Warianta. 

Thtte etlekraltd Pillt art winderfnlly efieacient <• tkt 
feiloming eomtlainttt 
Ague, lnfl«msaaUon, 

Asthma, Jaundice, 

Hllicus Complaints, Liver ( omplalnts, 

Uloiches on the 8kln, Lumbago, 

Bowel Complaints, IMIes, 

Cholica, Rheumatism, 

Consiipatlonoftha Bowels, Keienilon of Urine, 
CuDsurapiioo, Bcrofuis, or King'e Bvil, 

Debility, Boro Throau, 

Orupjv, Stone and O'avel, 

Dysentery, Becoudary syiiipfoean. 

Krysipelaa, Tic Oou-ouroux, 

Female Irregnlerltlee, Tumors, 

Fevers of ail kinds, U'Cers, 

Pita, Venereal Affectione, 

(>out. Worms of all kinds. 

I, No 16 Wa'dilngtoa st.; L. Delntonico. '36 Broad. ; Wwnlrin w Hnnws* of G H Manaarrxt A fVx 
; E. O. Piwud, editor of the ■«on lay 1 imer. West- mxiucyuuh,* * 

Iter Hou-m, Bjrvery and Broome SIS ;W Hul-*erton, M.41N KTEBBT, LuDlBVlLLF, KT. 

'*^**^“ gists’ io the cny. ae l the pnnc ptl Druggists in the 

CAU.^p <kCe .... 

United States, Cankdas, West ladies, etc. Warranted pronely mada in sema le swit. 
Inallcasea. None genuine ualesa s’auei by INTENR-sT allowed on DvpeMfa. 

to Uke the morning train ol cars for Frankfort. 

WNI. ¥OinN«3~ ■ ' 

fTATlNG removed from htsformerstandonJeffersO 
• X streetto no.B8TniBDSTaBBT,weBiside,betnraa 

1 1 ior to none in this market — • . ..v , .. .. — - 

ocig A. W. MRRWIN, No. 39 Third st. OC^Pandliea and Partie* supplied with Confections, the Hritlsh Bniplis, and of those of the United Mates, 

Creams. Ac., le the city or country. All orden in boxes, at 37| cents, 87 cents, and St 60 each. Whole- 

NXTATXrrrn a nATIY 531 Main at_ promptly filled. We are thankful for the large ahare oi Mlebythe principal Drug houses In the Union, aad hy 

WAI* R . mt « JJA at,, cuatom *lraaH*haatowed. and bopato maritacontinn. u...,. a H A II. Kanda. N.w V. rk. 

those fond of good cream, mar be aure of getting R P«/« ^ Sotd’at the eeUhUehment of Professor Holloway. JlVl casee.**None°gwilna ualesa s’aaei by 

by calling on 8PRNCBR, who pndes himself on being 3tg, gtran l,( near Teuible Bar, London.) anl by all re- ‘“•-*'^“®®» • HB.NRYk C08T.4R 

the best cream maker ia tne city spccUbla Dmgflstsaad UealerBiB .Medicines tbrougnoo' oclld4m 448 Bros iway New Y >rl 

BS-ie u 


, Uiille. Ky. *1 atreetto ■o.B 8 TniBDeTaiBT,«eag 

whanTaTv ita foilai every description o Market and Jeffertoc, offers hie servicer tonhyiteians 
r.aiwvwaiiia Ckrtlaaes Coachee,and Buggies, anri tothecltixene of Looia villa, as LBBCHBR.CUP 

Md^cSie oo PBR.andBLBEDBR. 

, baaiaiyia,aiiaiws»w »r~ vnirii/i — «i— .if-««ni.jiaai«»i.«— —n 

IN their nsusl plea -ant way, off-r to the public a I znce oi the aama. 

custom already haatowed, and hope to merit a continu 

very ch-rlce selection of Furnish ng Goods, eon. i 
siiting of evervihtng requiMte In that line. We 
_l|jL,hav« taken co'isid lerable pains to got np a stale 
ot i-hirt that wilt render entire satiefhetion. We speak 


MRB. YOUNG wiUwaltnponladiesiBthesamellnapfl thnsfrom the report of the maty who bava trlei them. 

S^oSrtng loMsSt •* t*w*«^*«* •“*®*‘**” 1“ eooBtryeaipro. enr Purmlhtagj 

^dopemng AOM lAPDCI, ^ LMOllBS.jtt epM utocAgry Ikem MlhlyaBy piReeaalud. V 

IdMMM.kyAppliiBfMAfeorti aytldU 'faOXM. 

proud of onr euccaaa. Wa era wiUlog to aeii 
aithlogOoodi at nneh Um than the general 
kid. TtMUandesoUMgaiitoNyi MMToor 
MltdIW ‘ 


MY B want to hoy ONB HUNDRED NB 
GROSS, for whlek wo will nay the highosi 
caahprlcii, T. ARThBRURN, 

Messrs. A. B. A U. Sands, NeW Y< rk. 

Tnare is a aonsiderabie aaving by takleg tba larger 


N. B. Dlractions for the guidance of peUents In every 
disorder are affixed to each box. otidAwiy 



D. W. •sTKAOKIi, PrwRrtetwr. 

4 THBtabacriber would moat raapectfiiUy'nfDrm 
K hit friends and tka public Ia general, that he hat 
Ltaken the above house, end refl'ted aad famisbed 

selling Land warianta. 

REMITTANrES lo Rngiand. Ireland, and Sedtand 
prompily mads in asms le anlt. 

INTENB-4T allowed on Dvpesifa. 

R.4 N K aud Kailroed Moika hoi ght and aoM. 

OW* Offica hourafrom • A.M. tfi A P. M. lafurdavn. 
'romSA M.foSP. M. ociS 



■yd dia 

ra will nay the highastfl# , | I ' ~ 

T. ARTBRBUBN. ^ PINM Jewelry.-jMt r^lveJ a 
J. aRTBRBURN, X ml ••aorimeni of iKh Jawalry, i 

1». out side Plrrt ttreetT^ faeWonahW Mylei, feg wJ* ky 

t in a style second to none In the Waat. The locaUon |x7 a ww a •• oo. oaoaJ a. i 

large and V us iiH • onaof the heat In the City, being on Third airavt, he- Nt***R»wRr O A2ICI V/II»10Tyrf 
If the leteet aed n**» Market. h.t««a. Plwa nmA Be— k m>— rw 

.tatMdiB lUtkit tad JUMmne 


wu •an wiiaia grp aaoRT 

•rtho naU-hontiBillMloonpadKeUABfUBf. 

. iu1 dly 

Mwlint, bntwnna Firnt aod Brook MiooCK